879 resultados para fisheries bycatch
This study was carried out to identify factors that influence choice of fishing location and carry out profitability analysis of Chilimira and Gillnet in different fishing locations. A survey using semi-structured questionnaire was administered to 99 Gillnet and 101 Chilimira fishers in Nankumba Peninsula in Mangochi District. The logit model was used to determine the factors influencing choice of fishing location among the fishers. The study showed that 92.1% of Chilimira fishers are operating in offshore areas while 69.7% Gillnet fishers are operating in inshore areas. Chilimira offshore fishers have higher daily average gross margins than their inshore counterparts and Gillnet fishers. However, they incurred more operating costs than the inshore Chilimira and Gillnet fishers. Furthermore, they find their fishing occupation more rewarding as evidenced by the higher returns to labour. The factors that influenced fisher’s choice of fishing location were Age of the fisher, type of fishing vessel and gear, possession of motor sail engine and access to information about previous day’s catch rates. Finally the study concluded that artisanal fishers in Malawi use different criteria in deciding where to fish. The criterion involves a complex interaction of biological, technological, personal and economical factors and time. However, the resource constrained artisanal fisher will need support to enable him exploit offshore fishery resources. Consequently the study recommends that appropriate fishery development interventions by the government and other stakeholders must adapt to the economics and lifestyles driving the artisanal fishers to fish in particular locations and therefore, build on this foundation to improve the existing fishing technologies.
This meeting, the second national Fisheries Governance Dialogue, aimed to help stakeholders in the fisheries sector generate a shared understanding of critical lessons and pathways for fisheries co-management success in Ghana. This was a direct response to the call from both fisheries communities and the government of Ghana for a radical change from the way fisheries resources are currently being managed. The meeting was attended by 60 men and women from stakeholder organizations and communities, and commenced with presentations on co-management experiences from local, regional and international participants. This was followed by panel discussions to extract lessons that specifically related to successfully implementing co-management in Ghana’s fisheries. Finally, breakout groups addressed in greater detail some issues of importance to fisheries governance reform in Ghana. While fisheries co-management is not a new concept in Ghana, participants heard that previous attempts to initiate these systems proved unsustainable. A number of lessons were drawn from these past experiences.
Bottom otter trawls with cut back upper panels were tested in the fischeries on Baltic Sea flounder and North Sea plaice to reduce cod by-catch. In a first series of experiments on board the fishing research cutter “Clupea” the cod-bycatch was reduced by 63 %. The catch of flounder was by 92 % higher in the cut back trawl. The same trawl with the same experimental set-up achieved aboard the fisching research vessel “Solea” on the other hand a reduction in cod-bycatch by 69 %. The catch of flounder was 23,3 % lesser in the topless trawl, which was in contrast to the “Clupea” trials. In the second series of experiments with the same cut back trawl the splits were shortened to reduce the net opening height from 0,9 m to 0,6 m previously. The cod-bycatch was reduced by 86 % and the catch of flounder was 81 % higher in comparison to the complete trawl. A prototype made of stronger net material but based on the cutting and rigging design of the tested cut back trawl with the shortened splits was tested with commercial twin trawlers. The cod-bycatch was reduced by 82,2 %, the catch of plaice by 43,3 % and the catch of dab by 44,6 % in the comparison to the commercial used trawl TV280. The flounder catch was in the topless trawl 10 % higher. In the North Sea in the comparison to a bottom trawl TV300 the cod by-catch was reduced by 89,8 %, but the catch of plaice and dab were 54 % and 58,7 % lesser. In the next step was a prototype of a normally in the North Sea plaice fisheries used trawl tested with a cut back of 2 m only. The cod catch was reduced by 16,9 % but the plaice catch, however , by 22,3 %. Kurzfassung Schleppnetze mit verkürzten Oberblättern wurden in der Fischerei auf Ostseeflunder und Nordseescholle zur Verringerung des Dorschbeifanges erprobt. In einer ersten Versuchsserie mit dem Forschungskutter „Clupea“ wurde der Dorschbeifang um 63 % reduziert. Die Fänge der Zielart Flunder waren im reduzierten Schleppnetz dagegen um 92 % höher. Das gleiche Schleppnetz mit gleichem Versuchsaufbau erzielte auf dem Fischereiforschungsschiff „Solea“ dagegen eine Reduktion des Dorschbeifanges um 69 %, wobei im Gegensatz zu den „Clupea“-Versuchen der Flunderfang um 23,3 % im reduzierten Netz geringer war. In der zweiten Versuchsserie wurden die Netzstander am reduzierten Schleppnetz verkürzt, um die Netzöffnungshöhe zu verringern. Dadurch wurde der Dorschbeifang in Versuchen mit dem Forschungskutter „Clupea“ um 86 % verringert und die Flunderfänge waren im reduzierten Schleppnetz 81 % höher. Basierend auf dem Zuschnitt des erprobten Schleppnetzes, jedoch aus stärkerem Netzmaterial gefertigt, wurde ein Prototyp auf kommerziellen Doppelnetz-Kuttern erprobt. In der Ostsee wurde in diesen Versuchen der Dorschbeifang um 82,2 %, der Schollenfang um 43,3 % und der Klieschenfang um 44,6 % mit dem im Oberblatt verkürztem Schleppnetz im Vergleich zum Kutterschleppnetz TV280 reduziert. Der Flunderfang war im reduzierten Schleppnetz 10 % höher. Auf der Nordsee wurde mit diesem Versuchsnetz im Vergleich zu einem TV 300 der Kabeljaubeifang um 89,8 % verringert, die Schollenfänge waren jedoch 54 % geringer und die Klieschenfänge 58,7 % geringer als im Vergleichsnetz. In einer weiteren Variante wurde ein in der Nordseeschollenfischerei verwendetes Grundschleppnetz mit 2 m geringfügig im Oberblatt zurückgeschnitten und mit dem Prototyp auf einem Doppelnetz-Heckschlepper verglichen. Der Kabeljaubeifang wurde dadurch um 16,9 % der Schollenfang aber um 22,3 % verringert
This is the first report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 29th April, 1974. The report looks at sections on estimates for the anticipated income and expenditure on fisheries for the current year, the structure of fisheries in the region, and a list of the fisheries in the ownership of the North West Water Authority. Also covered is information relating to fishery and sea fishery byelaws, license duties and a summary of the current activity and the future plans for the committee. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the first report from the South and West Cumberland Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 3rd June 1974. The report includes sections on fishery byelaws, estimates for the anticipated income and expenditure on fisheries for the current year, and fish mortality. The section on fish mortality includes the details of a fish kill on the River Marron, gives points along the river where water was sampled, and the results of the analysis. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the first report from the Eden Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 4th June 1974. The report includes sections on fishery byelaws, estimates for the anticipated income and expenditure on fisheries for the current year, licence duties, the Nursery Stream Project and Holmewrangle hatchery. The section on the Nursery Stream Project includes the reasons for undertaking the project, and the details of the project. The section on the Holmewrangle hatchery looks at low survival rates and reasons for mortality for 1973/1974. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the first report from the Lune, Wyre and Furness Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 6th June 1974. The report includes sections on fishery byelaws, estimates for the anticipated income and expenditure on fisheries for the current year, the arrangements for the release of freshets to the River Leven in times of drought, and the utilisation of water resources. This section looks at proposed abstractions for the River Lune and Wyre, and the Ullswater and Windermere Pumping Stations. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 21st July 1975. The report contains information on the appointment of the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee (1975-1976), the appointment of the Local Fisheries Advisory Committee (1975-1976), and the land drainage representation on Local Fisheries Committees. Also included in the report is information on fishery byelaws, fishing at Jumble Reservoir and a progress report on a proposed Coarse Fish Unit and coarse fish stock pools. Licence duties, long term angling leases on Authority Waters and radio equipment for Bailiffting Staff are also covered. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the South and West Cumberland Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 2nd September 1974. The report looks at comments of the Regional Fisheries Officer on the report 'Taking Stock', and information including the aims of a report entitled 'Coarse Fisheries'. The report also includes sections on the summary of the stocking carried out from Holmewrangle hatchery, biological work undertaken on the Rivers Ellen, Keekle and Thirlmere Reservoir, fishery prosecutions, and fish mortalities. This section includes information on the date, location, extent of the kill and the cause. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the South and West Cumberland Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 13th October 1975. The report contains information on the impact of work on the A66 Penrith to Workington road, brown trout fishing, the development of the Ehen as a fishery, reports of fisheries activities, Holmwrangle hatchery, land drainage representation, new fishery byelaws and fishing licence duties. The section on fisheries activities includes runs of fish, stocking, poaching and biological work. The section on Holmwrangle hatchery includes mortality numbers and possible solutions to avoid future pipe chokes and to improve the pumping system. The section on land drainage is purely for an up-to-date picture of developments. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the Eden Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 3rd September 1974. The report looks at comments of the Regional Fisheries Officer on the report 'Taking Stock', and information including the aims of a report entitled 'Coarse Fisheries'. The report also includes sections on the summary of the stocking carried out from Holmewrangle hatchery, biological work undertaken on the Rivers Liddel, fishery prosecutions, and fish mortalities. This section includes information on the date, location, extent of the kill and the cause. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the Lune, Wyre and Furness Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 9th September 1974. The report looks at comments of the Regional Fisheries Officer on the report 'Taking Stock', and information including the aims of a report entitled 'Coarse Fisheries'. The report also includes sections on the improvement of fisheries in the River Leven, coarse fish salvage and stocking, fishery prosecutions, and biological work on the River Kent. Fish mortalities are also given as well as fish monitoring figures for areas on the Rivers Lune and Leven for 1974. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the Eden and District Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 14th October 1975. The report looks at the planning study for the post 1981 period and fisheries activities on the Eden and Esk. This section includes catches of miragtory, brown trout and coarse fish, the summary of the stocking carried out from Holmewrangle hatchery and Biological work undertaken on the Eden. It also contain sections on fish mortalities, new code of fishery byelaws and fishing licence duties. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the South Lancashire Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 11th September 1974. The report looks at comments of the Regional Fisheries Officer on the report 'Taking Stock', and information including the aims of a report entitled 'Coarse Fisheries'. The report also covers sections on the working of Langcliffe Rearing Station, coarse fish salvage and stocking, fishery prosecutions, and biological work on Hoddlesdon Reservoir. Fish mortalities are also given as well as fish monitoring figures for areas on the Rivers Ribble and Hodder for 1974. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the South Lancashire Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 15th October 1975. The report contains sections on planning study for the post 1981 period, reports on fisheries activities, land drainage representation on local committees, proposed new byelaws and fishing licence duties. The section on fisheries activities are reported by area fisheries officers and looks at poaching, Langcliffe and Middleton hatcheries management, number/causes of fish mortalities and biological work carried on Colne Water and Lancaster Canal. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.