724 resultados para Southwest Fisheries Center.
The different computer softwares developed by the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources (ICLARM) and its functions and uses in fisheries science are presented.
Length-weight relationships were computed for 42 species of coral reef fishes from 14 families from the Alacran Reef (Yucatan, Mexico). A total of 1 892 individuals was used for this purpose. The fish species were caught by different fishing techniques such as fishhooks, harpoons, gill and trawl nets. The sampling period was from March 1998 to January 2000.
The El Nino phenomenon is an "anomalous climatic condition in the tropical Pacific region which occurs every two to seven years and affects the global climate". There is a greater increase in the water surface temperature of the eastern tropical and central tropical Pacific during an El Nino episode relative to that of the western tropical Pacific. The phenomenon causes fluctuations in rainfall, resulting in drought in some areas and heavy rainfall in others. During the El Nino of 1990-1992, the damage caused by the drought in the Philippines was estimated to be P4.1 billion (PhP24 = US$1). While the damage to agriculture is well documented, the impact on fisheries has not been considered. The impacts of the El Nino episode of 1997-1998 were assessed in the Philippines by the filed personnel of the Department of Agriculture and representatives of the private sector in the 15 regions of the country. Data on the losses caused by the phenomenon were obtained from interviews, surveys and reports of local government units and provincial agricultural offices for the period October 1997-June 1998. The effects of El Nino on aquaculture, marine fisheries and inland fisheries were determined.
An examination is made of the effects of the eruption of Mount Pinatubo on Luzon Island, northwestern Philippines in June 1991 on the Country's fisheries, considering in particular the coral reef environment, inland fisheries and aquaculture.
Fish and fisheries make a major contribution to nutritional security and the fight against hunger and poverty in Asia. An additional 37 million t of food fish will be needed by 2020 to meet the needs of the growing population, changing dietary habits and increasing income levels. Production from capture fisheries has reached a plateau, with most fisheries having reached their maximum sustainable yields or being overexploited. A number of challenges need to be addressed if the present production from capture fisheries is to be sustained and aquaculture production increased to bridge the gap between the supply and the growing demand for fish. This needs the commitment of governments to implement policies that foster growth of fisheries and aquaculture and to allocate adequate human and financial resources to the development of the sector.
There is a pressing need to enhance fish production in Africa through improved farm management and the use of improved fish breeds and/or alien species in aquaculture while at the same time conserve the aquatic genetic diversity. This paper presents the outcome of the Expert Consultation on Biosafety and Environmental Impact of Genetic Enhancement and Introduction of Improved Tilapia Strains/Alien Species in Africa held in Nairobi, Kenya on 20-23 February 2002. The main topics discussed were status of aquaculture in Africa and the role of genetic enhancement; potential benefits and risks involved in introduction of genetically improved strains and/or alien species with specific reference to tilapias; existing policies and legislation for the conservation of biodiversity, their strengths and weaknesses; capacity for undertaking genetic enhancement research and implementation of policies for the conservation of aquatic biodiversity.
Small-scale fisheries in and around rice fields in the lowland areas of Cambodia are greatly underestimated and undervalued. Their contribution to the protein requirements of the poor rural households is significant. In Svay Rieng province, they could provide 65-75% of the animal protein requirements of these households. The value could well be around 40% of the value of rice production. It is, therefore, important that these natural stocks and the fisheries are managed well and that developmental activities explicitly consider their impact on these fisheries.
This paper discusses the status, direction and management issues in the marine protected areas (MPAs) of the Bohol (Mindanao) Sea, Philippines. The MPAs in the study area have increased through the years. Many of them were established and managed by the local government units (LGUs) in collaboration with national government agencies (NGAs), academic institutions, people’s and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Several management issues and problems were cited by the MPA managers such as insuffi cient funds and facilities, lack of support from NGAs/NGOs and lack of education among the people. Nevertheless, lessons for sustainability can be learned from the experience of some wellmanaged MPAs in the Bohol Sea. These include strong support from the political leadership, community participation and networking among the concerned sectors. Although the best practices are being followed in a number of MPAs in the Bohol Sea, success is still fragmented. The MPAs are currently managed independently although there are ongoing initiatives to network their efforts. However, it can be observed that, as a management tool, MPAs are gaining popularity and support, not only among the fisherfolk but also among local communities and LGUs in the Bohol Sea area.
Aquaculture production in Africa has remained low despite the huge potential that exists on the continent. In order for this potential to be realized, it is necessary to refocus the direction of aquaculture development. This paper concludes that for further growth to occur it is necessary to: (i) widen the range of production systems; (ii) increase production intensities and efficiencies; (iii) develop management technologies for indigenous species that target local niche markets; (iv) put more emphasis on marketing and processing of high value products; (v) promote policy research on how aquaculture production can respond to changing macroeconomic policies; and (vi) accelerate the disengagement of government from activities that can best be done by the private sector.
A study to investigate the feasibility of using fenced brushparks for fish ranching in Lake Chilwa was conducted for five months at the Kachulu Harbor. In a water depth of 1.4 m enclosures constructed from bamboo sticks embedded in the sediment and surrounded by a 13 mm seine net, were filled with three different subrates (Typha, bamboo, and Sesbania branches) and a no substrate enclosure served as a control. Netting materials contributed 57 per cent towards the total cost (US$ 0.24-0.30/m2) of brushpark contruction. Fish productivity was highest in the Typha, bamboo and control treatments and lowest in the Sesbania treatments. The decomposition of substrates did not affect water quality. The results indicate that enclosed brushparks may be a feasible technology for enhancing fish yields and providing alternative income sources to fisherfolk in small lakes and water bodies.
The condition of mangroves pre- and post- tsunami and the socioeconomic role of mangrove forests in the livelihoods of coastal communities along the west coast of Aceh province, Indonesia are examined. The findings indicate that community livelihoods are significantly linked to the mangrove ecosystem. However, most of the mangrove rehabilitation programs are conservation orientated, aimed primarily at land conservation, and are not necessarily linked with livelihood options for local people or integrated resource management. This is a cause for concern as rehabilitation will only succeed when conservation measures are balanced with local community needs to obtain sustainable benefits from the rehabilitated systems. The rehabilitation efforts do involve the communities to a certain extent, but a more holistic and integrated approach needs to be adopted to ensure better management and sustainability of the rehabilitated mangrove forests.
Parameters a and b of the length-weight relationship (LWR) were estimated for eleven species of mudskippers caught in the coastal areas of Selangor, Malaysia. The values of b ranged from 2.56 to 3.50 with the mean b equal to 2.95 (n=11; sd=0.302). A normal distribution of the calculated LWR exponent (b) was obtained.
As in many tropical countries, subsistence fishers in Samoa live in discrete communities which have a high level of marine knowledge and some degree of control of adjacent waters. These factors provide an ideal basis for motivating communities to manage their marine resources. In Samoa, a community-based fisheries extension program encouraged each village community to define its key problems, discuss causes, propose solutions and take appropriate actions. Various village groups provided information which was recorded as problem/solution trees. The extension process culminated in a Village-Fisheries Management Plan which listed the resource management and conservation undertakings of the community. Undertakings range from enforcing laws banning destructive fishing methods to protecting critical marine habitats. Within the first eighteen months, the extension process commenced in 57 villages of which 40 have produced Village Fisheries Management Plans. An unexpectedly large number (32) or these villages chose to establish Marine Protected Areas, the first community-owned marin reserves in the country.
In Mozambique, compliance with regulations in beach seines fishery is improved when the fishers themselves choose the season the government will declare closed. Beneficial side effects of co-management include a stronger sense of community and individual responsibility toward the common good. This article reports on a case study of fisheries co-management in the community of Inhassoro in the northern part of the province of Inhambane, about 800 km north of the capital of Mozambique, Maputo.
Two major anthropogenic activities that disturb coral reefs are fishing and tourism, even though coral reefs are important for both fishing and tourism. Already more than 60 per cent of all reefs worldwide are endangered. The use of explosives and poison by small-scale fishers, to supply the market for live fish for aquariums and for human consumption, cause irreversible damages to reefs. Similarly, rapid and unmanaged coastal development for marine tourism negatively affects coral reefs in many ways. Though marine parks and marine protected areas are being promoted all over the world, developing countries need assistance in establishing and assessing such reserves and for taking appropriate actions for rehabilitation of reefs. These can be accomplished through partnership projects.