556 resultados para Aquatic resources


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Bioassays were carried out to consider the relative effect of barley and rice straw extracts on the growth of 12 problematic freshwater algae. The laboratory results demonstrated that growth of Microcystis aeruginosa; Aphanizomenon flos–aquae, Anabaena flos–aquae, Synura petersenii, and Dinobryon sertularia were all inhibited, whereas Oscillatoria tenuis, Asterionella formosa, Spirogyra sp., and Hydrodictyon reticulatum grown were stimulated by the barley straw extract. No significant effect was also found on the growth of Chlorella kessleri, Scenedesmus subspicatus, and Navicula pelliculosa.


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Phytoplankton productivity is the common and important factor being considered in determining the overall status of a given body of water. This is because they are found at the base of an energy or food chain, being the basic source of primary food in a given aquatic system. Hence, information on their contribution is essential in indicating how much biomass energy will be available to all other living resources in the system. Though the primary productivity of shallow lakes is characterized by mixed populations of phytoplankton and submersed aquatic vegetation in the open water. Lake Choghakhor, is a shallow lake, located in Chaharmahal-Bakhtiyari Province. This lake is the most important ecosystem in the region especially for waterfowl populations, has a recreational value and supports tourism and fisheries. During last decade Choghakhor has been influenced by some man-made impacts such as water level fluctuation, agricultural discharge and fish (Cyprinids) introduction causing a serious problem in its trophic states. So water quality for physical, chemical and biological was monitored in five sampling stations, from April 2003 to March 2004. As biological parameters we studied phytoplankton, epiphytic algae, and zooplankton and macrobenthose community structure. Chlorophyll a content for phytoplankton and epiphytes was measured to estimate production of these groups (biomass over time). Also we determined biomasses of submersed macrophytes and macrobenthose and primary production of phytoplankton (dark and light bottles technique) to estimate fish production. The results of this study showed Lake Choghakhor did not undergo stable thermal and oxygen stratification, and the lake water was mixed throughout the study (the lake mixing regime is polymictic). Now submerged plants especially Myriophyllum spicatum has covered almost the entire lake and dense macrophyte beds (Polygonom amphibium), located on the east southern end of the lake appear to act as a sink for these nutrients. Lake Choghakhor appeared to be in a macrophyte dominated clear water state with low TP (annual mean: 24± 15μg.l-1) and chlorophyll a (annual mean: 3±1.28μg.l-1) concentrations and very high Secchi depth. The grazing pressure of dominant pelagic filtering zooplankton Daphnia longespina did not seem to be significant in determining the low phytoplankton crop expressed as chlorophyll a. We expect that sequestering of nutrients by submerged plants and associated epiphytes are the dominant stabilizing mechanisms suppressing the phytoplankton crop of Lake Choghakhor.


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A shark survey was conducted between October, 2012 and December, 2013 in order to strengthen the existing data collection and research thus improving conservation and management of sharks in Sri Lanka.


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The objective of the current report produced for the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) is to provide basic information on key constraints driving poverty and vulnerability in aquatic agricultural systems in the Tonle Sap region in Cambodia. Six objectives and corresponding research themes are included in the program: sustainable increases in productivity; equitable access to markets; resilience and adaptive capacity; empowering policies and institutions; reduced gender disparity; and expanded benefits for the resource-poor. In this report, the authors review the main aquatic agricultural systems (status, specific policies and strategies, interventions, challenges, and options), then review the main drivers of change. This leads to an identification of plans and strategies important to AAS, with a particular focus on perspectives, gaps and opportunities in national policies, community engagement, increased benefits, adaptive capacity, and gender. This review, of potential interest to decision makers and all development partners, leads to conclusions and recommendations aimed at policymakers and institutional as well as private investors in development.


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Research included: population structure of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta); a National Plan of Action for the conservation and management of sharks; levels of heavy metals in shark products; and a database on rays.


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A clean and healthy environment is paramount to human existence. While pesticide use has successfully sustained agricultural and food production in our lifetime as well as safeguarded human health by controlling insect pests, it has also caused many tragedies including population declines in our wildlife, fatalities in workers exposed to pesticides in its manufacture and use, and the increasing incidence of dreaded human illnesses such as cancer. A delicate balance should be achieved to mitigate the adverse impact of pesticide use to the environment and at the same time ensuring short- and long-term agricultural productivity. Endosulfan has been effectively used as a pesticide, but much evidence on its chronic and sub-lethal effects on humans and wildlife have been gathered in recent years. More research still needs to be done to determine its effects from long-term exposure at very low levels. Endosulfan is highly toxic to fish and other aquatic animals and, thus, not recommended for use in aquatic ecosystems. However, in some countries, it has been incorrectly used as a molluscicide in rice paddies, which could have an adverse impact on the rice-fish farming systems and on other surrounding aquatic ecosystems. It is clear that such practices should be stopped and users must strictly observe the recommended application methods. Agricultural productivity should be achieved with less pesticide by using integrated pest management programs which make use of biological, cultural, and physical control agents and lower doses of safer pesticide on a need only basis. The benefits of biotechnology should also be used to develop more effective and safer products and techniques. This is a valid approach and one that will require a unified and concerted effort among suppliers and users of pesticides in order to ensure that resources are used to our best advantage with minimal risk.


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Source of the Nile Fish farm (SON) is located at Bugungu area in Napoleon Gulf, northern Lake Victoria. The proprietors of the farm requested for technical assistance of NaFIRRI to undertake regular environment monitoring of the cage site as is mandatory under the NEMA conditions. As the SON is a key collaborator/client of the institute, NAFIRRI agreed to undertake the assignment subject to facilitation by the client. The institute agreed to conduct quarterly surveys of key environmental parameters at the site including selected physical-chemical and biological factors, nutrient status, column depth, water transparency and sedimentation. Samples and field measurements were to be taken at 3 sites: within and/or close to the fish cages (WIC), upstream (USC) and downstream (DSC) of the cages. The first environmental monitoring survey was undertaken in February 2011; the second in May 2011 and the third in September 2011. The surveys cover physical-chemical parameters, nutrient status, invertebrate and fish communities. The present report presents field observations made for the fourth quarter survey undertaken in November 2011 and provides a scientific interpretation and discussion of the results with reference to possible impacts of the cage facilities to the water environment and the different aquatic biota at and around the cage site including natural fish communities.


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The toxic effects of sulphide are best understood in mammals and are generally similar in aquatic organisms. At the physiological level sulphide has 2 major effects on mammals: 1) local inflammation and irritation of moist membranes including the eye and respiratory tract; and, 2) cardiac arrest due to paralysis of the respiratory centres of the brain. The toxicity of sulphide to plants, macroinvertebrates, freshwater fish and marine fish is discussed in detail. It is concluded that the role of sulphide in mass kills of fish, shrimp and other animals in brackishwater earthen ponds, lakes and sea cages should be determined.


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This working paper aims to synthesize and share learning from the experience of adapting and operationalizing the Research in Development(RinD) approach to agricultural research in the five hubs under the The CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems. It seeks to share learning about how the approach is working in context and to explore the outcomes it is achieving through initial implementation over 3 ½ years. This learning can inform continuation of agricultural research in the second phase of the CGIAR research programs and will be useful to others aiming to implement research programs that seek to equitably build capacity to innovate in complex social-ecological systems. Each of the chapters in this working paper have shown that RinD has produced a range of outcomes that were often unexpected and broader in scope than might result from other approaches to agricultural research. RinD also produces innovations, and there is evidence that it builds capacity to innovate.


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Invertebrates constitute a major link in energy flow culminating into fish production in aquatic ecosystems. In tropical water bodies relatively little research has been done on invertebrate ecology especially their role in fishery production. European scientists through periodic expeditions to Africa in the last quarter of the 20th century carried out the earliest research on zooplankton. Rzoska (1957) listed these early workers including Stuhlmann (1888), Weltner (1897) and Mrazek (1897-1898). Daday (1907), Verestchagin (1915) and Delachaux (1917) undertook further work during the early twentieth century. These earlyworks provide a useful basis for tracking community changes by comparison with modem investigations. Worthington (1931) provided the first quantitative account of the zooplankton of Lake Victoria along with information on diurnal vertical migrations, compared to a temperate lake. The establishment of the East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organisation (EAFFRO) at Jinja in 1947 enabled investigations on the fisheries, algae, invertebrates and water quality aspects of the lake (EAFFRO Annual Reports 1947-1977) to be regularly carried out. Macdonald (1956) made the first detailed observations on the biology of chaoborids and chironomids (IakefJies) in relation to the feeding of the elephant snout fish, Mormyrus kannume. A detailed study of the biology of the mayfly, Povilla adusta Navas with special reference to the diurnal rhythms of activity was carried out by Hartland-Rowe (1957). The search to unravel the ecological role of aquatic invertebrates in the production dynamics of the lake has taken invertebrate research to greater heights through recent investigations including Okedi (1990), Mavut


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Worldwide, human activity in the watershed has been found to induce lake responses at various levels, including at population and ecosystem scale. Recently, Carignan and Steedman (2000) reported on disruptions of biogeochemical cycles in temperate lakes following watershed deforestation and lor wildfire and Carignan et al., (2000 a, b) concluded that water quality and aquatic biota are strongly influenced by disturbances in the watershed. Similarly, Lake Victoria is no exception as people in its catchment have exploited it for the last hundred years or more, but have now begun to understand the extent to which they have thrown the lake into disorder and how their increasing activity in the watershed have driven some environmental changes within and around the lake.


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Of all the great lakes, Lake Victoria has the highest population concentration on its fringes. This has resulted into serious human impacts on the ecosystem through intense agricultural activities (cultivation, livestock and over fishing), sporadic settlements, urbanization and industrial establishments. The consequences have been loss of animals and plant life, deforestation and general land degradation, pollution, loss of water quality and clean air. Aquatic life has become endangered and less guaranteeing to continued fish production. Awareness workshops and general talks have been done to a few selected communities by the lakes landing sites and in the catchment area to mitigate the deteriorating environmental conditions. Naturally the situation calls for reversal to the increasing stress of the ecosystem. As a result, every water body surveyed put forward some mitigation suggestions