520 resultados para Shrimp snack


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A summary of the shrimp fishery history as well as the most important recommendations for the period 1977-1990 is presented. During the last years the catch rates have decreased. Although many possible causes can be appointed, such as, weather conditions and increase of effort, there is no clear explanation for it. A relationship between catch rates in the main period of recruitment (January to March) and the level of recruitment of the same year was established. Based on this relationship, the total annual catch is predicted for the level of fishing mortality chosen. Fishing mortality is estimated as 2.28 yearˉ¹ and a gradual reduction of fishing effort is recommended until 2.17 yearˉ¹ calculated as F(sub)0.1.


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Biological effects of management measures introduced in the shrimp fishery from 1985 to 1990 are analysed as well as the results from simulation of different closed seasons. Observed changes in recruitment, total catch, biomass and average individual weight during 1985 to 1990 for Penaeus indicus and Hetapenaeus Monoceros are also analysed. Further studies on a stock-recruitment relationship are important due to decline of recruitment levels in this period. A three-month closed season starting in January is recommended, without increases in the monthly fishing effort. The TAC shall be fixed according to the recruitment level each year.


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The objective of this study is to recommend management measures for the industrial shallow-water shrimp fishery in Sofala Bank after estimating the economic affects considering different alternatives and assessing the level of exploitation of this fishery. The short-term economic analysis was based on the results of the total catch and average weight of the shrimp caught obtained by a simulation model in which different combinations of exploitation patterns and levels of fishing intensity were tasted. The variable parameters used were the mash size and the duration and period of the closed season, and all the remaining parameters were fixed. Economic and production data of the main industrial shrimp fishing companies for the period 1987-90 were also used.


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An estimation of the total industrial catch of the shallow water shrimp by-catch for the period 1986-1990 is presented. By-catch species compositions based on landings and onboard samples at ex-Emopesca/Beira (Marbeira) and Pescamar are also presented. The by-catch is essentially composed by 2nd and 3rd commercial fish categories, other crustaceans and cephalopods appearing in varying proportions in the catch. The total catch of shrimp by-catch estimated for the period is approximately 17 to 25 thousand tons per year.


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Length-based methods are used to estimate growth and mortalities of Penaeus indicus at Sofala Bank in Mozambique. This Penaeid shrimp is one of the most important species in the fishery as it constitutes 45% of the catches and has a great influence in their trend. First estimates of growth parameters for this species in Mozambique are presented and a comparison of the derived mortalities with the previous estimates is made.


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The pink shrimp, Haliporoides triarthrus, is an important species in the deep-water shrimp fishery in Mozambique. Total catches are in the range of 1,500 to 2,700 tons, with the pink shrimp accounting for 70-90%. Estimates of growth parameters and of natural mortality are used for a preliminary assessment of the fishery, based on length-structured virtual population analysis and yield-per-recruit analyses. With an arbitrarily chosen terminal fishing mortality F, the results indicate a situation of overfishing, but realistic parameters must be acquired in order to diagnose the state of the stock


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This report of the cruise along the Sofala Bank (Mozambique) describes the catch composition and catch distributions of the shallow water shrimp. Biological data are given for Penaeus indicus and Metapenaeus monoceros which represent 77% of the total catch.


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Catch composition and bathymetric distribution of demersal fish caught along the coast of Mozambique between parallels 16 degree 20' and 19 degree 30' S at depths of 11 to 180 metres are given. The shrimp by-catch was also studied.


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Reports of cruises carried out off Mozambique between parallels 21 degree 00 and 26 degree 20'S and at depths of 400 and 800 meters including abundance indices, catch composition, geographic and bathymetric distributions of shrimp catches are presented. The main species found were Hymenopenaeus triarthrus and Aristeomorpha foliacea which represent 64 to 72% of total catches.


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Age, growth and reproduction of H. kelee were studied, and a brief description of its fishery in Maputo Bay (Mozambique) is given. Most material was collected from gill net fisheries during 1977-1980, but some was taken from shrimp trawlers operating in the same area during 1980-1981. Main spawning takes place during October-January with a peak in December. There is also some evidence that spawning takes place during June-July. The size at first maturity was approximately equals 14-15 cm. Ageing was carried out using primary growth rings in the otoliths and length-frequency analysis of fish caught by shrimp trawlers. Von Bertalanffy's growth equation parameters were determined. Males and females grew in similar fashion. There are seasonal trends in the catch composition of the gill net fishery, showing high values during April to September and low during October to December.