590 resultados para Indian fisheries


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Chunks of Labeo rohita, Cirrhinus mrigala and Catla catla wrapped in polythene film were stored at -8 to -10°C in the freezer cabinet of the refrigerator. It was found that L. rohita and C. mrigala were acceptable up to 33 days and C. catch up to 35 days. Total volatile base nitrogen, free fatty acids and degree of sponginess of the samples showed increasing trend during frozen storage.


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Oil sardines in prime condition were chilled on board. Two lots were chilled in CSW (samples C & CI), one lot ice (sample I) and a fourth lot was left un-iced on deck (sample AI). Sample AI was iced after landing and sample CI was taken out of the chilled seawater and. iced. All the four samples were kept in a chilled room for storage studies. Sample C, chilled and stored in CSW, recorded a gradual gain in weight and an increase in salt content of the muscle. Presence of salt did not seem to cause any excessive protein denaturation. Salt extractability decreased at a gradual rate in all cases. Presence of salt seemed to wield no noticeable influence on lipid hydrolysis and subsequent peroxidation. Results of chemical and sensory evaluations highlight this. Holding sardines in CSW gave a product of excellent quality for the first four to five days of storage. Beyond the fifth day of storage quality deteriorated rapidly and there was no noticeable superiority for this sample (sample C) over the on board iced fish. This was evident in the sensory evaluation as well. However, a storage life of five days in a readily acceptable state is sufficient for the fish to be disposed in the market at a premium sale price over other landings of the same species.


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Quality changes in Labeo rohita, Cirrhinus mrigala and Tilapia mossambica were studied during storage in ice and at ambient temperature (29-32°C). After 10h at ambient temperature L. rohita and T. mossambica were completely spoiled, while C. mrigala became unacceptable within 11h. Organoleptic examination, total volatile base nitrogen and total bacterial counts showed that L. rohita (0.5 kg and above) and C. mrigala (0.5 kg and above) were acceptable up to 7 to 8 days of storage in ice in popular container (Bamboo basket) lined with palmyrah mat) at ambient temperature while T. mossambica (30-40 g) was acceptable up to 6 days. Influence of size of fish on shelf life in ice studied with reference to L. rohita showed that fishes below 500 g were acceptable up to 6 days of storage in ice in popular container at ambient temperature while those above 1000 g size were acceptable up to 8 days. Provision of an alkathene lining to the popular container extended the storage life of L. rohita from 6 days to 8 days. Pre-chilled and iced L. rohita had a longer shel flife (9 days) than merely iced sample (7 days).


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Details are given of a study conducted in order to determine the efficacy of Des Gly^10 [D-Ala^6] LHRH ethylamide in the induction of spawning in Cirrhinus mrigala and Labeo fimbriatus . Findings shows this LHRH analogue to be a promising substitute for the pituitary gland extract which is currently used. Further studies are required to standardize the dose and method of administration in the various cultivable species in India.


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Review of available data and assessments for Hilsa (Tenulaosa ilisha) and Indian Mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta). Identification of future assessment approaches and data needs and stock status advice.


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Stock structure approaches and consequences of management in the eight member countries. Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) genetic stock studies and workplan


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The review focuses on small pelagics, Hilsa shad and Indian Mackerel in particular, with the exception of the Maldives, but the findings are generally applicable to national systems of data collection. Recommendations are given for each country.


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The BOBLME Project supports member countries to produce fishery management plans for hilsa and Indian Mackerel using an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM). The EAFM has three tiers: technical studies to provide information; a Regional Fisheries Management Committee (RFMAC) to interpret the information and deliver ecosystem based fisheries management advice; and a Regional Fisheries Management Forum to deliberate on the advice as it relates to national actions.


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The present study aims to find the effect of freezing Time on the quality of Cobia (Rastrelliger kanagurta) and Indian Squid in commercial scale during freezing and subsequent frozen storage (−18◦C). Total time for freezing was significantly different (P<0.05) between the Cobia and Indian squid samples. The difference in the freezing time could be attributed to the varied quality of the 2 samples. Upon freezing, the moisture content decreased in Indian Squide samples compared to Cobia freezer where protein content decreased in both the samples. Upon freezing and during frozen storage, lipid oxidation products (peroxide value, and free fatty acid value) and volatile bases (total volatile base nitrogen) showed an increasing trend in both the samples with values slightly higher in Indian squid samples compared to cobia frozen samples. The total plate counts showed a significantly (P<0.05) decreasing trend in both the samples. K value did not show any significant (P<0.05) difference between the samples whereas the histamine formation was significantly (P<0.05) increased in Indian squid frozen samples compared to cobia samples. The taste and overall acceptability was significantly different (P<0.05) in cobia samples compared to Indian squid frozen samples on 5th month. Both samples were in acceptable condition up to 5 month but the Cobia frozen samples quality was slightly better than the air blast frozen samples.


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About 3600 specimens were collected by bottom trawl at 15 sampling stations. 24 biometric characters were measured for each specimens at the laboratory.. Microscopic cross – sections of statolith were used for age determination. Sex determination and fecundity were determined. Population dynamics parameters as well as stock as stock assessment including cohort analysis were estimated using FISAT software. The findings showed that Dorsal Mantle Length (DML) and Body weight (BW) of the Indian squid were 133.9 ± 0.78 mm and 99.61 ± 0.95 g respectively. Strong correlation was found between these 2 variables (R2 = 0.90). The maximum age was 5 years. Relationship between DML and age was highly significantly of p ≤ 0.05. Overall sex ratio (M: F = 0.52) was significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio (p ≤ 0.05). The ovary weight and nidamental glands weight were 7.72 ± 0.0006 g and 3.07 ± 0.0003g respectively. Absolute and relative fecundity of the Indian squid were found to be 122733 ± 30.87 and 2348 ± 0.4 respectively. GSI were 14.35 in April and 8.63 in July. This squid is therefore a spring spawner. The infinite dorsal mantle length were 258.62 mm for females, 194.72 mm for males and 252.02 for both sexes respectively. For population growth and mortality parameters; K (0.65 per year for both sexes, 0.85 per year for males, 0.65 per year for females); t0 (0.24year for both sexes, 0.22 year in females, 0.26 year in male); φ` (2.30 in both sexes, 2.47 for males, 2.37 for females); Z (1.17 per year for both sexes, 1.10 per year in females, 1.39 per year, in males); M (0.70 per year for both sexes, 0.90 for males, 0.67 for females); F(0.27 per year for both sexes, 0.27 per year in males, 0.195 per year in females). Exploitation coefficient were 0.51 per year for both sexes, 0.57 per year males and 0.51 per year females respectively. The results indicates that since the Indian squid is a short live aquatic organism, therefore, the exploitation coefficient could be raised to 0.7 per year. The analysis showed that total biomass and MSY were 10103.5 ton and 2576.4 ton respectively. These findings are the first study of its sort about the Indian squid in the coastal waters of Oman Sea as well as North-West of Indian Ocean.


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In this study, which has been done in Hormoz larve Hatchery at Kohestak in Minab at 1385, the efficiency of Ergosen and Vibromax vaccine and the effect of them on growth factors such as total length, Carapase, dry weight and the number of upper mordents of rostrum and survival of the stages of larvae and post larvae of Indian white shrimp was studied. Thus in order to comparison the effects of Vibromax and Ergosen, each of them separately, in one treatment, and in another simultaneously with one control treatment was used. Vaccination against larvae shrimps was done through Artemia. This study used four treatments with three replicates in a completely randomized design and comparison of means was done through Duncan test. Breeding larvae and post larvae of Indian white shrimp from zoa I stage to PL 15 was done in 20 litter plastic buckets. Present results indicated that the highest amount of growth and survival factors in larvae stage (from zoa to PL1), and also in stages of PL5 and PL15, in the treatment of Ergoson effect + vaccine and it was with a little difference from that treatment of Ergoson effect which was in high significance difference in regard to control treatment at α<0.01 level and treatment of vaccine effect and control treatment at α<0.01 level often have no significant difference. This research used environmental stress tests to study the quality of post larvae under experiment. Studying in this field showed that feeding vaccine to larvae of Indian shrimps which was done through Artemia nauplii enrichment ,and ergosen , in treatment of ergosen vaccine lead to more resistance of post larvaes against salinity stress tests and formalin .This case was observed in every three stages ,so that in stress formalin test 100 parts per million and also 10 and 20 salinity parts in thousands the most survival was observed in treatment of Ergosan effect+vaccine and after that in treatment of Ergoson effect and with a little difference in treatment of vaccine effect. Of course this case, in treatment of Ergoson effect + vaccine due to the synergistic properties vaccine with Ergoson was more than to other treatments, while every three treatments, in most stages had significant difference toward control treatment at α<0.01 level and the control treatment because of not having Ergoson and nauplii artemia with vaccine, having the least survival rate in this stages.


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The role of the Regional Fisheries Management Advisory Committee (RFMAC) is to interpret information and deliver ecosystem based fisheries management advice. The meeting was able to deliver Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) advisories for the hilsa and Indian Mackerel fisheries.


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This workshop was held at the National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources and followed on from the Indian mackerel Working group meeting in Colombo (28-29 May, 2012). Activities included; DNA extraction; PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) for microsatellites; genotyping microsatellites; data analysis; emerging technologies; and an action plan


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The study included: sample collection; microsatellite genotyping and analysis; and preliminary results


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CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (CSIR-NIO), Goa, India in collaboration with CSIRO, Australia organised a 2 day national experts workshop to: pool information between fisheries and oceanography experts; verify a draft ecosystem characterisation for the east coast of India; and develop a draft ecosystem characterisation for the west coast of India.