57 resultados para total exposure


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Brevetoxin uptake was analyzed in 2 common planktivorous fish that are likely foodweb vectors for dolphin mortality events associated with brevetoxin-producing red tides. Fish were exposed to brevetoxin-producing Karenia brevis for 10 h under conditions previously reported to produce optimal uptake of toxin in blood after oral exposure. Striped mullet Mugil cephalus were exposed to a low dose of brevetoxin, and uptake and depuration by specific organs were evaluated over a 2 mo period. Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus specimens were used to characterize a higher brevetoxin dose uptake into whole body components and evaluate depuration over 1 mo. We found a high uptake of toxin by menhaden, with a body to water ratio of 57 after a 10 h exposure and a slow elimination with a half life (t1/2) of 24 d. Elimination occurred rapidly from the intestine (t1/2 < 1 wk) and muscle (t1/2 ≈ 1 wk) compartments and redistributed to liver which continued to accumulate body stores of toxin for 4 wk. The accumulation and elimination characteristics of the vectoring capacity of these 2 fish species are interpreted in relation to data from the Florida Panhandle dolphin mortality event of 2004. We show that due to slow elimination rate of brevetoxin in planktivorous fish, brevetoxin-related dolphin mortality events may occur without evidence of a concurrent harmful algal bloom event.


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The immunotoxic potential of domoic acid (DA), a well-characterized neurotoxin, has not been fully investigated. Phagocytosis and lymphocyte proliferation were evaluated following in vitro and in vivo exposure to assay direct vs indirect effects. Mice were injected intraperitoneally with a single dose of DA (2.5 µg/g b.w.) and sampled after 12, 24, or 48 hr. In a separate experiment, leukocytes and splenocytes were exposed in vitro to 0, 1, 10, or 100 µM DA. In vivo exposure resulted in a significant increase in monocyte phagocytosis (12-hr), a significant decrease in neutrophil phagocytosis (24-hr), a significant decrease in monocyte phagocytosis (48-hr), and a significant reduction in T-cell mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation (24-hr). In vitro exposure significantly reduced neutrophil and monocyte phagocytosis at 1 µM. B- and T-cell mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation were both significantly increased at 1 and 10 µM, and significantly decreased at 100 µM. Differences between in vitro and in vivo results suggest that DA may exert its immunotoxic effects both directly and indirectly. Modulation of cytosolic calcium suggests that DA exerts its effects through ionotropic glutamate subtype surface receptors at least on monocytes. This study is the first to identify DA as an immunotoxic chemical in a mammalian species.


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Our analyses of observer records reveal that abundance estimates are strongly influenced by the timing of longline operations in relation to dawn and dusk and soak time— the amount of time that baited hooks are available in the water. Catch data will underestimate the total mortality of several species because hooked animals are “lost at sea.” They fall off, are removed, or escape from the hook before the longline is retrieved. For example, longline segments with soak times of 20 hours were retrieved with fewer skipjack tuna and seabirds than segments with soak times of 5 hours. The mortality of some seabird species is up to 45% higher than previously estimated. The effects of soak time and timing vary considerably between species. Soak time and exposure to dusk periods have strong positive effects on the catch rates of many species. In particular, the catch rates of most shark and billfish species increase with soak time. At the end of longline retrieval, for example, expected catch rates for broadbill swordfish are four times those at the beginning of retrieval. Survival of the animal while it is hooked on the longline appears to be an important factor determining whether it is eventually brought on board the vessel. Catch rates of species that survive being hooked (e.g. blue shark) increase with soak time. In contrast, skipjack tuna and seabirds are usually dead at the time of retrieval. Their catch rates decline with time, perhaps because scavengers can easily remove hooked animals that are dead. The results of our study have important implications for fishery management and assessments that rely on longline catch data. A reduction in soak time since longlining commenced in the 1950s has introduced a systematic bias in estimates of mortality levels and abundance. The abundance of species like seabirds has been over-estimated in recent years. Simple modifications to procedures for data collection, such as recording the number of hooks retrieved without baits, would greatly improve mortality estimates.


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Liza parsia were exposed to sublethal (0.02 ppm) concentration of DDT for 15 days. The gill responded initially with copious secretion of mucus, oedematous separation of epithelial cells from the basement membrane and fusion of secondary gill lamellae. Hyperplasia of the cells lining primary gill lamellae and lamellar telangiectases (or aneurysms) was frequently seen after day 10 of exposure. Kidney exhibited hypertrophy of the epithelial cells lining proximal convoluted tubules which was followed by shrinkage in glomerular tufts, increase in Bowman's space, appearance of amorphous eosinophilic materials in the lumina of the tubules and focal necrosis on day 10 of the treatment. Hyaline droplets and casts were also encountered in the epithelial cells and lumina of the proximal tubules. Liver revealed an initial dilation of canaliculi and increased secretion of bile. Thereafter, the displacement of nuclei towards periphery of the hepatocytes, disorganization of blood sinusoids, pyknotic changes in nuclei, cytolysis and vacuolation as well as focal necrosis were noticed after day 10 of the intoxication.


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The sublethal exposure (0.24 ppm) of Nuvan on some biochemical compositions such as serum protein, blood glucose, glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (AST) and glutamate pyruvate transaminase (ALT) and on some hematological parameters such as red blood corpuscles (RBC), white blood corpuscles (WBC), hemoglobin content (Hb), mean corpuscular concentration (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) of Catla catla fingerlings were studied. The hematological and biochemical parameters evoked a significant reduction (excepting MCV, ALT and AST which is significantly increased) with increasing days of Nuvan exposure.


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The present study on growth rate of different body parts in relation to total length, in the male and female Puntius sarana (Ham.) did not show any significant heterogeneity except in snout length (p.01). The growth rate of snout length was found to be higher in females (b=0.0377) than in males (b=0.0266). Since the growth rate of most of the body parts was found to be homogeneous in both the sexes, the common regression co-efficient "b" was calculated on pooled data to represent the growth rate of different body parts against total length, the linearity of regression lines indicated isometric growth.


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The paper deals with sex-wise growth rate of different body parts in relation to total length in Rita paviinentata (Gunther). Growth rates calculated on pooled data by using the common regression coefficient 'b' reveals isometric and homogeneous nature in sexes.


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A total of 43 mature female of Puntius sarana (Ham.) ranging from 204 mm to 320 mm in length and 102 to 482 g in weight were used for present studies. The relationship between fecundity with respect to total length (TL), total weight (TW) and ovary weight (OW) was found to be linear. The coefficient of co-relation 'r' of the above relationships was found to be 0.5947, 0.5761 and 0.9837 respectively. All these values are highly significant (P=0.01) indicating a close relationship between these parameters. However, as indicated by value of 'r' (0.9837), the fecundity is more closely related to ovary weight and hence the ovary weight may be a better index of fecundity than the total length or weight.


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A total of thirty eight ripe ovaries from the specimens of Rita pavimentata, measuring 230 to 355 mm in total length (TL) and 250 to 750 g in total weight (TW), were selected to study the fecundity. The relationship between fecundity 'and total length (TL), total weight (TW) and ovary weight (OW) was found to be linear. The coefficient of co-relation 'r' of the above relationship was found to be 0.92, 0.94 and 0.96 respectively. All these values are highly significant (P=0.01) indicating a close relationship between compared parameters. However, as indicated by value of 'r' (0.96), the fecundity is more closely related to ovary weight and hence the ovary weight may be a better index of fecundity than the total body length or weight.


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The estimated regression equation for total length and mouth gape computed were Log TL = Log 0.23 + 0.663 log MG (vertically) (r = 0.960) and Log TL = Log 0.08 + 0.686 log MG (horizontally) (r = 0.949). In case of rohu average total length from 11350 mm to 23775 mm and mouth gape 805 um to 1225 um (vertically) and 700 um to 1110 um (horizontally) between the first day of mouth opening up to 15 days. The regression equation for total length and mouth gap were Log TL = Log 0.20 + 0.660 log MG (vertically) (r = 0.935) and Log TL = Log 0.02 + 0698 log MG (horizontally) ( r = 0.907). In case of silver carp average total length from 12800 ,urn to 33555 um and mouth gape 690 um to 1210 um (vertically) and 615 um to 1115 um (horizontally) between the first day of mouth opening up to 15 days. The regression equation for total length and mouth gape were Log TL = Log 0.36 + 0.596 log MG (vertically) (r = 0.936) and Log TL = Log 0.26 + 0.607 log MG (horizontally) (r = 0.891). The relationship between total length and mouth gape (vertically and horizontally) of the studied fry were found to be linear and highly significant.


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The seasonal mean size distribution of A. chinensis were estimated as 29.229mm ±4.77, 25.125mm ±2.55, 25.165mm ±2.29 and 32.44mm ±3.63 for annual, monsoon, postmonsoon and pre-monsoon period, respectively. Seasonal mean carapace length distribution were estimated as 9.37mm ±1.457, 8.063mm ±0.63,8.258mm ±0.59 and 10.37mm ±l.ll3 for annual, monsoon, post-monsoon and the pre-monsoon season. The carapace length and total length relationships was found to be TL= - 1.39±3.23 CL. Linear relation was found in arithmetic and as well as logarithmic scale.


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In the present investigation, live specimens of Channa gachua were exposed to sublethal concentrations, i.e., 0.0017 and 0.00087 ppm of endosulfan for a period of 60 days. After the completion of 60 days, red and white blood corpuscles were counted from control as well as experimental fishes.


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Variations in the total liver cholesterol content of Heteropnuestes fossilis followed well defined seasonal cycle. A decline was recorded during the period when the gonads were passing through the peak ripe stage. The highest value of the cholesterol was however attained before this phase of gonad maturation. Concentration pattern of liver cholesterol seemed related to variations in the cholesterol metabolism of the fish, necessitated, besides other factors, by the demand for sex hormones. A possibility of the influence of feeding intensity on liver cholesterol content has also been indicated.