45 resultados para southern China
This study examines how Thailand’s biodiversity conservation measures affect fishing communities, especially in the marine protected areas (MPAs) on the Andaman Sea coastline. It documents the various efforts of the local fishing communities to protect the resources in the area. Also included are recommendations for government agencies, civil society and the international community. [PDF contains 94 pages]
The objective of this article is to review the populations of Arctic charr in the south of Scotland which have become locally extinct, and the reasons for their demise. In the British Isles, the Arctic charr in individual lakes have been isolated from each other for thousands of years and have developed a variety of phenotypic characteristics which are probably genetically based. About 200 populations of Arctic charr have been recorded from different parts of the British Isles: approximately 12 in England, 50 in Ireland, 175 in Scotland and four in Wales. The threats to charr from acidification, afforestation, engineering schemes, angling and fish farming are assessed, and the establishment of new populations is proposed as a method of replacing extinct stocks or providing an additional safeguard for valuable stocks in threatened waters.
This article provides insights into a particular aspect of freshwater research in China and its wider implications for western researchers. The senior author has collaborated with Professor Zhang Zhaohui from Guizhou Normal University to investigate the travertines of China. Travertines are freshwater carbonate deposits accumulating in hard-water springs and rivers. In some areas they develop rapidly, forming picturesque ascades and magnificent travertine-dammed lakes. Some of China's most famous tourist sites are the result of travertine formation. The travertine-depositing environment is a unique fast-flowing ecosystem inhabited by specialist plants and animals. The authors examine the freshwater algae of the Doupe Pool travertine situated on the Beishuihei River in Guizhou Province and compare their distribution on travertines elsewhere in the world.
There are over 2,300 lakes over 1 km2 in China (total area 80 000 km2). In addition there are approximately 87 000 reservoirs with a storage capacity of 413 billion m3. These form the main supply of drinking water as well as water for industrial and agricultural production and aquaculture. Because of a lack of understanding of the frailty of lake ecosystems and poor environmental awareness, human activities have greatly affected freshwater systems. This article focuses on the problems of one water supply reservoir, Dalangdian Reservoir, and considers options for improving its management. Dalangdian Reservoir is described and occurrence of algal genera given. The authors conclude with remarks on the future of the Dalangdian Reservoir.
The Mediterranean region is characterised by a variable climate with most of the rain falling during the winter and frequent summer droughts. Such warm, dry periods are ideal for the growth of large algal blooms that often consist of potentially toxic Cyanobacteria. This makes the management of water for human use particularly challenging in such a climate and it is important to understand how such blooms can be avoided or at least be reduced in size. PROTECH (Phytoplankton RespOnses To Environmental CHange) is a model that simulates the dynamics of different species of phytoplankton populations in lakes and reservoirs. Its distinct advantage over similar models is its ability to simulate the relative composition of the algal flora, allowing both quantitative and qualitative conclusions to be drawn e.g. whether Cyanobacteria could be a potential problem. PROTECH has been applied primarily to lakes and reservoirs in northern Europe. Recently, however, the model has been applied to water bodies in lower latitudes, including Australia to a water supply reservoir in the south of Spain, El Gergal. El Gergal is the last in a chain of reservoirs that supply water to the city of Seville. It was brought into service in April 1979 and has a maximum storage volume of 35 000 000 m3. This article summarises the application of PROTECH in order to simulate the following problems: • the effect of a large influx of Ceratium biomass into El Gergal from another reservoir • the effect of using alternative water sources instead of the Guadalquivir River (used occasionally to raise water levels in El Gergal) • the effect of installing tertiary sewage treatment on the Cala River • the effect of simulated drought conditions on phytoplankton in the reservoir.
This partial translation of a longer article describes the phenomenon of ”Blasensand”. Blasensand is formed when sedimentation of dried out sand is suddenly flooded from above. A more detailed explanation of Blasensand is given in this translated part of the paper.
The dace, Leuciscus leuciscus (L.) is an important cyprinid in terms of population biomass in chalk streams of southern England. Dace recruitment has been shown to vary widely from year to year and it is thought that this variation is largely as a result of the influence of abiotic factors, chiefly water temperature. From 1968 to 1981 there was a thirteen-fold difference in the year class structure index between the minimum index (0.25 in 1972) and the maximum (3.21 in 1976). The problems of such variation, especially those that could ensue from a succession of poor year-classes, are offset by the spread of reproductive effort by each female over several years.
To understand harbor seal social and mating strategies, I examined site fidelity, seasonal abundance and distribution, herd integrity, and underwater behavior of individual harbor seals in southern Monterey Bay. Individual harbor seals (n = 444) were identified by natural markings and represented greater than 80% of an estimated 520 seals within this community. Year to year fidelity of individual harbor seals to southern Monterey Bay coastline was 84% (n = 388), and long-term associations (>2 yrs) among individuals were common (>40%). Consistent with these long-term associations, harbor seals were highly social underwater throughout the year. Underwater social behavior included three primary types: (1) visual and acoustic displays, such as vocalizing, surface splashing, and bubble-blowing; (2) playful or agonistic social behavior such as rolling, mounting, attending, and biting; and (3) signal gestures such as head-thrusting, fore-flipper scratch~ng, and growling. Frequency of these types of behavior was related to seal age, gender, season, and resource availability. Underwater behavior had a variety of functions, including promotion of learning and social development, reduction of aggression and preservation of social bonds by maintaining social hierarchy, and facilitation of mate selection during breeding season. Social behavior among adult males was significantly correlated with vocalization characteristics (r = 0.99, X2 = 37.7, p = 0.00087), indicating that seals may assess their competition based on underwater vocalization displays and adopt individual strategies for attracting females during breeding season based on social status. Individual mating strategies may include defending underwater territories, using scramble tactics, and developing social alliances. (PDF contains 105 pages)
Despite its recreational and commercial importance, the movement patterns and spawning habitats of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) in the Gulf of Maine are poorly understood. To address these uncertainties, 72 adult winter flounder (27–48 cm) were fitted with acoustic transmitters and tracked by passive telemetry in the southern Gulf of Maine between 2007 and 2009. Two sympatric contingents of adult winter flounder were observed, which exhibited divergent spawning migrations. One contingent remained in coastal waters during the spawning season, while a smaller contingent of winter flounder was observed migrating to estuarine habitats. Estuarine residence times were highly variable, and ranged from 2 to 91 days (mean=28 days). Flounder were nearly absent from the estuary during the fall and winter months and were most abundant in the estuary from late spring to early summer. The observed seasonal movements appeared to be strongly related to water temperature. This is the first study to investigate the seasonal distribution, migration, and spawning behavior of adult winter flounder in the Gulf of Maine by using passive acoustic telemetry. This approach offered valuable insight into the life history of this species in nearshore and estuarine habitats and improved the information available for the conservation and management of this species.
Measurements of 18O/16O and 13C/12C ratios in the carbonate of juvenile gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus) sagittal otoliths collected during 2001–2005 from different southern Florida regions indicated significant variations in the ratios between Florida Bay and surrounding areas. Annual differences in isotopic composition were also observed. Classification accuracy of individual otoliths to a region averaged 80% (63% to 96%), thereby enabling the probability of assigning an unknown individual to the appropriate juvenile nursery habitat. Identification of isotopic signatures in the otoliths of gray snapper from Florida Bay and adjacent ecosystems may be important for distinguishing specific portions of the bay that are crucial nursery grounds for juveniles. Separation of gray snapper between geographic regions and nursery sites is possible and has the potential to establish a link between adult gray snapper present on offshore reefs and larvae and juveniles at nursery habitats in Florida Bay or adjacent areas.
Skates (family Rajidae) are oviparous and lay tough, thick-walled eggs. At least some skate species lay their eggs in spatially restricted nursery grounds where embryos develop and hatch (Hitz, 1964; Hoff, 2007). After hatching, neonates may quickly leave the nursery grounds (Hoff, 2007). Egg densities in these small areas may be quite high. As an example, in the eastern Bering Sea, a site <2 km2 harbored eggs of Alaska skate (Bathyraja parmifera) exceeding 500,000/km2. All skate nursery grounds have been identified over soft sea floors (Lucifora and García, 2004; Hoff, 2007).
We determined the dis-tribution of multiple (n=68; 508−978 mm total length [TL]) striped bass (Morone saxatilis) along the estua-rine salinity gradient in the Mullica River−Great Bay in southern New Jersey over two years to determine the diversity of habitat use and the movements of striped bass. Ultrasoni-cally tagged fish were detected in this estuarine area by means of wireless hydrophones deployed at four gates inside the entrance of the study area and farther up to tidal freshwater (38 km). Numerous individuals frequently departed and returned to the estuary, primarily in the spring and late fall over periods of 15−731 days at liberty. The period of residency and degree of movement of individuals to and from the estuary varied extensively among seasons and years. The diversity of movements in and out of, as well as within, the estuary differed from the less-complex patterns reported in earlier studies, perhaps because of the comprehensive and synoptic nature of this study.
Endoparasitic helminths were inventoried in 483 American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) collected from the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, NAFO (North Atlantic Fisheries Organization) division 4T, and Cape Breton Shelf (NAFO subdivision 4Vn) in September 2004 and May 2003, respectively. Forward stepwise discriminant function analysis (DFA) of the 4T samples indicated that abundances of the acanthocephalans Echinorhynchus gadi and Corynosoma strumosum were significant in the classification of plaice to western or eastern 4T. Cross validation yielded a correct classification rate of 79% overall, thereby supporting the findings of earlier mark-recapture studies which have indicated that 4T plaice comprise two discrete stocks: a western and an eastern stock. Further analyses including 4Vn samples, however, indicated that endoparasitic helminths may have little value as tags in the classification of plaice overwintering in Laurentian Channel waters of the Cabot Strait and Cape Breton Shelf, where mixing of 4T and 4Vn fish may occur.
Rockfish (Sebastes spp.) juveniles are often difficult to identify by using morphological characters. This study independently applies morphological characters and a key based on mitochondrial restriction site variation to identify juvenile rockf ishes collected in southern California during juvenile rockfish surveys. Twenty-four specimens of Sebastes were examined genetically without knowledge of the morphological assignment. Seventeen fish were identified genetically as S. semicinctus, S. goodei, S. auriculatus, S. jordani, S. levis, S. rastrelliger, and S. saxicola. Identities for the remaining fish were narrowed to two or three species: 1) three fish were either S. carnatus or S. chrysomelas; 2) one fish was either S. chlorosticus, S. eos, or S. rosenblatti; and 3) three fish could have been either S. hopkinsi or S. ovalis, the latter for which we now have distinguishing mitochondrial markers. The genetic and morphological assignments concurred except for the identity of one fish that could only be narrowed down to S. hopkinsi or S. semicinctus by using morphological characters. Genetics excluded more species from multispecies groupings than did the morphological approach, especially species within the subgenus Sebastomus. Species in the genetically unresolvable groups may be similar because of recent divergence or because of interspecies introgression.