146 resultados para small firm management and growth
ENGLISH: Length-frequency samples of anchovetas were collected from January 1956 to March 1963. The findings for the most part corroborate those of previous studies in regard to the general pattern of age and growth. Recent tag returns demonstrate that some of the fish survive at least to the beginning of their fourth year of life. In 1961 and 1962 the fish were considerably larger than in any previous year for which data are available. The annual variation in the size of the young of the year is apparently related to the amount of upwelling and the density of the population during the early months of the year. SPANISH: De enero de 1956 a marzo de 1963 se recolectaron muestras de las frecuencias de longitud de las anchovetas. Las investigaciones, en su mayor parte, corraboran los resultados de los estudios anteriores referentes a los patrones generales de la edad y el crecimiento. Recobros recientes de mareas demuestran que algunos de los peces sobreviven por lo menos hasta el comienzo de su cuarto año de vida. En 1961 y 1962 los peces fueron considerablemente más grandes que en cualquiera de los años anteriores de los que se tienen datos disponibles. La variación anual en el tamaño de los peces jóvenes del año está aparentemente relacionada con el volumen del afloramiento y la densidad de la población durante los primeros meses del año. (PDF contains 51 pages)
The geometric mean regression equation for the weight; length relationship of Cynoglossus canariensis was W = 0.0025 L super(3.1770). The Von Bertalanffy constants Woo, Loo, K, and to were 507.5852 g, 47.3683 cm, 0.3333 and 0.1397 for males and 839.0753 g, 54.4720 cm, 0.3062 and 0.1737 for females. Total mortality coefficient Z ranged from 0.6482 and 0.8021
The meristic and morphometric characteristics of Gymnarchus niloticus are described and linear equations relating various parts of the body to the head length or total length are given. The age of G. niloticus in Lake Chad (Nigeria) was determined from growth marks on the opercular bones. The mean lengths for age, and mean weights for age obtained for the first five years of life are given. The assymptotic length and the von Betarlanffy growth parameters for the males and females combined are given
Three groups of Sarotherodon niloticus fry were fed for 8 weeks on diets either treated with 17- & methyltestosterone (MT), alcohol (CA), or untreated (CO). Growth rate and food utilization in the different groups were compared. Results indicate that the best growth, Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) and Mean Growth Rate (MGR) were obtained with the MT diet. There was no significant difference (P 0.05) in growth and food utilization of the CA and CO fry, nor in the mortality rate of the 3 treatments. The androgen, methyltestosterone promotes growth and protein anabolism without producing toxic effects in S. niloticus
Seven groups of fingerling rainbow trout (S. gairdneri ) were fed for 10 weeks on 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% of cassava or rice in isonitrogenous diets. Optimum growth and food utilization was at 20% dietary cassava. High fiber content of the control diet did not suppress protein digestibility in this group. Rather, at all levels, protein digestibility was good and remained between 84.4% and 90.1%. However, in the control group, carbohydrate digestibility was very poor. The cassava diets which had the highest digestible energy as carbohydrate produced the best growth performance, food utilization and protein sparing. At the levels studied, the dietary carbohydrates produced no hyperglycamic effect on the fish
The growth responses and feed utilization of Sarotherodon niloticus held in metal cages in a pond and fed diets containing fish-meal, cow blood-meal or sorghum was studied. Results indicate that the best growth, feed conversion and protein efficiency ratio were obtained with the diet containing 60% fish-meal. The growth performance of fish on 40% fish-meal, and 40% and 60% blood meal were not significantly different, and were quite close to the performance with 60% fish-meal. The growth and food utilization of fish on 84% sorghum diet was significantly lower than the rest. The Caged fish without supplemental feeding had a light gain in weight. All fish with supplemental feeding appeared healthy. It is concluded that cow blood meal at 40% or 60% inclusion in diet can adequately replace fish-meal in S. niloticus supplemental diet in pond culture
Biological studies of Heterotis niloticus were conducted for three years in the middle River Niger. Scales were found to be the most suitable structure in ageing Heterotis which was validated by length/histogram curve. Annual rings were found to be formed between March to June. Growth was rapid in the first two years and they reached sexual maturity at 2 years. The male grow longer while the female are bulkier. The length-weight relationship of male and female Heterotis did not differ significantly and the resulting equation for male was W = 1.25L super(2.5) and W = 1.6L super(2.7) for females respectively where W = weight (g) and L = total length. The total length to body scale relationship was found to be L = 14.3R super(2.6) where (R = oral radius of scale Heterotis growth was found to be allometric
The age and growth of Mugil cephalus was investigated in Bonny Estuary, Nigeria, from January, 1995 to December, 1996. Length-weight relationships were isometric with length exponents of 2.84 (males), 2.90 (females) and 2.88 (overall). Modal length at age were 12.0cm, 20.9cm, 25.0cm, 28.4cm and 30.2cm TL for ages 0+, 1+, 2+, 3+ and 4+ respectively. Corresponding total weights were 20.01g, 78.93g, 173.12g, 217.61g and 247.50g, respectively. Asymptotic length (Lo) was estimated 33.2cm TL, asymptotic weight (W sub(o)) was 484g, growth coefficient K=0.55847 super(-1) and hypothetical age at zero length To = 0.152yr. Longevity, Tmax, was 5.0yr, length and weight growth performance indices were Q super(1)=2.79 and Q = 1.44, respectively. Total mortality, natural mortality and fishing mortality were z = 1.02yr super(-1), M=0.607yr super(-1) and F=O. 3129yr super(-1), respectively. The exploitation ratio E was 0.4048 and exploitation rate U = 0.2302yr super(-1)
A total of 61 specimens of Heterotis niloticus were evaluated by linear regression and correlation. The specimens had mean standard length of 27.09 plus or minus 4.73cm, total length of 33-49cm, mean weight of 2445,108.3g, mean snout length of 48 plus or minus 0.86cm, mean eye diameter of 1.30 plus or minus 0.15cm, mean head length of 6.29 plus or minus 1.75cm. There was a strong relationship between the length and the weight, the eye diameter and the standard length, snout length and the standard length, head length and the standard length, snout length and the weight, head length and the weight (P<0.05). But the correlation of the eye diameters and the weight was insignificant (P>0.05). The growth pattern analysis depicts that the growth was negatively allometric with a b value of 1.16
Six glass tanks, each containing dechlorinated tap water and stocked with 3-day-old Heterobranchus, larvae hybrid between, Heterobranchus longifilis (male and Clarias gariepinus (female) were administered two types of feeding trials viz: live and frozen Dapthnids. Each treatment was replicated three times. The larvae were each fed approximately 50 Dapthnids per feeding time for fifteen days. Morphometric measurements of weigh and total length were taken before and after the experiment, and water quality parameters were monitored throughout the experimental period. At the end of the experiment, fish larvae fed frozen, Dapthnids, showed higher survival rate than Heterobranchus fed live Dapthnids. Even though the statistical analysis revealed that there was no significant difference (P>0.05) in survival. However, the Heteroclarias fed live dapthnids performed better in terms of growth rate than Heteroclarias fed frozen dapthnids. The statistical analysis did not show significant difference (P>0.05) between the final length and weight of two treatments. Heteroclarias fed live dapthnids had higher length and weight than Heteroclarias fed frozen dapthnids. It was therefore concluded that based on this experiment there is the likelihood that frozen zooplankton (Daphnids) do not encourage growth of Heteroclarias, but improves its survival. However, it's suggested that frozen zooplankton can be used to supplement live zooplankton in situation of sacrcity
Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings (mean weight 5.27~c0.29g) were fed raw and boiled Delonix regia seed meals following standard procedures. The weight gain, specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), protein efficiency ratio (PER), net protein utilization (NPU) were determined as growth indices. Diet formulated with seed boiled for 80 minutes showed significantly (P<0.05) high values for the growth indices. Carcass nutrients composition were significantly (P<0.05) higher than in the control (raw) diet. Delonix regia seed meal when boiled has high potential of being utilized efficiently by O.niloticus. The implications of the respective index in fish metabolism are discussed
The Geologic Atlas of the United States was digitized and stored in the Texas A&M University institutional repository. Extensive metadata was created which emphasized the geographic and geologic aspects of the material. The map sheets were also convered into kml files for Google Earth and ESRI shape files for use in GIS. A Yahoo!Map interface allows for visualization of the locations of each folio and user friendly browsing across the collection. Details of the project will be discussed, including the selection, digitization methods and standards, preservation, metadata, web presence and staffing. Its storage in DSpace, assortment of publicity outlets, and its inclusion in targeted clearinghouses expand its potential use to national and international audiences.
A short review of the work carried out by the FBA on feeding and growth of brown trout is presented in this article. Since the amount of work done on this subject is quite extensive, this review has to be very selective. The work has been previously described in 10 papers, 9 of which were written by the author (J.M.Elliott) and 1 written by the author and W.Davison- references for these, and the pioneer work of M.E.Brown and F.T.K.Pentelow, are supplied at the end of the article.
The dusky rockfish (Sebastes variabilis) has recently been resurrected as a distinct species in the genus Sebastes. Reproductive biology and growth were examined for this redescribed species in the central Gulf of Alaska. Age and length at 50% maturity were 9.2 years and 365 mm fork length, respectively, which are lower than previously reported. Fertilized ova and eyed embryos were observed in April and evidence of postparturition was not observed until May. The gonadosomatic index decreased with the onset of postparturition in May. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters for female dusky rockfish, estimated from the maturity samples, were significantly different from growth parameters derived from Gulf of Alaska fishery-independent survey data.