350 resultados para fish oil


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The overall quality of five SIS products was found in good condition up to 2 months storage on the basis of organoleptic, biochemical and bacteriological characteristics and all the products was excellent in sealed packed condition up to 45 days of storage. However, quality of the products stored in open air atmospheric temperature was found excellent for first 15 days. In an average the initial moisture content was in the range of 13.5 to 15.0% with highest moisture content in puti and lowest in chapila. At the end of the 60 days the moisture content reached to the range of 18.5 to 19.0% which was more or less near the recommended limit of 16% for dried fishery products. The moisture content beyond the recommended limit as the storage period increased further and at the end of 90 days the moisture content increased to the range of 22.9 to 24% when organoleptically the product quality became very poor. The changes in the value of total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N), peroxide value (PO), moisture and aerobic plate count (APC) of solar tunnel dried products in sealed polythene packages were investigated during 60 days of storage. There was little or no differences in TVB-N, PO and bacterial load of each species packed under various polythene density. The initial TVB-N values were in the range of 10.30 to 12.40 mg/100g of the samples. TVB-N value increased slowly up to the end of the storage period and was to in the range of 46.20 to 57.00 mg/1 00 g of sample. Initially the peroxide values (P.O.) were in the range of 6.54 to 8.40 m.eq./kg oil of the samples. During 60 days of storage, P.O. values increased slowly and at the end of the storage period these values reached to the range of 22.00 to 25.30meq./kg of sample. The initial APC was in the range 5.3xl04-7.3x104 CFU/g. The bacterial load increased slowly and at the end of the 60 days storage period reached to the range 6.6x106 - 8.6x107 CFT/g.


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The ecology of euglenophytes and their role in fish production were studied in 12 small earthen ponds beside the Faculty of Fisheries, BAU from July to November 2001. Four experiments each with three replications were conducted and those were as follows: pond treated with both poultry droppings and cowdung (T1); pond treated with only poultry droppings (T2), and pond treated with only poultry droppings (T3), while the control (T4) where no organic manure was applied. Fishes comprising of rohu (Labeo rohita), catla ( Catla catla), mrigal ( Cirrhinus cirrhosus), silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and silver barb (Barbonymus gonionotus) were stocked at the same stocking density of (10,621 fish/ha) and species ratio (1:1:1:2:2). The stocked fishes were fed with a common supplemental diet comprising of mustard oil cake and rice polish (1:1) at the rate of 4% of body weight per day. The highest cell density of euglenophytes was found in the ponds of T2, where poultry droppings were applied and was followed by T1, where both poultry droppings and cow dung were applied. Higher temperature, nitrate-nitrogen, phosphate-phosphorous and acidic pH were found to be conducive for the bloom of noxious euglenophytes. The bloom was found to use up most of the nutrients resulting in reduction in the growth of beneficial plankters and planktivorous fishes. The SGR (%/day) of catla, rohu and mrigal was lower during heavy bloom period while that of silver carp and silver barb were comparatively higher. The mortality of fishes in a pond of T2 during the bloom period was possibly due to formation of anoxic situation (dissolved oxygen level as low as 0.34 mg/1) in the early mornings through bacterial decomposition of the settled dead individuals or due to the combined effect of anoxic situation and toxic metabolite secretion by the euglenophytes.


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The problem of hydrolysis of lipids and consequent accumulation of free fatty acids and development of rancidity due to oxidation of the lipids are major problems in frozen storage of oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps). The course of the phospholipid breakdown, production of free fatty acids and the changes taking place in the major unsaturated fatty acids during frozen storage are described in this paper. The rate of free fatty acid production is faster in the fish, with the higher fat content. Unlike in lean fish, the neutral lipids are found to contribute substantially to the free fatty acid production. The fatty acids most affected during storage are C sub(20:5) and C sub(22:6). The polyene indices were found to decrease during storage. These effects are more pronounced in the fish with the higher fat content.


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A method is reported for smoke curing of oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) by dry salting in the ratio of 1:6 (salt to fish), followed by smoking in the traditional smoke chamber in two stages, (1) at 45°C for 3h hand (2) at 75°C for 2h with smoke generated from coconut husk, wood shavings and saw dust in 2:2:1 proportion. The product obtained had good odour, flavour, golden yellow colour and a shelf-life of 8 weeks at room temperature (26 to 28°C)


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Oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) is widely reported from the Indian Ocean and southeast Asia coasts. It is found, with other less important spp of Sardinella, around both coasts of India. Landings have shown wide variations from yr to yr. Figures were 7412 tons in 1956 and 301,641 tons in 1968. Various possible reasons for this are noted. The main fishery is concentrated in coastal waters 12-15 km from shore in waters up to 15 m deep. The gears used are mostly seine nets. Though the fish has a good protein value, its prices do not compare well to other fish, often due to handling and preservation difficulties. Problems encountered during preservation and transportation of the fish are considered. These include bursting and rancidity.


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Commercial canning of oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) in India is a relatively new procedure. Although 7 firms are engaged in canning this compares poorly with the abundance of the fish. There are often wide variations in the quality of the canned fish and important chemical and physical variations occur in the product once canned. A description of the canning process is given, and production figures compared to those of other countries. Production figures for 1965 to 1969 are given. These show that production increased from 1.2 to 1.5 million cans, but that there was a peak in 1967 when 3.2 million can s were produced. Exports of canned marine fish by country, and production of caned sardine by country from 1965 to 1970 are tabulated. The types of containers used and the feasibility of exporting canned fish are considered. Finally, the preparation of cured and smoked products is discussed briefly.


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The author reviews the advances in the oil and meal industries related to the oil sardine fishery (Sardinella longiceps) since the 1920s. Data on the production of by-produced produced in Kerala over the period 1964- 69 are tabulated. Details of the properties of the commercial oil are given, and the values compared to those for other similar oils. The use of oil sardine for industrial purposes - the oil has been used to cure leather, temper metals and as fungicides or insecticides - and the production of fish meal and fish protein concentrate is considered.


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A simple and economic process for canning of oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) in its own juice having very good organoleptic characteristics has been developed. The process consists in dipping eviscerated, scaled and cleaned fish in brine containing potash alum and citric acid, packing in cans, exhausting and seaming without addition of any filling medium and heat processing.


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Storage characteristics of oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps), mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) and seer (Scomberomorus guttatus) in refrigerated sea-water (RSW) were studied in comparison with their storage in crushed ice. Oil sardine stored in RSW was found to be comparable to iced ones only during the initial stages (up to 2 days) of storage and on further storage the former was found to be inferior to the latter. RSW can be advantageously employed for preservation of mackerel and seer. Mackerel and seer could be stored in RSW in acceptable condition for 4 to 6 days and 12 to 14 days respectively.


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Canning operations suitable for packing mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) in the form of skinless and boneless fillets in oil were studied and the process standardised. The technique of lye peeling for skin removal could be successfully applied. The storage life of the final product was tested over a period of one year and found to be quite comparable to other similar fish products.


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Oil Sardine (Sardinella longiceps), mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta), cat fish (Arius sp.), threadfin bream (Nemipterus japonicus) and ribbon fish (Trichurus sp.) were frozen in glazed/unglazed blocks, packed in expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulated plywood boxes with and without additional ice and despatched in uninsulated parcel vans of trains from Cochin to Calcutta. The consignments reached the destination in excellent condition and were readily disposed off.


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The changes in the major protein nitrogen fractions of two commercially important fishes of Indian waters, viz., mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) and lactarius (Lactarius lactarius), during storage in ice are reported. The significance of the findings is discussed in comparison with the results of a similar study on two species of marine prawns and oil sardine, reported earlier.


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The effect of betel leaf (Piper betle Linn.) extract on control of autoxidation of fat in dry fish has been studied. Oil sardine has been selected for experiments since it contains very high amount of fat. The treatments were given with 5% (w/v) betel leaf extract in water at different stages of salt curing. FFA, PV and TVN values of the samples were determined periodically to assess the keeping quality and autoxidation. The sample, prepared by dipping the fish in the extract immediately after salting and then drying as usual, was found to have better keeping qualities.


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Fresh oil sardine, mackerel and prawn were dipped in 0.1% and 1% solutions of Na sub(2)EDTA, and stored in ice. Their storage-life was assessed by bacteriological, chemical and sensory methods. Even though EDTA treatment controlled the increase in bacterial counts and reduced TMA and TVBN production in oil sardine and mackerel, the consequent beneficial effect was not realised because of the deterioration of fat in these fishes, leading to rancidity. But, for prawn stored in ice, a dip in 1% solution of Na sub(2)EDTA enhanced the shelf-life by at least 8 days over the untreated control. EDTA absorbed by the muscle of fish and prawn during dip in Na sub(2)EDTA solution is not completely removed during their iced storage for 25 days.


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Oil sardines in prime condition were chilled on board. Two lots were chilled in CSW (samples C & CI), one lot ice (sample I) and a fourth lot was left un-iced on deck (sample AI). Sample AI was iced after landing and sample CI was taken out of the chilled seawater and. iced. All the four samples were kept in a chilled room for storage studies. Sample C, chilled and stored in CSW, recorded a gradual gain in weight and an increase in salt content of the muscle. Presence of salt did not seem to cause any excessive protein denaturation. Salt extractability decreased at a gradual rate in all cases. Presence of salt seemed to wield no noticeable influence on lipid hydrolysis and subsequent peroxidation. Results of chemical and sensory evaluations highlight this. Holding sardines in CSW gave a product of excellent quality for the first four to five days of storage. Beyond the fifth day of storage quality deteriorated rapidly and there was no noticeable superiority for this sample (sample C) over the on board iced fish. This was evident in the sensory evaluation as well. However, a storage life of five days in a readily acceptable state is sufficient for the fish to be disposed in the market at a premium sale price over other landings of the same species.