39 resultados para Zone of potential development


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Vast barren lands are lying vacant in the semi-arid zone of India, which can effectively be utilised for fish farming. Experiments conducted in semi-arid conditions at Damdama indicated that it is possible to breed Indian major carps and common carp under controlled conditions of modern carps hatchery CIFE D-80 without depending on rain.


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Karnataka, one of the maritime states on the west coast of India, has progressed quite well in marine fisheries due to its vast fisheries resources and diversification in mechanised fishing. Mechanisation programmes were started by the state from 1957-58 only. Starting with two small mechanised boats, the state has today a fishing fleet of 398 purseseiners, 731 gillnetters, 2 deepsea trawlers and about 1,500 shrimp trawlers contributing over 85% of the total marine fish landings. The marine fish production during 1987-88 up to the end of March 1988 was 1,29,659 tonnes valued at Rs.48.05 crores.


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The fishery resources of India are extensive. The demand for fish for domestic consumption will be at least 10 million by 2000 AD. With proper planning and management, fish production from inland, brackishwater and marine sources can be increased to 5 million tonnes, 1 million tonne and 4 million tonnes respectively. But the increase in the last 37 years is approximately equals 2.1 million tonnes over the base level of 1950. If the present trend is continued, the expected fish production will be approximately equals 6 million tonnes by 2000 AD, and hence, only approximately equals 60% of the domestic demand can be met.


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To assess the biodiversity of macro benthos in the changing environment along the coast of Mumbai, the intertidal zone of Versova was identified. The water quality in this intertidal region was poor with low pH, salinity and dissolved oxygen, and high nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and ammonia. The substratum was sandy with 1.29% organic matter in it. Mean faunal density of 2257 no./m² was recorded during the study which was mainly contributed by polychaetes (83.5%) followed by amphipods (14.5%), while other groups represented were isopods, crabs, hermit crabs, unidentified decapods, pelecypods and gastropods. Average biomass of 34.83 g/m² (93.7%) was contributed by polychaetes. Shannon and Wiener Index (0.4107) indicated heavy pollution in the intertidal area of Versova.


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Present paper attempts to analyze consumption pattern and consumer preferences towards value-added fish and fish products in north zone of India. Results reveal that socio economic variables affect consumption of value-added fish and fish products. A total of 49 percent respondents were of middle age group (35 to 50 years). All were literates except 7% from the rural area. All were purchasing fish at least once in 15 days. A total of 90% respondents in rural, 11% in semi urban and 50% in urban area were unaware of value-added fish and fish products. About 10% of respondents had consumed it, out of which most were from urban area. Demand analysis by Cobb Douglas (CD) Demand function revealed that when price of fish, price of the substitutes, income of family and family size were used as independent variables, variation in demand of fish explained by CD Demand function was about 39% in urban area, 24% in semi urban area and 22% in rural area. From Garette ranking technique major problems in fish consumption found were irregular supply, lack of fresh fish, high price and presence of bones in fish. While lack of awareness, unavailability, no preference and unacceptable taste were major problems for consumption of value-added fish and fish products.


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Chemical ecology is the science of study and analysis of natural chemical products in result of biochemical processes in organisms and their reactions to variations of ecological and environmental parameters. In marine chemical ecology the existence of natural products in aquatic organisms and their ecological roles in marine animals and their reactions to environmental parameters variations will be studied. Among them, fatty acids are the most various and abundant ones in natural products which had been extracted from many marine organisms such as mollusks and algae. In this study selected animals were the dominant species of mollusks in intertidal zone of chabahar bay including gastropods, bivalves and polyplacophora classes. Nerita textilis and Turbo coronatus species are among gastropoda, Saccostrea cucullata is from bivalve, and Chiton lamyi is from polyplacophora. After seasonal sampling, separation and identification of natural products of these species, fatty acids had been isolated and identified by GC mass chromatography and their seasonal variations had been identified. In addition environmental factors of the location including pH, salinity temperature, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a and nutrients were measured monthly. Then the effect of seasonal variations of environmental factors on fatty acids had been studied by applying statistical analysis. GC/MS resulted thirteen fatty acids, which the most importants were myristic, stearic, oleic, palmitoleic, arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acids. In majority of species palmitic acid was most abundant than the others and saturatedes had the most percentage levels than unsaturated ones. Although seasonal variations of identified fatty acids was not similar in species, but the majority of unsaturated ones had their maximum during winter, while saturated acids reached their maximum in summer. Statistical Analysis showed the strong correlations between Environmental factors and some fatty acids and temperature, nitrate, silicate and pH had strong correlations in all species. The species was studied from the point of lipid content and the results showed a good quality of lipid content in the selected species in the intertidal zone of Chabahar bay.


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Distribution of polychaetes worms Nereidae in intertidal zone of Bandar Abbass indicated that distribution rate of worms from the west to east for the reason status of seabed type, habitat and feeding substrate used to worms increased. Also investigation description that last-mentioned worms are belong to Nereididae family, Perinereis genus and species of Perinereis nuntia. By viewpoint seabed soil types experiments implement indicated Nereididae worms have higher survival with sandy clay loam soil texture. Statistical analysis showed positive relation coefficient correlation of Pearson between substrate type to frequency of worms and too substrate type with soil organic matter value (P<0.05). By viewpoint feeding also experiments with different feed treatment indicated that Nereid worms is Omnivore but in natural condition more utilized algae substrate special Entermorpha and survival rate had the worms last-mentioned in dietary treatments on this algae 93/3% different significant with other treatments (P<0.05). In this project pond-reared white Indian shrimp (Fenneropenaeus indicus) were used in four maturation and spawning trials lasting 60 days. one group of shrimps was fed a formulated pelleted special of broodstock diet only, a second group was fed squid meat diet; a third group of shrimps with mollusca (Solen vagina) meat diet and fourth group was fed polychaete worms Nereidae family, collected in intertidal zone of Bandar Abbass. Four types of dietary treatments (M1, M4) were given to separate batches that were run in three duplicate. Results of experiments demonstrate that more grew rate and maturation and spawning rate and we found that shrimps fed with polychaete worms have the best condition and then shrimps fed with solen. This is demonstrate furthermore environmental circumstance, endocrine hormone, types of feed important of maturation and spawning of shrimps and in polychaete worms used HUFA help to maturation ovarian in shrimp.


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The present study with headline investigation on reproduction in two species of crab Eriphia sebana and Ocypode saratan was carried out in the intertidal zone of Chabahar in thirteen month from December 2004 to December 2005. Checked samplings have been taken, 45 number Crab monthly from any four stations by manual or use trap. During this study the following subjects were measured: temperature range and salinity, measurable coast granule, determination of sex ratio, relations carapace width with carapace length, Carapace width with total body weight, Gonad weight, gonadosomatic index, condition factor, gastrosomatic index, investigation content in stomach, LM50, growth parameters, plenty distribution length and width and gonad weight and total body weight. Studied on measurable coast granule were expressed that Ocypode saratan in Desalination station, were nest in soils equable sand and this quantity were confirmed in Pozm station. Sex ratio were assign in desalination area and Pozm M: F 0/44:0/56 and in Tiss and Chabahar M:F 0/45:0/55. Carapace length and carapace width (cm) and body weight (g) Furthest were designated in Ocypode saratan within carapace width sequential: In female: 5/42-6/15-105/13 and in male: 5/53-6/25-108/91 and in Eriphia sebana within Tiss area sequential: in female: 5/12-5/94-110/21 and in male 5/14-60/01-114/37. Have been linear relationship between carapace length and carapace width and equaled CW=aCL+b. Weight growth in two species were be modal and equaled BW=aCLb And increased crab weight by built up carapace width. Maximum gonad weight in Ocypode saratan within Desalination area in female have been outcome 3/39 and in male 0/84g and in Eriphia sebana extreme within Tiss during may in female were be 4/18 and in male 1/1g. Stomach content in Eriphia sebana were involved a black until half-purplish liquid and yellowish in Ocypode saratan. Stomach contents identifiable were being in four groups: Molluscoid, Crustacean, Plankton and Fish. Carapace width during the first year of maturation have been LM50:3/77 in Desalination area and LM50:3/92 in Pozm for Ocypode saratan and LM50:4/26 in Tiss and LM50:4/62 in Chabahar. Ability spawning in Eriphia sebana within Tiss has been CW=4/17cm and in Ocypode saratan within Desalination area CW=4/23cm. Maximun value of Loo for Eriphia sebana was equal 59/67 and growth factor K=0/68 within Tiss and Loo =61/64, K=0/65 for Ocypode saratan within Desalination area. Maximun GSI and GI have been within Desalination area and Tiss and minimum within Pozm and Chabahar. The maturity stages of two species were classifed into six stages. Review on GSI, CF have been showed that relation with temperature and salinity and definer in two species have been spawned in two period that Maximun in spring premier than autumn.


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Studies of fish and fisheries in Africa fall in to four phases: the period of fisheries expeditions, ecological investigations, the development phase, and the period of mechanized exploitation. There is need to establish the taxonomic status and ecology of the varied components of the potentially important Haplochromis in Lake Victoria. A comprehensive study of their bionomics and life history, population structure, natality, recruitment and mortality coefficients should be undertaken. Emphasis lo be laid on the study of the ecology, especially breeding behaviour of the economically important c1upeids (Stolothrissa tanganciae and Limnothrissa miodon), in Lake Tanganyika. A comprehensive investigation into the migratory and shoaling behaviour of the Lake Victoria Tilapia to be initiated. Pre-impoundment studies to be undertaken to assess effects of hydroelectric projects of fisheries. Studies on parasites of economically important fishes to be stepped up to assess pathological effects and the biological basis for their control. The role of predators, e.g., Hydrocyon, Lates and Micropterus salmoides in commercial fish populations should be evaluated, and the knowledge gaincd used to effectively manage the fisheries in favour of the more desirable fish stocks.