42 resultados para Wood consumption


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Present paper attempts to analyze consumption pattern and consumer preferences towards value-added fish and fish products in north zone of India. Results reveal that socio economic variables affect consumption of value-added fish and fish products. A total of 49 percent respondents were of middle age group (35 to 50 years). All were literates except 7% from the rural area. All were purchasing fish at least once in 15 days. A total of 90% respondents in rural, 11% in semi urban and 50% in urban area were unaware of value-added fish and fish products. About 10% of respondents had consumed it, out of which most were from urban area. Demand analysis by Cobb Douglas (CD) Demand function revealed that when price of fish, price of the substitutes, income of family and family size were used as independent variables, variation in demand of fish explained by CD Demand function was about 39% in urban area, 24% in semi urban area and 22% in rural area. From Garette ranking technique major problems in fish consumption found were irregular supply, lack of fresh fish, high price and presence of bones in fish. While lack of awareness, unavailability, no preference and unacceptable taste were major problems for consumption of value-added fish and fish products.


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A method for the preparation of fish pickles from a lean variety of fish namely pink perch (Nemipterus japonicus) is described. Dipping the fish in 10% sodium chloride solution containing 6% acetic acid before pickling, was found desirable for retaining the meaty texture of the product. The product has no fish smell or flavour and has a shelf life of more than six months at ambient temperatures and scored very well in organoleptic tests.


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Influence of moisture and specific gravity on the strength of mango wood is discussed. The co-efficient of correlation between specific gravity and breaking strength was found to be non-significant. The relation of strength and moisture was found to be highly significant. The mean strength values indicated a reduction in strength when the moisture increased from 8.5 to 18.8%. However no appreciable difference in strength values could be observed when moisture increased above 37%. The strength-moisture relationship is a straight line, passing approximately through the fibre saturation point. By using the exponential formula, the breaking strength corresponding to any moisture level between zero and fibre saturation can be determined.


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Wooden test panels of different species of wood sheathed with fibre-glass reinforced plastic were subjected to immersion tests along with corresponding controls in Cochin Port area and the effect of the protective coating studied.


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A detailed study of the fortification of normal creosote and low temperature creosote with As sub(2) O sub(3) at 40°C, 50°C, 60°C, 70°C, 80°C and 90°C was carried out. When compared to normal creosote, low temperature creosote has been found to combine more easily with As sub(2) O sub(3) when temperature was . raised from 40 to 90°C. The incorporated arsenic values obtained shows that low temperature creosote with high phenolic content, retains considerably more As sub(2) O sub(3) and a maximum of 0.2180% w/w can be incorporated in low temperature creosote at 90°C.


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A detailed study on arsenical creosote with reference to leaching, corrosion and anti-borer properties was carried out. Results showed that aging had very little effect on the preservative which suggested better fixation of the preservative into the wood. Corrosion of mild steel, galvanised iron, aluminium-magnesium alloy (M57S) and copper panels in the preservative was found to be negligible. Normal creosote and low temperature creosote of Regional Research Laboratory, Hyderabad, both fortified with arsenic trioxide resisted borer damage on wooden panels for a period of over five months in the port of Cochin. The performance of low temperature creosote fortified with arsenic was found to be equally satisfactory when compared to normal creosote fortified in the same manner. A loading of 208.6 Kgs/ml³ for Haldu (Adina cordifolia) and 138 Kgs/m³ for Mango (Mangifera indica) in the case of normal creosote and 177 Kgs/m³ for Mango the case of RRL creosote were found to be sufficient for treating the wood.


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Modern fishing boats have to be built not only on perfect lines but also with sound and strong construction materials that will ensure a long lasting trouble free service commensurate with the heavy capital investment involved. Choice of construction materials for fishing boats need careful scrutiny as they have to perform too well under most aggressive environments-sea-water and marine atmosphere. A number of alternative boat-building materials are now available whose comparative merits and demerits as well as comparative costs are brought out in this paper.


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An interesting assemblage of commensalic organisms ranging from Protozoa to Arthropoda has been identified from the wood boring animals (molluscs and crustaceans) from the south-west coast of India. Certain aspects of the general biology of the associated ciliates such as the nature of incidence, division in relation to environmental parameters, survival outside the body of the host and reactions related to the general condition of the host are described. Results are also presented of the tolerance of the rare commensalic hydroid Eutima commensalis to different salinities of the medium.


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Vertical distribution of marine wood boring and fouling organisms from three different estuarine areas namely, the Ernakulam channel in the Cochin backwaters, Ayiramthengu in the Kayamkulam Lake and Neendakara in the Asthamudi Lake during the post-monsoon, the pre-monsoon and the monsoon periods is presented. The boring organisms noticed during the present study were Martesia striata, Teredo furcifera, Nausitora hedleyi and Sphaeroma terebrans. The dominant fouling organisms were Balanus amphitrite amphitrite, calcareous worms and Modiolus sp. Algae and diatoms were very common on the sub-tidal panels during the monsoon. The incidence of Teredo, Nausitora and calcareous tube worms were significantly high on the bottom panels. Sphaeroma, Balanus and Modiolus occurred in greater numbers on the intertidal panels.


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The rate of oxygen consumption by Perna viridis pre-exposed to copper and zinc was studied. Those test individuals pre-exposed to various zinc concentrations showed variability in oxygen consumption irrespective of concentrations and pre-exposure period. While those animals pre-exposed to various copper concentrations registered decrease in oxygen consumption at concentrations above 0.06 p.p.m. copper, pre-exposure to concentrations below 0.02 p.p.m. copper did not result in any clear cut change in the rate of oxygen consumption.


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The study aimed to determine the oxygen consumption of P. monodon postlarvae at different temperatures. Results suggest dependence of oxygen consumption on both weight of postlarvae and temperature. The relationships appear linear at the temperature range examined. Temperature dependence of oxygen consumption suggests that oxygen requirement (and metabolism) increases with temperature.


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Our knowledge regarding ethno-medico zoology is scanty and scattered. The present work is an endeavour to collect information on indigenous traditional knowledge (ITK) of disease cure through fish consumption, prepare a consolidated report on this aspect and to document our ITK so that in the long run after due verification (by Medical experts), such ITK can be patented. We also suggest for the recognition of the age old tribal medicine and establishment of a national research institute for tribal medicines at suitable place for the welfare of all the human beings.