141 resultados para Triangular potential


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We investigated estuarine spatial and temporal overlap of wild and marked hatchery chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) fry; the latter included two distinct size groups released near the Taku River estuary (Taku Inlet) in Southeast Alaska (early May releases of ~ 1.9 g and late May releases of ~ 3.9 g wet weight). Our objectives were to compare abundance, body size, and condition of wild chum salmon fry and hatchery chum salmon fry raised under early and late rearing strategies in different habitats of Taku Inlet and to document environmental factors that could potentially explain the distribution, size, and abundance of these chum salmon fr y. We used a sampling design stratified into inner and outer inlet and neritic and littoral habitats. Hatchery fry were rare in the inner estuary in both years but outnumbered wild fry 20:1 in the outer estuary. Hatchery fry were significantly larger than wild fry in both littoral and neritic samples. Abundances of wild and hatchery fry were positively correlated in the outer inlet, indicating the formation of mixed schools of hatchery and wild fry. Spatial and temporal overlap was greatest between wild and early hatchery fry in the outer inlet in both habitats. The early hatchery release coincided with peak abundances of wild fry in the outer inlet, and the distribution of wild and early hatchery fry overlapped for about three weeks. Our results demonstrate that the timing of release of hatchery fry may affect interactions with wild fry.


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A ssur ing the v itality and survival potential of live-caught Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is important for improving the sorting of fish before net penning operations designed to hold fish for growth and later market. When Atlantic cod are captured by Danish seine, the most commonly used fishing gear for live-caught fish, they undergo stressors such as forced swimming, net abrasion, and air exposure. Laboratory experiments (at an air temperature of 9°C and water temperature of 8°C) were conducted with the aim of constructing a RAMP (reflex action mortality predictor) curve for prediction of vitality and survival potential in Atlantic cod captured in Danish seines, by varying the levels of these stressors. Atlantic cod exposed to increased duration in air (5–20 min) showed increased reflex impairment and mortality, with 75% mortality at 10 minutes of air exposure. Forced swimming in combination with net abrasion and air exposure did not increase reflex impairment or mortality above that associated with air exposure alone. The Atlantic cod RAMP curves indicated that fish with reflex impairment less than 50% would not show mortality and would likely recover from capture stress.


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We estimated annual abundance of juvenile blue (Sebastes mystinus), yellowtail (S. f lavidus), and black (S. melanops) rockfish off northern California over 21 years and evaluated the relationship of abundance to oceanographic variables (sea level anomaly, nearshore temperature, and offshore Ekman transport). Although mean annual abundance was highly variable (0.01−181 fish/minute), trends were similar for the three species. Sea level anomaly and nearshore temperature had the strongest relationship with interannual variation in rockfish abundance, and offshore Ekman transport did not correlate with abundance. Oceanographic events occurring in February and March (i.e., during the larval stage) had the strongest relationship with juvenile abundance, which indicates that year-class strength is determined during the larval stage. Also of note, the annual abundance of juvenile yellowtail rockfish was positively correlated with year-class strength of adult yellowtail rockfish; this finding would indicate the importance of studying juvenile abundance surveys for management purposes.


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Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), and bigeye (Thunnus obesus) tunas are caught by purse-seine vessels in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO). Although there is no evidence to indicate that current levels of fishing-induced mortality will affect the sustainability of skipjack or yellowfin tunas, fishing mortality on juvenile (younger than 5 years of age) bigeye tuna has increased, and overall fishing mortality is greater than that necessary to produce the maximum sustainable yield of this species. We investigated whether time-area closures have the potential to reduce purse-seine bigeye catches without significantly reducing skipjack catches. Using catch and effort data for 1995–2002, we identified regions where the ratio of bigeye to skipjack tuna catches was high and applied simple closed-area models to investigate the possible benefits of time-area closures. We estimated that the most optimistic and operationally feasible 3-month closures, covering the equatorial region of the EPO during the third quarter of the year, could reduce bigeye catches by 11.5%, while reducing skipjack tuna catches by 4.3%. Because this level of bigeye tuna catch reduction is insufficient to address sustainability concerns, and larger and longer closures would reduce catches of this species signficantly, we recommend that future research be directed toward gear technology solutions because these have been successful in many other fisheries. In particular, because over 50% of purse-seine catches of bigeye tuna are taken in sets in which bigeye tuna are the dominant species, methods to allow the determination of the species composition of aggregations around floating objects may be important.


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Although bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis) was an economically important rockfish species along the west coast of North America, overfishing has reduced the stock to about 7.4% of its former unfished population. In 2003, using a manned research submersible, we conducted fish surveys around eight oil and gas platforms off southern California as part of an assessment of the potential value of these structures as fish habitat. From these surveys, we estimated that there was a minimum of 430,000 juvenile bocaccio at these eight structures. We determined this number to be about 20% of the average number of juvenile bocaccio that survive annually for the geographic range of the species. When these juveniles become adults, they will contribute about one percent (0.8%) of the additional amount of fish needed to rebuild the Pacific Coast population. By comparison, juvenile bocaccio recruitment to nearshore natural nursery grounds, as determined through regional scuba surveys, was low in the same year. This research demonstrates that a relatively small amount of artificial nursery habitat may be quite valuable in rebuilding an overfished species.


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Biomedical companies catch and bleed horseshoe crabs for the production of Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL), a product used for protecting public health (Berkson and Shuster, 1999). LAL is a clotting agent, derived solely from horseshoe crab blood cells, which is used to detect the presence of pathogenic gramnegative bacteria in injectable drugs and implantable medical and dental devices (Mikkelsen, 1988; Novitsky, 1991). In addition, LAL is used in many diagnostic tests for such illnesses as gram-negative bacterial meningitis and typhoid fever (Ding and Ho, 2001). Because the LAL test allows one to detect femtogram levels of endotoxin (Ding and Ho, 2001), it is the most effective test for detecting endotoxin contamination, and its increasing use in medical and pharmaceutical laboratories makes it a highly valued product.


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Results of a twelve-month assessment of the fisheries and aquaculture potential of small waterbodies (SWBs) in the West Gonja District of Northern Ghana are presented. The primary objectives of the project were to established whether the fisheries within the reservoir basins in the West Gonja and Nanumba Districts (Northern Region) could be enhanced and aquaculture associated with the SWBs could be viable.


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A compilation of 48 estimates of Caribbean and Pacific coral reef fish catches, ranging from 0.1 to 23.7 t km super(-2) year super(-1), obtained from coral reef areas ranging from 0.1 to nearly 4-10 super(5) km super(2), are used to show that observed catches, and hence potential yield estimates, depend strongly on the reference area. The implications for coral reef fisheries assessments are discussed.


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Aquaculture in Africa is fairly insignificant by world standards and accounts for a mere 0.4 per cent of global aquaculture production. The application of genetics can play an important role in efforts to increase aquaculture production in Africa through methods such as selective breeding, hybridization, chromosome manipulation and use of YY “supermales”. Other issues that need to be addressed are limited genetic research facilities, funding, human capacity and suitable species for aquaculture.


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Zanzibar, one of the poorest areas of sub-Saharan Africa, has a good potential for foreign investment in offshore (EEZ) marine capture fisheries, in aquaculture and in fi sheries infrastructure. Zanzibar’s fisheries resources could be better managed in an effort to alleviate the poverty of its rural population and to provide food security. At present, Zanzibar’s fisheries are artisanal and its total annual production of fish of just over 20000 t, caught in inshore waters, is consumed locally. The government of Zanzibar has liberalized its policies to make Zanzibar a good environment for foreign investment.


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The marine grouper species are considered high value food fish in several countries. However, controlled breeding and hatchery production of grouper fingerlings for commercial farming is still in its infancy. Investigations on the growth performance of the brown marbled grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus (Forskal), camouflage grouper E. polyphekadion (Bleeker) and their hybrid (E. fuscoguttatus x E. polyphekadion) under hatchery and growout culture conditions indicate the potential of grouper hybrids for aquaculture.


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Aquaculture production in Africa has remained low despite the huge potential that exists on the continent. In order for this potential to be realized, it is necessary to refocus the direction of aquaculture development. This paper concludes that for further growth to occur it is necessary to: (i) widen the range of production systems; (ii) increase production intensities and efficiencies; (iii) develop management technologies for indigenous species that target local niche markets; (iv) put more emphasis on marketing and processing of high value products; (v) promote policy research on how aquaculture production can respond to changing macroeconomic policies; and (vi) accelerate the disengagement of government from activities that can best be done by the private sector.


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The use of antibiotics and other chemicals in controlling shrimp pathogens become ineffective as the strains grow more resistant to these chemicals. Moreover, the bacterial pathogen (Vibrio harveyi) produced biofilm coating that protects it from dying and disinfection procedures that are followed during pond preparation. Biological control is being considered as an alternative means of preventing shrimp disease outbreak. The main principle behind biological control is to enhance the growth of beneficial microorganisms which serve as antagonists or target pathogens. The paper discusses shrimp and tilapia crop rotation as a form of effective biological control, a technique which is already being practiced in Indonesia and the Philippines.


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The characteristics, food and feeding, reproduction and breeding of sea horse and pipefishes (Synanthidae) are presented together with the aspects of syngnathid culture.


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Long-term trends in the abundance and distribution of several pinniped species and commercially important fisheries of New England and the contiguous U.S. west coast are reviewed, and their actual and potential interactions discussed. Emphasis is on biological interactions or competition. The pinnipeds include the western North Atlantic stock of harbor seals, Phoca vitulina concolor; western North Atlantic gray seals, Halochoerus grypus; the U.S. stock of California sea lions, Zalophus californianus californianus; the eastern stock of Steller sea lions, Eumetopias jubatus; and Pacific harbor seals, Phoca vitulina richardii. Fisheries included are those for Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua; silver hake, Merluccius bilinearis; Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus; the coastal stock of Pacific whiting, Merluccius productus; market squid, Loligo opalescens; northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax; Pacific her-ring, Clupea pallasi; and Pacific sardine, Sardinops sagax. Most of these pinniped populations have grown exponentially since passage of the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act in 1972. They exploit a broad prey assemblage that includes several commercially valuable species. Direct competition with fisheries is therefore possible, as is competition for the prey of commercially valuable fish. The expanding pinniped populations, fluctuations in commercial fish biomass, and level of exploitation by the fisheries may affect this potential for competition. Concerns over pinnipeds impacting fisheries (especially those with localized spawning stocks or at low biomass levels) are more prevalent than concerns over fisheries’ impacts on pinnipeds. This review provides a framework to further evaluate potential biological interactions between these pinniped populations and the commercial fisheries with which they occur.