52 resultados para Sao Paulo Continental Shelf


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A study was initiated with field work in May 2007 to assess the status of ecological condition and stressor impacts throughout the U.S. continental shelf off South Florida, focusing on soft-bottom habitats, and to provide this information as a baseline for evaluating future changes due to natural or human-induced disturbances. The boundaries of the study region extended from Anclote Key on the western coast of Florida to West Palm Beach on the eastern coast of Florida, inclusive of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS), and from navigable depths along the shoreline seaward to the shelf break (~100m). The study incorporated standard methods and indicators applied in previous national coastal monitoring programs — U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) and National Coastal Assessment (NCA) — including multiple measures of water quality, sediment quality, and biological condition. Synoptic sampling of the various indicators provided an integrative weight-of-evidence approach to assessing condition at each station and a basis for examining potential associations between presence of stressors and biological responses. A probabilistic sampling design, which included 50 stations distributed randomly throughout the region, was used to provide a basis for estimating the spatial extent of condition relative to the various measured indicators and corresponding assessment endpoints (where available). The study was conducted through a large cooperative effort by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), EPA, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), NOAA/Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR)/Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory in Miami, FKNMS, and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). The majority of the South Florida shelf had high levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) in near-bottom water (> 5 mg L-1) indicative of “good” water quality.. DO levels in bottom waters exceeded this upper threshold at 98.8% throughout the coastal-ocean survey area. Only 1.2% of the region had moderate DO levels (2-5 mg/L) and no part of the survey area had DO <2.0 mg/L. In addition, offshore waters throughout the region had relatively low levels of total suspended solids (TSS), nutrients, and chlorophyll a indicative of oligotrophic conditions. Results suggested good sediment quality as well. Sediments throughout the region, which ranged from sands to intermediate muddy sands, had low levels of total organic carbon (TOC) below bioeffect guidelines for benthic organisms. Chemical contaminants in sediments were also mostly at low, background levels. For example, none of the stations had chemicals in excess of corresponding Effects-Range Median (ERM) probable bioeffect values or more than one chemical in excess of lower-threshold Effects-Range Low (ERL) values. Cadmium was the only chemical that occurred at moderate concentrations between corresponding ERL and ERM values. Sixty fish samples from 28 stations were collected and analyzed for chemical contaminants. Eleven of these samples (39% of sites) had moderate levels of contaminants, between lower and upper non-cancer human-health thresholds, and ten (36% of sites) had high levels of contaminants above the upper threshold.


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Various reef types worldwide have inconsistent relationships among fish assemblage parameters and benthic characteristics, thus there is a need to identify factors driving assemblage structure specific to each reef type and locale. Limestone ledges are known to be key habitats for bottom fish on the continental shelf of the southeastern USA, however, the specific factors that link them to fish assemblages have not been quantified. Bottom fishes and habitat characteristics on ledges were surveyed at a study site located centrally in the southeastern USA continental shelf. Species richness, diversity, abundance, and biomass of fish were higher at ledges than on flat bottom. Species richness, abundance, and biomass of fish were well explained by ledge variables including percent cover of sessile invertebrates, total height, and height of undercut recesses. Multivariate analyses based on biomass of individual species at ledges revealed two fish assemblages associated with four ledge types. One assemblage was associated with ledges that were tall, heavily colonized with sessile invertebrates, large in area, and did or did not have undercuts. The other assemblage was associated with ledges that were short, not undercut, smaller in area, and were or were not heavily colonized by invertebrates. Seafloor classification schemes presently used in the region do not adequately capture hard bottom diversity to identify the location and extent of essential fish habitats for ecological and fisheries purposes. Given that ledges cover only ∼1% to 5% of the southeastern USA continental shelf, they merit the highest levels of consideration in regional research, conservation, and management plans.


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The National Status and Trends (NS&T) Program has conducted studies to determine the spatial extent and severity of chemical contamination and associated adverse biological effects in coastal bays and estuaries of the United States since 1991. Sediment contamination in U.S. coastal areas is a major environmental issue because of its potential toxic effects on biological resources and often, indirectly, on human health. Thus, characterizing and delineating areas of sediment contamination and toxicity and demonstrating their effect(s) on benthic living resources are therefore important goals of coastal resource management at NOAA. The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, and the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), University of California Moss Landing Marine Lab (MLML), and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), conducted ecosystem monitoring and characterization studies within and between marine sanctuaries along the California coast in 2002 and 2004 on the NOAA RV McArthur. One of the objectives was to perform a systematic assessment of the chemical and physical habitats and associated biological communities in soft bottom habitats on the continental shelf and slope in the central California region. This report addresses the magnitude and extent of chemical contamination, and contaminant transport patterns in the region. Ongoing studies of the benthic community are in progress and will be reported in an integrated assessment of habitat quality and the parameters that govern natural resource distributions on the continental margin and in canyons in the region.


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The stomachs of 819 Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) sampled from 1988 to 1992 were analyzed to compare dietary differences among five feeding grounds on the New England continental shelf (Jeffreys Ledge, Stellwagen Bank, Cape Cod Bay, Great South Channel, and South of Martha’s Vineyard) where a majority of the U.S. Atlantic commercial catch occurs. Spatial variation in prey was expected to be a primary influence on bluefin tuna distribution during seasonal feeding migrations. Sand lance (Ammodytes spp.), Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus), squid (Cephalopoda), and bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) were the top prey in terms of frequency of occurrence and percent prey weight for all areas combined. Prey composition was uncorrelated between study areas, with the exception of a significant association between Stellwagen Bank and Great South Channel, where sand lance and Atlantic herring occurred most frequently. Mean stomach-contents biomass varied significantly for all study areas, except for Great South Channel and Cape Cod Bay. Jeffreys Ledge had the highest mean stomach-contents biomass (2.0 kg) among the four Gulf of Maine areas and Cape Cod Bay had the lowest (0.4 kg). Diet at four of the five areas was dominated by one or two small pelagic prey and several other pelagic prey made minor contributions. In contrast, half of the prey species found in the Cape Cod Bay diet were demersal species, including the frequent occurrence of the sessile fig sponge (Suberites ficus). Prey size selection was consistent over a wide range of bluefin length. Age 2–4 sand lance and Atlantic herring and age 0–1 squid and Atlantic mackerel were common prey for all sizes of bluefin tuna. This is the first study to compare diet composition of western Atlantic bluefin tuna among discrete feeding grounds during their seasonal migration to the New England continental shelf and to evaluate predator-prey size relationships. Previous studies have not found a common occurrence of demersal species or a pre-dominance of Atlantic herring in the diet of bluefin tuna.


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Surface sediments from the continental shelf area off Indus delta were analysed for their textural characteristics and carbonate content. The sediments are largely silt, silty clay and clayey silty sand. Sandy fraction is dominant in the outer region with relatively high carbonate content. The study shows that distribution of carbonate in sediments off Indus delta continental shelf is controlled by the dilution of terrigenous material and its distance from source area.


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Based on the data collected from New Ferry Wharf, Sassoon Dock and exploratory survey of MFV Saraswati on the Northwest coast of India, the growth, mortality, population and stock parameters of Saurida tumbil is reported in the present communication. The Von Bertalanffy growth function (GF) parameters for growth on length were found to be L∞=49.8 cm, K=0.96/year, t0 = -.141 year. The length at recruitment (lr) is 80 mm. (tr=.167 year) while the length at first capture (lc) for the commercial trawl fishery is 100 mm (tc=0.25 year). The annual fishing mortality coefficient (F) for 1983-85 was 0.43, the natural mortality coefficient (M) was 1.33 and the exploitation ratio (E) was 0.25. The yield per recruit (Y/R) attained the maximum of 54.99 g at F=1.091 for E=0.45 for the present tc at 0.25 year. The annual total stock (P) and standing stock (P) in the exploitation portion at the inshore grounds to a depth of about 50 m were estimated to be 12,811 tons and 6,034 tons respectively. The average annual yield of 2,635 tons at the present F=0.439 (E=0.247) was less than the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) for 3,331 tons attainable from the inshore grounds at E=0.45.


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Biodiversity and distribution of benthic Foraminifera and Ostracoda in the continental shelf sediments of the Omman Sea was studied in order to indicating of the composition of benthic foraminiferal and ostracodal communities and determining of their relationship with the environmental factors of the Omman Sea. Sediment samples were gathered in winter 2006 from twelve stations ranging in depth from 30 to 103 meters. Environmental factors including depth, temperature, salinity, dissolved Oxygen and pH were measured with a CTD system during sampling time and grain size and total organic matter were measured in laboratory. From the overall 57 benthic foram species, there were 52 identified species belong to 25 genera of 16 families. The cosmopolitan foraminifer, Ammonia beccarii, was common in all sampling stations. The composition of benthic foram communities had a highly positive correlation with depth, salinity and total organic matter. From the overall 30 ostracod species, there were 26 identified species belong to 22 genera of 13 families. Diversity and aboundance of ostracoda of the Oman Sea decreased from east to west and from south to north but increased slightly in the northwest (near the Strait of Hormoz). Ostracoda of the genus Propontocypris were common in all sampling stations but the genera Cyprideis, Paradoxostom and Hemicytheridea were rare in the Oman Sea. Diversity and aboundance of ostracoda in northern regions were less than southern and were less than foraminifera too. The composition of ostracodal communities had a highly positive correlation with dept, salinity and grain size. Biodiversity and distribution pattern of benthic foraminifera and ostracoda were being different in various sampling stations, especially between northern and southern regions. Water depth, salinity and structure of the sediments were the most important abiotic factors controlling the distribution pattern of benthic foraminifera and ostracoda in the Omman Sea. None existence or rare observation of structural abnormalities and oil polluted individuals in the vicinity of all sampling stations, resulted to the "clean" benthic environment of the Omman Sea.


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This data report contains all the meteorological, hydrological and dynamic data gathered during the VASPI cruises (I : from December 8th to December 13th 1982, II : from March 5th to March 9th 1983, and III : from October 6th to October 10th 1983) carried out along the continental shelf of Ivory Coast by the oceanographic ship "Andre NIZERY". These cruises, which represent a part of a coastal programme, are included in the more general scientific program FOCAL, whose main scientific objective is the study of the thermal context of the intertropical atlantic area.


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The Centre de Recherches Océanographiques d'Abidjan has carried out the HYDROBIOCLIMAT program in order to study the seasonal and interannual fluctuations of the physical and biological parameters over the continental shelf of Ivory Coast ; two subsurface moorings with from one to three AANDERAA current meters fixed on the lines, were deployed in front of Abidjan and San Pedro. Temperature and current measurement records are presented at these two locations.


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In this report, vertical distributions of the temperature and horizontal velocity components of the currents, got from the two sections BELIER (305 1'W) and VRIDI (4°O 5'W), carried out once a week during the 1983 year, on the Continental shelf of Ivory Coast, are shown.


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A wind-driven upwelling occurs on the continental shelf of Ivory Coast during the northern summer months; by studying the average conditions in the wind field, it has been found that in steady state the vertical speed upwards does not exceed 70 cm per day. The vertical flow per km super(2) is estimated in 46 m super(3)/s for a channel 50 m depth and in 92m super(3)/s for a channel 300 m depth. This study does not include the inclination of isopycnes in geostrophic adjustment with the variations of the Guinea current.


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The authors give a picture of the average seasonal hydrographic situations over the Ivorian continental shelf using data provided by 26 cruises carried out from July 1969 to January 1972. They study meteorological conditions and the mechanism of setting of different types of hydrographic seasons defined as follows: a cold period related to an upwelling created by winds July to earlier October and a warm period divided in 2 parts in relation with haline variations: a low salinity period in November and December, and a high salinity period from January to May; this one sometimes cut off by short-timed drops in the temperature. Then precisions are given about seasonal and geographical variations using space-time diagrams: last, depth and intensity of the thermocline are examined.


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21 surveys over the whole Ivorian continental shelf lead to a description of the phytoplankton repartition according to the different seasons: great and small cold seasons, discharge seasons, and warm seasons. Yearly means of surface cells concentrations range from 1000 to 30000 cells per liter, corresponding to a daily production of 386 to 1166 mg C/m2, according to regression analysis. These values make Côte d'Ivoire a rather rich region, which is subjected to wide standing crop variations.


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Three years of weekly sampling from a coastal station and 29 monthly cruises over the whole continental shelf were studied for zooplankton quantitative variation. Settled volumes were preferred to displacement volumes. At the coastal station, near Abidjan, a negative correlation was found between the log2 of zooplankton volume and the preceding fortnight temperature. On the whole shelf, the differences between the 6 considered areas were tested by the variance analysis. There were significative differences in shallow waters only (20 m). During the main cold season, the upwelling of Tabou causes a very important enrichment 30 to 60 nautical miles to the east. Eastwards the plankton drifts and decreases in abundance. The zooplankton maximum is not always inshore, but often in the middle of the shelf and sometimes over the slope. During the little cold season the enrichments caused by coastal upwelling are less abundant and restricted to smaller areas. During the warm season, the waters are uniformly poor. During the cold season, over the 60m depths, the zooplankton maximum lies between 10 and 20 m and seems to sink in deeper waters. In warm season the vertical repartition is rather homogeneous in the first 40 meters. The diel vertical migrations show a very consistent rhythm, varying with the season.