48 resultados para SIERRA-NEVADA


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A well-documented history of past climatic conditions is needed to understand and resolve some ecological problems, but the existing climatological records are too short to detect long-term climatic variability and changes. Some trees, such as pines, produce annual tree rings with different widths depending on prevailing environmental conditions, such as climate. Tree-ring analysis of long-lived trees can be used to estimate past variations in climate. The principal aim of this study is to reconstruct aridity for the southern portion of the Baja California Peninsula, by means of dendroclimatologic techniques.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Preliminary analysis of 128 pollen samples and 7 radiocarbon dates from a 5-meter-long, 10-centimeter-diameter sediment core retrieved from Lower Pahranagat Lake (elevation 975 meters), Lincoln County, Nevada, gives us a rare, continuous record of vegetation change at 14-year intervals over the past 2,000 years.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): High resolution paleobotanical records provide sufficient detail to correlate events regionally. Once correlated events can be examined in tandem to determine the underlying inputs that fashioned them. Several localities in the Great Basin have paleobotanical records of sufficient detail to generate regional reconstructions of vegetation changes for the last 2 ka and provide conclusions as to the climates that caused them.


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This brief paper gives some notes on the geographical distribution and salinity tolerances of some Mugil species occurring in the Black-Johnson estuary, Sierra Leone


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Pelagic fish (except for tuna) are landed in Sierra Leone mainly by the artisanal fishermen. The two most important species are Sardinella and Ethmalosa.Deep-sea species are normally exploited by purse seiners of foreign countries. The landings of artisanal fishermen largely comprise Sardinella eba.Landing data for Sardinella landed at Tombo and Goderich, and for Ethmalosa at Tombo, are presented in tabular form. Collection methods are described, with a definition of the unit of fishing effort, and a description of the gear used.The landing data are discussed with particular attention to fishing effort, catch per unit effort, and price per ton


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Sublethal DimilinR (insecticide) concentration significantly decreased the percentage survival of larval R. harrisii . This decrease was marked at low salinities, when it may have become toxic. This was true for both 25 and 30 C. Duration of larval development did not seem to be affected by sublethal DimilinR concentrations even in extremely low or high salinities. High temperature, however, shortened the time of development. No anatomical abnormality was observed. These findings are only tentative as more replicates of the experiments are needed before definite conclusions can be reached. It will be desirable to work with more salinity-temperature combinations to get a complete picture of sublethal effects under different environmental conditions.


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(Sardinella) are available all year round in Sierra Leone. The best time to use them for baiting herrings is during the dry season when they are fattest and feeding well. The most common method of processing herring locally is hot smoking to give either soft, moist and cooked product or a dry, brittle product with very low moisture content. The author describes a curing method intended to add variety to the types of products that can be obtained from local herring. It is only mildly preservative, the product cannot be kept more than 24 hours without refrigeration. Particular attention is paid to the source and quality of the raw material used, and the processing method is detailed with attention to washing, splitting, brining, smoking, and the application of the Torry fish smoking kiln to the process.


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Length-weight relationships are presented by sex and by country for five species of the family Sparidae (Pugrus caeruleostictus, Pagellus bellottii, Dentex canariensis, Dentex congonensis, Dentex angolensis) sampled in April 1990 during the Guinea '90 trawling survey off Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana.


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This paper presents results of stock assessment on two snapper species, Lutjanus vivanus and L. buccanella, in the north Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. Growth parameters, mortality rates, length-weight relationships, recruitment patterns and exploitation rates for the two species are given. Results indicate that the two species are subject to relatively low exploitation levels with E = 0.25 for L. vivanus and E = 0.39 for L. buccanella.


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Two new populations and the host plant of the rarely encountered Galapagos endemic moth Epiplema becki were found on Isabela Island, on Wolf and Sierra Negra volcanoes, with a sighting on Darwin Volcano. The host plant is the native Duranta dombeyana (Verbenaceae). The habitats where all known specimens were collected were Scalesia forest with Duranta bushes. To ensure the conservation of E. becki, we recommend control of introduced species in its habitat. CDF Contribution Number 1010.