42 resultados para Retail market


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A quality of survey was conducted at the fish curing yards in a northwest coast and the southern coast in Sri Lanka. A total of 40 samples different varieties of fishes were collected from the market and jaadi curing yards and all were evaluated for the quality, fungal and insect infestation. Samples were analyzed for proximate composition chemical, microbiological and sensory quality. Thirty percent of the total analyzed samples of fish were found to be unfit for consumption. Samples collected from Negombo were found to the infected with maggots. Only 42% samples had dry matter above 50%. All the samples showed a protein content above 20%. The highest protein content was 27.92% in hurulla. Over 90% of the samples had TVN at acceptable quality limits (>40). The TBC for 33% of the samples were in the range 104-105/g range, while 48% were in the range of 107-108/g due to contamination of maggots and fungi. The Survey showed jaadi had a high level of protein in its composition. But defects of curing process such on imperfect cleaning inadequate salting resulted in low (Chemical and microbiological) quality of the product.


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The supply and consumption of shrimp follow a more or less regular seasonal pattern. Like agricultural products, fishery products have also their period of heavy and less productions on which depend their price movements. The prices of shrimp in any particular market reflect this seasonal behaviour quite often.


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Study carried out on the quality of fresh fish in retail markets of Bombay revealed that only 75% of the samples were of acceptable quality. Incidence of faecal streptococci was generally high, indicating poor sanitary and hygienic practices in handling of fresh fish. Total bacterial counts higher than Indian standard specified limits were observed in more than one third of the samples analysed. 7.5% of the samples were found to be contaminated either with Salmonella or Clostridium perfringens, thus posing a serious potential health hazard to the consumer. The quality of fish in different markets is also discussed. The urgent need for formulation and implementation of quality standards for fresh fish in domestic trade is highlighted.


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The article presents the harvesting techniques, and handling and processing of cultured carps. Carps are harvested similarly with all other species in tropical countries while temperate countries, winter season is much considered. Water quality is an important factor to be considered because it can affect the hygienic and organoleptic quality of fish. Carps were commonly sold live, filleted, cut into sticks, frozen, used as breaded sticks, canned, bottled, and smoked.


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The article discusses the potential for export of value-added shrimp products from developing countries. European Economic Community is considered to be one of the top consumers, while Thailand and India are two of the top producers.


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Fishing communities that have exploited the resource for generations constitute the main stakeholder groups in the fisheries of Lake Victoria. Several studies have examined Uganda's Lake Victoria fishing communities and characterised key stakeholders at community level over the last decade (SEDAWOG 1999a and b; Geheb 1997; FeSEP 1997; Kitakule 1991). The communities are made up of scattered settlements at the shores and on islands. The categories of people living in these communities include fishers who consist primarily of large numbers of male youths who provide labour to boat and gear owners. There are resident and non-resident fish traders who after securing their supplies at the beaches, depart for their market destinations. In addition, there are fish processors, mostly operating traditional and improved smoking kilns. Many other people, dealing in provisions and supplies also stay at the beaches, their activities depending on the level of fish catch. The fishing communities of Lake Victoria, Uganda, include auxiliary livelihood activities such as boat building, net repairing and transportation; bait supply and beachside kiosks, video halls and retail shop business. Other economic activities are brick making, charcoal burning/wood trade, farming and livestock keeping.


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The brochure is to contribute to the overall goal of stimulating the adaptation of pro-poor agri-food systems innovations to improve food security and sustainable natural resource management among rural poor farmers. The paper seeks to identify and exploit opportunities for expanding market access for minor crops and NRM products. The minor crops studied included cow pea, sorghum, groundnut, sweet potato and yam.


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This paper reports the results of a retail price survey at Lusaka markets on split, smoked, dried bream (Tilapia spp.) in 1968-69 and dried Lake Tanganyika sardines (Limnothrissa miodon and Stolothrissa tanangicae) in 1969-70. During the survey periods the average prices of these products maintained a level 70% to 130% higher than those fixed by the Government. Price fluctuations in relation to season, size and quality of the products were discussed. The prices were affected by season and size of the products but not by quality in terms of appearance and smell of the non-cooked products.


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A critical examination of the market quality of split, dried and smoked bream (Tilapia spp.) was chemically, bacteriologically and organoleptically conducted for the period of August 1968 to January 1969. The aim of this survey was to obtain basic information for the development of national quality standards for the commodity. Relationships of cooked meat score to pH, fish size, appearance and smell score, and water content wcre significantly correlated and responsive. Therefore, these parameters were proposed to be used as indices for the quality standards of the products.