50 resultados para Profinite Group


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The purpose of this project is to model seabird flock size data to provide recommendations to the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management for offshore wind turbine placement. Our hypothesis is that ecological characteristics influence which statistical distribution will provide the best fit to seabird flock size data. To test this, seabird species can be grouped based on shared ecological traits, such as foraging mechanism or diet.


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The coastal area of approximately 2000 km and the water-bodies in between the Andaman and Nicobar islands are rich in fishery potential which range from 0.012-0.47 million tonnes. The fishery is dominated by catches of sardines, perches, carangids, mackerels, Leiognathus elasmobranchs, seerfish, mullets and tunas. About 2050 fishermen, with 1150 country craft, 113 mechanised boats and 1367 different kinds of nets and lines are engaged in active fishing in the island. Numerous bays, lagoons and creeks are available among the group of islands for mariculture activities. The mangroves of these islands provide feeding and nursery grounds for juveniles of penaeid prawns, crabs and finfishes.


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Speed trial results of six 32' wooden stern, trawlers built to the same design are analyzed to determine the EHP ship Froude number curves in each case and are compared with the model test results of the same design and for the corresponding, displacement, conditions.


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Experiments were undertaken in order to measure the diel fluctuations in the catch of the post-larvae of P. japonicus in relation to the tidal cycles, light conditions and water temperature. The fluctuations are discussed comparing them with other post-larvae Penaeus species appearing along shore waters in the Philippines.


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Recent and current initiatives in Southeast Asia for data harmonization, country reports, statistcs, data collection, stock assessment initiatives, recommendations and workplan


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Development of collaborative approach to identify coastal water pollution issues and develop remedial strategies. Establish effective ecosystem indicator framework to measure progress toward sustaining the BOBLME ecosystem health


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Meeting to develop environmental indicators to measure overall health of BOBLME; identify important coastal water pollution issues: produce conclusions and recommendations to form an action plan.


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Overview from member countries of oceanography and large scale dynamic processes affecting the Bay of Bengal


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Review of available data and assessments for Hilsa (Tenulaosa ilisha) and Indian Mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta). Identification of future assessment approaches and data needs and stock status advice.


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Stock assessment and status of hilsa assessment in Bangladesh. Stock assessment needs and workplan. Identification of future assessment approaches and data needs. Stock status advice for hilsa in India.


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Validation of available information on shark fisheries. Drafting of workplans and proposals to develop and implement National and Regional Plans of Action (RPOA-NPOA)


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Phylogenetic relationships among all described species (total of 12 taxa) of the decapoda, were examined with nucleotide sequence data from portions of mitochondrial gene and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI). The previous works on phylogeny proved that the mitochondrial COI gene in crustacean is a good discriminative marker at both inter- and intra-specific levels. We provide COI barcode sequences of commertial decapoda of Oman Sea, Persian Gulf, Iran. Industrial activities, ecologic considerations, and goals of the decapoda Barcode of Life campaign make it crucial that species of the south costal be identified. The reconstruction of evolut phylogeny of these species are crucial for revealing stock identity that can be used for the management of fisheries industries in Iran. Mitochondrial DNA sequences were used to reconstruct the phylogeny of the Penaeus species of marine shrimp. For this purpose, DNA was extracted using phenol- chloroform well as CTAB method. The evolutionary relationships among 12 species of the decapoda were examined using 610 bp of mitochondrial (mt) DNA from the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene. Finally the cladograms were compared and the resulted phylogenetic trees confirmed that the Iran's species origin is Indo-west pacific species. Iran's species, which were not grouped with the other decapoda taxa seem to always form a sister clade with Indo-west pacific species with strong bootstrap support 100%. The result completely agrees with the previously defined species using morphological characters.However, we still lack any comprehensive and clear understanding of phylogenetic relationships in this group.


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In Bangladesh, wetlands are managed through leasing system traditionally from time immemorial. Recently the Government accepted co-management approach for wetland fisheries management and this approach is being practiced in few wetlands for maximize revenue income. A study was carried out to evaluate trend and impact of co-management in Tanguar haor (a Ramsar site wetland) on fisheries resources and livelihood of resident people in the immediate vicinity of the wetland. In Tanguar haor, conflict between leaseholders and the local community was a common phenomenon in the past. Since 2003 the district administration of Sunamganj has been managing the vast wetland resources, however, local people participation was ignored in haor management system. Average monthly fish catch of fishermen increased by 17% after introduction of co-management system and 7 fish species reappeared after introduction of co-management. Average monthly volume of fish catch has increased from 70 kg to 87 kg. A well-defined management structure has been developed for integration of all people of Tanguar haor which would enable them to raise voice jointly and influence policy in their favour.


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Statistics and data overviews from the eight member countries. Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center(SEAFDEC)overview and activities since 2010. Statistics working group recommendations and workplan


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Stock structure approaches and consequences of management in the eight member countries. Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) genetic stock studies and workplan