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Phytoplankton counts were made on a monthly basis on water samples, taken from one station in the Sanyati Basin. The results show seasonal fluctuations which are probably nutrient dependant. High phytoplankton numbers occur at times of high nutrient levels as was found with the crustacean zooplankton populations (Marshall 1980). Numbers also decreased with depth down to the thermocline. Below the thermocline there was little or no change in numbers.


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In the present study, a Border Planting (BP) pattern recommended by the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council was tested against Regular Planting (RP) to assess the effect, if any, on gross phytoplankton photosynthesis and shading. A Wide Planting (WP) pattern was also included in the trial, as an extreme case, to assess the level of photosynthesis that might be obtained if some of the rice yield was sacrificed. Three rice-planting treatments, each with four replicates, using the rice variety BR16, were undertaken: (1) RP, 26 cm between rows N to S and E to W; (2) BP, 20 cm between rows N to S and alternately 21 cm and 36 cm between rows E, to W; and (3) WP, 66 cm between rows N to S and E to W. BP showed no advantage compared to RP, possibly because the rice variety used was short and thus produced relatively little shading. WP did show a benefit for phytoplankton photosynthesis, but this may not generate an increase in fish yield sufficient to justify the negative impact of rice production.


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A brief description of the Greek fisheries for the anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus, Engraulidae) is given, with emphasis on the spatial distribution of the catch. Satellite images of phytoplankton pigment distribution obtained with NIMBUS-7 are used to explain local abundance of the dynamics of anchovy populations.


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Principal coordinates analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to determine the environmental factors associated with the decline in phytoplankton production during and after the 1977 drought for the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary. Physical, chemical and biological data were collected semimonthly or monthly during the spring-summer between 1973 and 1982 from 15 sampling sites located throughout the Bay-Delta. A decline in phytoplankton community diversity and density during the 1977 drought and subsequent years (1978 through 1981) was described using principal coordinates analysis. The best multiple regression which described the changes in phytoplankton community succession contained the variables water temperature, wind velocity and ortho-phosphate concentration. Together these variables accounted for 61 percent of the variation in the phytoplankton community among years described by principal coordinates analysis. An increase in water temperature, wind velocity and ortho-phosphate concentration within the Bay-Delta, beginning in June 1976 and continuing through 1981, was demonstrated using weighted moving averages. From the strong association between phytoplankton community succession and climatic variables it was hypothesized that the decline in phytoplankton production during and after the 1977 drought was associated with climatic changes within the northeast Pacific.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): A selective but nontheless real record of phytoplankton activity over the Santa Barbara Basin can be obtained from the underlying varved sediments. The phytoplankton groups preserved are: diatoms (frustrules and spores), silicoflagellates, dinoflagellates (cysts) and coccoliths.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Time-series flux variabilities of biogenic opal particles were measured during 1982-1986 at pelagic Station PAPA (50° N, 145° W) located just south of the Gulf of Alaska, eastern North Pacific. PARFLUX sediment traps with two week sampling increments were deployed at 1000 m and 3800 m in 4200 m deep water, yielding nearly continuous time-series flux records for four years. The flux data allowed us to examine interannual and seasonal variabilities of siliceous phytoplankton production as well as environmental signals retained within the siliceous shells, which can be used to reconstruct environments.


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Professionals who are responsible for coastal environmental and natural resource planning and management have a need to become conversant with new concepts designed to provide quantitative measures of the environmental benefits of natural resources. These amenities range from beaches to wetlands to clean water and other assets that normally are not bought and sold in everyday markets. At all levels of government — from federal agencies to townships and counties — decisionmakers are being asked to account for the costs and benefits of proposed actions. To non-specialists, the tools of professional economists are often poorly understood and sometimes inappropriate for the problem at hand. This handbook is intended to bridge this gap. The most widely used organizing tool for dealing with natural and environmental resource choices is benefit-cost analysis — it offers a convenient way to carefully identify and array, quantitatively if possible, the major costs, benefits, and consequences of a proposed policy or regulation. The major strength of benefit-cost analysis is not necessarily the predicted outcome, which depends upon assumptions and techniques, but the process itself, which forces an approach to decision-making that is based largely on rigorous and quantitative reasoning. However, a major shortfall of benefit-cost analysis has been the difficulty of quantifying both benefits and costs of actions that impact environmental assets not normally, nor even regularly, bought and sold in markets. Failure to account for these assets, to omit them from the benefit-cost equation, could seriously bias decisionmaking, often to the detriment of the environment. Economists and other social scientists have put a great deal of effort into addressing this shortcoming by developing techniques to quantify these non-market benefits. The major focus of this handbook is on introducing and illustrating concepts of environmental valuation, among them Travel Cost models and Contingent Valuation. These concepts, combined with advances in natural sciences that allow us to better understand how changes in the natural environment influence human behavior, aim to address some of the more serious shortcomings in the application of economic analysis to natural resource and environmental management and policy analysis. Because the handbook is intended for non-economists, it addresses basic concepts of economic value such as willingness-to-pay and other tools often used in decision making such as costeffectiveness analysis, economic impact analysis, and sustainable development. A number of regionally oriented case studies are included to illustrate the practical application of these concepts and techniques.


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The phytoplankton species composition and abundance in Ogun River, Ogun state, Southwest Nigeria was studied for a period of seven months (December, 2011 - June, 2012), a total of forty-one genera belonging to five taxonomic groups were recorded from Ogun River. The phytoplankton species composition was surpassed by Chrysophyta with 15 species consisting of 36.6% followed by Chlorophyta with 14 consisting of 34.1%. This was followed by Cyanophyta (7 species) consisting of 17.1%, Euglenophyta with 3 species consisting of 7.3% and Pyrrophyta with 2 species consisting 4.92%. Cyanophyta was the highest in abundance consisting of 41% while the lowest in abundance was Pyrrophyta consisting of 1.5%. The low nature of phytoplankton abundance and diversity observed in this study must have been caused by the polluted nature of the water due to the anthropogenic activities carried out around its shores The dominance of Cyanophyta in this river is similar to findings from Lake Victoria, Lake Bishoftu, Lake Chaohu and the temple pond of Thirupour.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the monthly spatial occurrence of phytoplankton and zooplankton in River Ogun, Abeokuta, Southwest Nigeria. This was carried out for seven months between December, 2011 and June, 2012 in 4 stations. A total of 41 species of phytoplankton and 16 zooplankton species from 5 classes respectively were recorded. Zooplankton was dominated by Cladocera throughout the study period while phytoplankton was dominated by blue green algae (Cyanophyta or Cyanobacteria). The dominance of Cyanophyta in this river is similar to findings by Sekadende and co-workers, Ogato, Deng and co-worker, and Shakila and co-worker. The dominance of Cladocera in this river is similar to findings by Ude and co-workers, and Ogbuagu and co-worker.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The 1977 climate shift was characterized by low chlorophyll a concentrations and a shift in phytoplankton community composition throughout the upper San Francisco Bay estuary. ... For climate to be a driving force in phytoplankton communities, it must affect mechanisms that control biomass and community composition. The influence of climate on environmental conditions and phytoplankton community composition among water-year types was examined using 19 years of physical, chemical, and phytoplankton data collected monthly at 15 stations throughout the estuary.


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The area off Mithapur, Gujarat, India, is moderately rich in phytoplankton. The peak in phytoplankton population (av. 7.86 x 10 super(4)/l) was recorded in March. The average count of 0.71 x 10 super(4)/l observed in April was very low and later increased to 3.76 x 10 super(4)/l in December. Fifty-two species were recorded from the area. The most common species were Nitzschia closterium, N. pungens, N. seriata, N. sigma, Chaetoceros simplex, C. difficilis and C. sociale. The importance of Nitzschia spp as indicators of organically polluted environment was discussed.


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Phytoplankton population (3.37-56.09 x 10 super(4) cells/1) and pigments (chil. a 1.10-26.8 mg/m super(3)) in the waters off Porbandar indicated wide variations. Higher cell counts and lower diversity of species were encountered in the nearshore waters as compared to the waters of the seaward side. The concentration of dissolved oxygen was correlated with the phytoplankton population and pigments. 71 species belonging to 28 genera of algae were recorded. Species of Nitzschia were dominant almost at all stations. Species of Chaetoceros were very common along the middle and western transects.


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The monthly average temperatures at Puttalam Lagoon, Dutch Bay, Portugal Bay towards Kovilmunai and Portugal Bay towards Pallugaturai showed a distinct annual cycle. The peak was in April and values gradually fell till September. There was a further gradual fall in temperature from October to January. The highest temperatures in all four stations were in April. The highest salinities in all the stations were from May to October i.e., during the south-west monsoon. The salinities at Dutch Bay and Portugal Bay were high in March and April corresponding to the highest temperatures reached during these months. Two maxima have been observed in phytoplankton production. A primary maximum in May-June and a secondary maximum in October. The primary and secondary maxima are due to the influx of nutrient laden waters from the rivers Kal Aru and Pomparippu Aru. The phytoplankton producing blooms were Rhizosolenia alata. Rhizosolenia imbricata, Chaetoceros lascinosus, Chaetoceros pervianus, Ch,aetoceros diversus, Coscinodiscus gigas, Thallasionema nitzschioides, Thalassiosira subtilis, Thallassiothrix frauenfeldii, Asterionella japonica, Sceletonema costatum, Bacteriastrum varians and Biddulphia sinensis. Sudden outbursts of a single species were common. These diatoms were species of Chaetoceros and Rhizosolenia, and Thallassiothrix frauenfeldii. Wide fluctuations have been observed in the distribution of phytoplankton but no definite conclusions can be drawn as the period of observation was only one year.


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The present paper gives a comparative account of the hydrological conditions and phytoplankton within the Continental Shelf and beyond the Continental Shelf. 54 water samples were taken for hydrological analysis and 18 surface tows for plankton.


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In Sri Lanka waters, Durairatnam (1963, 1969) had reported on the seasonal variation of plankton at Puttalam lagoon, Dutch Bay, Portugal Bay and in the inshore and off shore waters off Colombo. Similar investigations were carried out at Koddiyar Bay especially in the estuarine waters where the three tributaries of the river Mahaveli empty their waters into the bay. The estuary is perennial. The fishes constituting the estuarine fisheries are mostly shallow water marine species which can tolerate considerable variations of salinities. Prawns and crabs also constitute a very valuable fishery in estuarine waters.