38 resultados para Objective measures
We have applied a number of objective statistical techniques to define homogeneous climatic regions for the Pacific Ocean, using COADS (Woodruff et al 1987) monthly sea surface temperature (SST) for 1950-1989 as the key variable. The basic data comprised all global 4°x4° latitude/longitude boxes with enough data available to yield reliable long-term means of monthly mean SST. An R-mode principal components analysis of these data, following a technique first used by Stidd (1967), yields information about harmonics of the annual cycles of SST. We used the spatial coefficients (one for each 4-degree box and eigenvector) as input to a K-means cluster analysis to classify the gridbox SST data into 34 global regions, in which 20 comprise the Pacific and Indian oceans. Seasonal time series were then produced for each of these regions. For comparison purposes, the variance spectrum of each regional anomaly time series was calculated. Most of the significant spectral peaks occur near the biennial (2.1-2.2 years) and ENSO (~3-6 years) time scales in the tropical regions. Decadal scale fluctuations are important in the mid-latitude ocean regions.
Fishery-independent estimates of spawning biomass (BSP) of the Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) on the south and lower west coasts of Western Australia (WA) were obtained periodically between 1991 and 1999 by using the daily egg production method (DEPM). Ichthyoplankton data collected during these surveys, specifically the presence or absence of S. sagax eggs, were used to investigate trends in the spawning area of S. sagax within each of four regions. The expectation was that trends in BSP and spawning area were positively related. With the DEPM model, estimates of BSP will change proportionally with spawning area if all other variables remain constant. The proportion of positive stations (PPS), i.e., stations with nonzero egg counts — an objective estimator of spawning area — was high for all south coast regions during the early 1990s (a period when the estimated BSP was also high) and then decreased after the mid-1990s. There was a decrease in PPS from the mid-1990s to 1999. The particularly low estimates in 1999 followed a severe epidemic mass mortality of S. sagax throughout their range across southern Australia. Deviations from the expected relationship between BSP and PPS were used to identify uncertainty around estimates of BSP. Because estimation of spawning area is subject to less sampling bias than estimation of BSP, the deviation in the relation between the two provides an objective basis for adjusting some estimates of the latter. Such an approach is particularly useful for fisheries management purposes when sampling problems are suspected to be present. The analysis of PPS undertaken from the same set of samples from which the DEPM estimate is derived will help provide information for stock assessments and for the management of purse-seine fisheries.
Otolith thermal marking is an efficient method for mass marking hatchery-reared salmon and can be used to estimate the proportion of hatchery fish captured in a mixed-stock fishery. Accuracy of the thermal pattern classification depends on the prominence of the pattern, the methods used to prepare and view the patterns, and the training and experience of the personnel who determine the presence or absence of a particular pattern. Estimating accuracy rates is problematic when no secondary marking is available and no error-free standards exist. Agreement measures, such as kappa (κ), provide a relative measure of the reliability of the determinations when independent readings by two readers are available, but the magnitude of κ can be influenced by the proportion of marked fish. If a third reader is used or if two or more groups of paired readings are examined, latent class models can provide estimates of the error rates of each reader. Applications of κ and latent class models are illustrated by a program providing contribution estimates of hatchery-reared chum and sockeye salmon in Southeast Alaska.
We employed ultrasonic transmitters to follow (for up to 48 h) the horizontal and vertical movements of five juvenile (6.8–18.7 kg estimated body mass) bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in the western North Atlantic (off the eastern shore of Virginia). Our objective was to document the fishes’ behavior and distribution in relation to oceanographic conditions and thus begin to address issues that currently limit population assessments based on aerial surveys. Estimation of the trends in adult and juvenile Atlantic bluefin tuna abundance by aerial surveys, and other fishery-independent measures, is considered a priority. Juvenile bluefin tuna spent the majority of their time over the continental shelf in relatively shallow water (generally less then 40 m deep). Fish used the entire water column in spite of relatively steep vertical thermal gradients (≈24°C at the surface and ≈12°C at 40 m depth), but spent the majority of their time (≈90%) above 15 m and in water warmer then 20°C. Mean swimming speeds ranged from 2.8 to 3.3 knots, and total distance covered from 152 to 289 km (82–156 nmi). Because fish generally remained within relatively con-fined areas, net displacement was only 7.7–52.7 km (4.1–28.4 nmi). Horizontal movements were not correlated with sea surface temperature. We propose that it is unlikely that juvenile bluefin tuna in this area can detect minor horizontal temperature gradients (generally less then 0.5°C/km) because of the steep vertical temperature gradients (up to ≈0.6°C/m) they experience during their regular vertical movements. In contrast, water clarity did appear to influence behavior because the fish remained in the intermediate water mass between the turbid and phytoplankton-rich plume exiting Chesapeake Bay (and similar coastal waters) and the clear oligotrophic water east of the continental shelf.
Changes in the texture (elastic nature) of the flesh of barrel salted herring during the ripening process at 4°C have been monitored. The method employs the analysis of stress-relaxation curves after compression to half of the sample thickness on an lnstron Model 1112. The parameter 'T/P' for each sample represents the reciprocal of the gradient of a line connecting P and T0.368p. This parameter characteristic of each sample's texture was calculated as the ratio of 'T/P' where, T is the relaxation time and is defined as the time required for a stress at constant strain to decrease to 1/e of its original value, where 'e' is the base of natural logarithms (2.7183). Since 1/e=0.368, the relaxation time is the time required for the force to decay to 36.8% of its original value. P is the peak height of the curve (i.e. the force value at the maximum height). This method was adopted from the bakery industry for testing the degree of gluten development in bread dough. The 'T/P' values obtained over the course of ripening for differently treated salted-herring in barrels ranged between 1 and 12. The trends in 'T/P' value, during ripening period for the different samples, appeared to be parallel changes in texture perceived by sensory observation (subjective measurement), although the heterogeneous nature of the samples gave standard deviations, about the replicate sample mean, around 5%. The method appears promising as an objective measure for monitoring this aspect of the textural quality of barrel salted-herring through ripening if reproducibility of test results can be improved by more careful standardization of sample preparation and test protocol.
Intra-and interspecific virtual niche measures and feeding strategies of Barbodes gonionotus and Oreochromis spp. were studied from a rice field in Bangladesh. Appropriateness and ease of interpretation of different indices were evaluated. Small sizes of both species had a relatively wider dietary breadth and used many of the resource categories available to them than the large size groups, though none were generalist feeder. The dietary overlap of large B. gonionotus on the small was greater than the reverse, but biologically insignificant. While the dietary overlap of large Oreochromis spp. on the small was significantly greater. Interspecific dietary width was relatively broader for B. gonionotus than Oreochromis spp. and overlap of B. gonionotus on Oreochromis spp. was significantly greater than the reverse. Evidence of significant intraspecific dietary overlap between the two sizes of tilapia reflects strong competition and cautions for mixed-size stocking in rice-fish system. Besides, there seem fewer opportunities for habitat segregation between B. gonionotus and Oreochromis spp., due to the significant interspecific dietary overlap of the former on the latter in rice-fish system. Tilapia specialized on periphytic detrital aggregate while silver barb tended to consume aquatic macrophytes and molluscs. Small sizes of B. gonionotus should be preferred for rice-fish integration over the Oreochromis spp. due to their broader niche width and pronounced ontogenetic dietary shifts with the aging of the stock.
Five species of crabs and three species of fishes were the main marine organisms found damaging embankments owing to their burrowing nature. Among crabs, Scylla serrata was in the highest percentage, while among fishes, Boleopthalamus dussumieri was recorded in maximum percentage calcium carbide 10-15 per burrow was effective in eradicating the crabs.
The objective of this study is to recommend management measures for the industrial shallow-water shrimp fishery in Sofala Bank after estimating the economic affects considering different alternatives and assessing the level of exploitation of this fishery. The short-term economic analysis was based on the results of the total catch and average weight of the shrimp caught obtained by a simulation model in which different combinations of exploitation patterns and levels of fishing intensity were tasted. The variable parameters used were the mash size and the duration and period of the closed season, and all the remaining parameters were fixed. Economic and production data of the main industrial shrimp fishing companies for the period 1987-90 were also used.