65 resultados para Log conformance


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The length-weight relationship of T. thalassinus differed in the sexes and, therefore separate equations were obtained; for males log W = -5.1728 4- 3.0495 log L; and for females log W = -5.7456 + 3.2798 log L. The spawning period of this species appears to be restricted to a short period from October to November. Fecundity has been found to range from 33 to 55 mature eggs in specimens of the size range 421-564mm. The sex ratio of males to females was 1.8:1. T. thalassinus is a bottom carnivore, crustaceans ranking first in food followed by fishes, mollusc and polychaetes.


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Culture of Magur, Clarias batrachus on an experimental basis was carried out for a total of 159 days in 6 earthen ponds each of 0.02 ha in area, singly in 2 ponds and in combination with Rohu, Labeo rohita in 4 ponds. Three different artificial feeds were used. Growth of Magur varied from 89 to 110 and survival form 93 to 100%. Out of the 3 feeds used, feed formulation 2 yielded better results. Length-weight relationship parameters were found as log W=0.4979067+1.878346 log L; -1.1116438+2.3511497 log L; and -1.238157+2.433125 log L indicating growth to be not isometric. Relative condition factor (K u) was close to or higher than 1.0 only in fishes higher than 200 mm of total length; K. values which were less than 1.0 up to January, reached values greater than 1.0 by March-April. Condition appears to be influenced by spawning rather than feeding.


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The study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of chlorine and UV irradiation in disinfecting aquarium effluent. A non-agglutinating, a virulent strain of Aeromonas salmonicida (NCIMB 11 02) was used as the test organism. Effluents from a fish tank were inoculated with a suspension of test organisms and subsequently treated with different concentrations of hypochlorite and UV irradiation separately and simultaneously. When used alone, 1.0 ppm hypochlorite reduced the viable cell count from 6.5 log to 3.0 log within 20 minutes of contact period. On the other hand, when used in combination with UV irradiation only 0.5 ppm hypochlorite exerted the same bactericidal effect within the same contact period as was observed with 1.0 ppm hypochlorite alone. This result indicated that required dose of disinfectant for the disinfection of aquarium effluents can be considerably reduced when it is used in combination with UV irradiation.


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Growth and mortality rate of Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus) under five different dietary conditions were studied in fifteen floating net cages in ponds of the Bangladesh Agricultural University Campus, Mymensingh. Growth rate was found to vary under different dietary conditions. The feed with mixture of 25% rice bran, 5% wheat bran, 30% linseed oil cake and 40% water hyacinth leaf meal exhibited the highest growth rate. The gain of log of body weight per unit increase of log of total length was significant. Significant survivals of the fishes were found.


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The length-weight relationship and condition factor of Mylopharyngodon spiceus were determined. The result of the study showed the dependence of weight (W) on the total length (L) in the following form: W= 0.006L(super 3.156) or in the logarithmic form Log W=- 2.1851 + 3.156 Log L. Standard errors of length and weight were 0.674 cm and 3.214 g respectively. The co-efficient correlation "r" was found to be 0.972 which indicated that the relationship between length and body weight of the fish was highly significant. The t-test also indicated that the correlation between length and weight was significant. The range and mean value of condition factor (K) were 0.865 to 1.041 and 0.958 respectively.


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The length-weight relationship in O. cuvieri and J. glaucus can be described by the equations log W=-5.27997+3.13225 log L and log W=-4.93431+3.02556 log L respectively. The length at first maturity in O. cuvieri is estimated as 256 mm and in J. glaucus as 180 mm. Empty stomachs occurred in high percentage in both the species. A study on composition of food items revealed that O. cuvieri feeds on a variety of organisms while J. glaucus a selective feeder.


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Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch) - a catadromous centropomid perch, is a good candidate species for brackishwater aquaculture in India. The length-weight relationship and the relative condition of L. calcarifer were assessed under culture condition. The length of the fish samples ranged from 25 to 240 mm and the relative condition (w sub(r)) of the fish for different length groups ranged from 99.54 to 104.39, indicating the good condition of the fish. The regression analysis of log-transformed length-weight data was carried out and the 'b' coefficient indicates the good condition of fish showing an isometric growth in the juvenile phase under culture condition.


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The length-weight relationship of males and females of Tachysurus caelatus can be described by the equation log W = -5.6659 + 3.2685 log L and log W = -4.7648 + 2.9104 log L, respectively. A sex ratio of 1.37 males : 1.00 females was observed. Fecundity in the fish measuring 385 to 402 mm ranges between 44 and 55 ova. It is a demersal carnivorous feeder, feeding chiefly on crustaceans, fish, molluscs and polychaetes.


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Growth of Encrasicholina punctifer (Engraulididae) is estimated, based on samples obtained during five surveys on Sofala Bank (central Mozambique). The estimated values of the von Bertalanffy growth function, TL∞=12 cm and K=2.0 yearˉ¹ are compared with results of growth studies elsewhere in the Indo-Pacific region, based mainly on the index Φ=log(sub)10 K+2*log(sub)10L∞ assumed to be constant within species. This comparison is rendered difficult by the uncertain taxonomical status of stolephorid anchovies.


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The objectives of the study was to provide information on the changes in the socio- economis status of the fisher communities.The study aimed at contributing to the following selected OVIs of the IFMP log frame:"10% increased in incomes from fish catches by fishing crews by EOP",20% women in BMUs reporting increased household incomefrom fishing by EOP","50% women and fishing crews in BMUs reporting greater say in fisheries decision making.


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The Maximum Sustainable Yields of all fish species for 9 man-made reservoirs in Sri Lanka were calculated by the simplified version of Schaefer Model. The relationship between the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) and Morpho-edaphic Index, (MEI) for Sri Lankan reservoirs was found to be: Log sub(e) MSY = 0.9005 log sub(e) MEI + 1.9220. MSY for these reservoirs were estimated using this relationship. The number of Tilapia) juveniles needed to be recruited to the fisheries of some reservoirs in addition to the present recruitment to increase the fish production to the level estimated by MEI relationship were calculated mathematically.


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The estimated regression equation for total length and mouth gape computed were Log TL = Log 0.23 + 0.663 log MG (vertically) (r = 0.960) and Log TL = Log 0.08 + 0.686 log MG (horizontally) (r = 0.949). In case of rohu average total length from 11350 mm to 23775 mm and mouth gape 805 um to 1225 um (vertically) and 700 um to 1110 um (horizontally) between the first day of mouth opening up to 15 days. The regression equation for total length and mouth gap were Log TL = Log 0.20 + 0.660 log MG (vertically) (r = 0.935) and Log TL = Log 0.02 + 0698 log MG (horizontally) ( r = 0.907). In case of silver carp average total length from 12800 ,urn to 33555 um and mouth gape 690 um to 1210 um (vertically) and 615 um to 1115 um (horizontally) between the first day of mouth opening up to 15 days. The regression equation for total length and mouth gape were Log TL = Log 0.36 + 0.596 log MG (vertically) (r = 0.936) and Log TL = Log 0.26 + 0.607 log MG (horizontally) (r = 0.891). The relationship between total length and mouth gape (vertically and horizontally) of the studied fry were found to be linear and highly significant.


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In vitro inactivation of penaeid shrimp larval pathogens, Vibrio iiarveyi and V splendidus biovar 1, by free chlorine and the influence of organic matter on the bactericidal activity of chlorine were assessed. More than 5 log unit (>99.99%) reduction in luminous bacteria from >= log 6.00/ml within the first 60 sec of exposure to free chlorine at 1 ppm level was observed. Chlorine was ineffective at <50 ppm levels to inhibit luminous Vibrio spp in the presence of 0.1% peptone as interfering organic agent. These results revealed that luminous bacteria are highly susceptible to chlorine but the bactericidal activity of chlorine is affected by organic substance.


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Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters), a common freshwater fish of Bhima river, has high economic value and considerable fishery importance. The length-weight relationship in the logarithmic way for this fish can be written as: Log W = - 4.50241627 + 2.884822741 log L. This is close to the cubic law indicating the isometric growth of the fish in its natural habitat. The correlation coefficient (r) was found to be 0.9865 which showed a good relationship between the two parameters. The mean relative condition factor (K sub(n)) was 1.00 suggesting the well-being of the fish.


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Morphometric and meristic study of Harpodon nehereus (Hamilton, 1822) from Mumbai waters indicated that the specimens belonged to a homogenous population. Based on the meristic study, the fin formula can be written as B sub(23-269), D sub(12-139), P sub(11-139), V sub(9), A sub(13-15), C sub(19), L sub(40). Length-weight study revealed an allometric relationship, presented as Log W= -3.1362 + 3.6059 Log L. The analysis of food and feeding habits revealed the species to be voracious, carnivorous and cannibalistic, feeding mainly on Acetes spp., juveniles of H. nehereus itself, prawns and Coilia dussumieri. The feeding intensity was found to be the maximum during September and November, and also in mature specimens which may be the preparation for the ensuing spawning activity. Reproductive biology indicated two peak spawning seasons in November and March. However, the species as a whole has prolonged breeding season and spawning occurs throughout the year. Average fecundity was estimated as 314 ova/g body weight of fish and the length at which 50% of female specimens mature (Lc sub (50)) was calculated as 255 mm.