85 resultados para Judicial review of administrative acts
The composition of the food of the European grayling and the character of its feeding has been studied fully enough, but this knowledge is scattered in the literature and often contradictory. rare exceptions, analysis of the results of different investigations. Therefore the proposed short outline of the history of the study of the problem with a description of the basic data on the feeding of the grayling in different geographical areas is presented as expedient and opportune, primarily in relation to the determination of immediate problems and the trend of research.
English: For nearly a century, fisheries scientists have studied marine fish stocks in an effort to understand how the abundances of fish populations are determined. During the early lives of marine fishes, survival is variable, and the numbers of individuals surviving to transitional stages or recruitment are difficult to predict. The egg, larval, and juvenile stages of marine fishes are characterized by high rates of mortality and growth. Most marine fishes, particularly pelagic species, are highly fecund, produce small eggs and larvae, and feed and grow in complex aquatic ecosystems. The identification of environmental or biological factors that are most important in controlling survival during the early life stages of marine fishes is a potentially powerful tool in stock assessment. Because vital rates (mortality and growth) during the early life stages of marine fishes are high and variable, small changes in those rates can have profound effects on the properties of survivors and recruitment potential (Houde 1989). Understanding and predicting the factors that most strongly influence pre-recruit survival are key goals of fisheries research programs. Spanish: Desde hace casi un siglo, los científicos pesqueros han estudiado las poblaciones de peces marinos en un intento por entender cómo se determina la abundancia de las mismas. Durante la vida temprana de los peces marinos, la supervivencia es variable, y el número de individuos que sobrevive hasta las etapas transicionales o el reclutamiento es difícil de predecir. Las etapas de huevo, larval, y juvenil de los peces marinos son caracterizadas por tasas altas de mortalidad y crecimiento. La mayoría de los peces marinos, particularmente las especies pelágicas, son muy fecundos, producen huevos y larvas pequeños, y se alimentan y crecen en ecosistemas acuáticos complejos. La identificación los factores ambientales o biológicos más importantes en el control de la supervivencia durante las etapas tempranas de vida de los peces marinos es una herramienta potencialmente potente en la evaluación de las poblaciones. Ya que las tasas vitales (mortalidad y crecimiento) durante las etapas tempranas de vida de los peces marinos son altas y variables, cambios pequeños en esas tasas pueden ejercer efectos importantes sobre las propiedades de los supervivientes y el potencial de reclutamiento (Houde 1989). Comprender y predecir los factores que más afectan la supervivencia antes del reclutamiento son objetivos clave de los programas de investigación pesquera.
English: This report reviews the Japanese longline fishery in the eastern Pacific Ocean during the 1993-1997 period, extending the studies for the 1956-1992 period made by other investigators. The spatial and temporal distributions of fishing effort, catch, apparent abundance, sexual maturity, and size composition are examined for the principal species of tunas and billfishes taken by that fishery. Some information on the catches of sharks by the Japanese longline fishery is given. The interactions between the surface and longline fisheries are discussed. Spanish: En este informe se presenta un análisis de la actividad pesquera de buques palangreros japoneses en el Océano Pacífico oriental durante el período de 1993-1997, extendiendo los estudios del período de 1956-1992 realizados por otros investigadores. Se examinan las distribuciones espacial y temporal del esfuerzo de pesca, la captura, la abundancia aparente, la madurez sexual, y la composición por talla de las principales especies de atunes y picudos capturadas por dicha pesquería. Se presenta cierta información sobre las capturas de tiburones por la pesquería palangrera japonesa. Se describen las interacciones entre las pesquerías de superficie y palangrera.
Fish play a crucial role in the Bangladeshi diet, providing more than 60% of animal source food, representing a crucial source of micro-nutrients, and possessing an extremely strong cultural attachment. Fish (including shrimp and prawn) is the second most valuable agricultural crop, and its production contributes to the livelihoods and employment of millions. The culture and consumption of fish therefore has important implications for national food and nutrition security, poverty and growth. This review examines the current state of knowledge on the aquaculture sector and fish consumption in Bangladesh, based on extensive analysis of secondary sources (including unpublished data unavailable elsewhere), consultation with various experts and specially conducted surveys.
The report briefly outlines the programme of the National Rivers Authority (NRA), placing the Fisheries programme in the context of the work of the NRA as a whole, and viewing the tracking work against the broader requirements of the NRA Fisheries research programme. All regions of England and Wales are considered. Two techniques currently exist for studying the detailed timing and extent of movements of adult salmon: tracking of individually identifiable fish, and counting the numbers of fish moving past a fixed point in the river. The development of tracking techniques and the integrated use of tracking and fish counters is briefly reviewed in Section 3. Further details of these techniques are given in Appendices. Section 4 summarises and assesses completed and current NRA tracking studies. Section 5 discusses the scientific content of these studies in relation to similar work carried out elsewhere in the UK. The NRA programme of tracking studies is evaluated in Section 6. Section 7 discusses future fisheries projects and Section 8 details the future development of tracking techniques. Finally, recommendations arising out of this review are summarised in Section 9.
This paper highlights the social and economic importance of coarse and stillwater trout fisheries and explains the UK Environment Agency's aim, its policies and processes, and its powers for managing and regulating these fisheries, concluding with reasoned proposals for change.
This paper gives the results of the Environment Agency's research into the canal close season to the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Review Group. It presents the findings of the research, explains why the research was undertaken and how it relates to the Agency's duties. The background for this report includes that angling representative bodies have long argued that the existing situation in which somecanals have a close season and others do not, is unsatisfactory.
Distribution and prevalence of the phoretic barnacle Xenobalanus on cetacean species are reported for 22 cetaceans in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (21 million km2). Four cetacean species are newly reported hosts for Xenobalanus: Bryde’s whale (Balaenoptera edeni), long-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus capensis), humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae), and spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris). Sightings of Xenobalanus in pelagic waters are reported for the first time, and concentrations were located within three productive zones: near the Baja California peninsula, the Costa Rica Dome and waters extending west along the 10°N Thermocline Ridge, and near Peru and the Galapagos Archipelago. Greatest prevalence was observed on blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) indicating that slow swim speeds are not necessary for effective barnacle settlement. Overall, prevalence and prevalence per sighting were generally lower than previously reported. The number of barnacles present on an individual whale was greatest for killer whales, indicating that Xenobalanus larvae may be patchily distributed. The broad geographic distribution and large number of cetacean hosts, indicate an extremely cosmopolitan distribution. A better understanding of the biology of Xenobalanus is needed before this species can be used as a biological tag.
The Caranx hippos species complex comprises three extant species: crevalle jack (Caranx hippos) (Linnaeus, 1766) from both the western and eastern Atlantic oceans; Pacific crevalle jack (Caranx caninus) Günther, 1868 from the eastern Pacific Ocean; and longfin crevalle jack (Caranx fischeri) new species, from the eastern Atlantic, including the Mediterranean Sea and Ascension Island. Adults of all three species are superficially similar with a black blotch on the lower half of the pectoral fin, a black spot on the upper margin of opercle, one or two pairs of enlarged symphyseal canines on the lower jaw, and a similar pattern of breast squamation. Each species has a different pattern of hyperostotic bone development and anal-fin color. The two sympatric eastern Atlantic species also differ from each other in number of dorsal-and anal-fin rays, and in large adults of C. fischeri the lobes of these fins are longer and the body is deeper. Caranx hippos from opposite sides of the Atlantic are virtually indistinguishable externally but differ consistently in the expression of hyperostosis of the first dorsalfin pterygiophore. The fossil species Caranx carangopsis Steindachner 1859 appears to have been based on composite material of Trachurus sp. and a fourth species of the Caranx hippos complex. Patterns of hyperostotic bone development are compared in the nine (of 15 total) species of Caranx sensu stricto that exhibit hyperostosis.
This paper presents 649 length-weight relationships gathered from literature pertaining to 83 fish species, belonging to 34 families, throughout Greek marine waters. The value of the slope b ranged from 1.667 for Cepola macrophthalma to 3.707 for Mullus barbatus. The mean value of b was 2.989 (SD=0.339) and did not differ significantly from 3(t-test, p<0.05). The median value of b was 3.058 and 50% of the b values ranged between 2.900 and 3.186.
Review of the California Trawl Fishery for Pacific Ocean Shrimp, Pandalus jordani, from 1992 to 2007
The commercial bottom trawl fishery for Pacific ocean shrimp, Pandalus jordani, or pink shrimp, operates mostly off the west coast of the contiguous United States. The California portion of the fishery has not been thoroughly documented or reviewed since the 1991 fishing season, despite its fluctuating more during the last 16 years (1992–2007) than at any other period in its 56-year history. We used fishery-dependent data, California Department of Fish and Game commercial landing receipts and logbook data, to analyze trends and review the California pink shrimp trawl fishery from 1992 to 2007. In particular, we focus on the most recent years of the fishery (2001–07) to highlight the gear developments and key management measures implemented in the fishery. The fishery is primarily driven by market conditions and is highly regulated by both state and Federal management agencies. Several key regulatory measures implemented during this decade have had significant effects on the fishery. For example, the requirement of a Bycatch Reduction Device on trawl nets targeting pink shrimp was approved in 2001 and has greatly reduced levels of finfish bycatch. Fishery production has declined, particularly in recent years, and may be attributed to decreased market prices, followed by reduced fishermen participation; both of which are related to changes in the processing sector and demand for the product.
Following the initial description of a species of Sebastes from the Atlantic in the late 1700’s, in the late 1800’s the incredible taxonomic diversity of the genus began to be recognized as more species were discovered in northeast Pacific waters. With over 100 species, most of them from the North Pacific, the genus Sebastes (rockfishes) now presents taxonomic problems at every level. For example, although early efforts to understand relationships among the species resulted in the erection of several subgenera, those and more recent efforts remain largely unsuccessful. Also, the position of the genus within the order Scorpaeniformes, as well as the limits of the genus and the validity of some species are all unresolved. This paper examines the worldwide history and status of taxonomic studies on Sebastes, and reviews the 23 subgenera that have been erected over the years. This review of research, which includes morphological and genetic studies, provides a framework against which to evaluate studies using new genetic techniques.
Haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, is a principal commercial species distributed throughout the northwest Atlantic Ocean, with major aggregations occurring on Georges Bank and on the Scotian Shelf. This review examines all available information on stock structure of haddock to evaluate the suitability of current stock units and to investigate areas that require further research. Combined information from tag-recapture, demographic, recruitment, meristic, parasitic, and genetic studies provide evidence for the identification of haddock stocks, with major population divisions occurring between New England, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland waters. Within each of these major divisions a number of discrete stocks appear to exist, although uncertainty remains in the amount of separation found within each region. Research utilizing more recent stock identification techniques should refine and improve our understanding of haddock stock structure in the northwest Atlantic.
The annual catches of four small longliners operating off northeast Brazil from 1983 to 1997 were examined across different areas and locations. The total catch comprised tunas (30%), sharks (54%), billfishes (12%), and other fish species (4%). Fishing strategy and annual composition of catches showed large spatial and temporal variabilities with the dominant catches alternating among yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares; gray sharks, Carcharhinus spp.; and blue shark, Prionace glauca. Catches of blue and gray sharks showed a significant interaction among seamounts, with gray sharks occurring in maximum abundance around those seamounts that had relatively deep summits and low-sloping depth profiles. Results are discussed in terms of the various factors that may have influenced distribution of effort.