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Distribution and abundance of zooplankton over the tidal cycle were studied in the Mandovi estuary, Goa, during August and December 1971 and May 1972. Tide induced salinity fluctuations were obvious with high values during spring tides. Salinity was low during August, apparently due to precipitation and land run off but increased subsequently. The mean biomass values for the day and night collections were 13.6 and 19.8 ml/100 m super(3) respectively. Occurrence of most of the zooplankton taxa and species was related to diel rhythm and tidal oscillations. However, overall mean zooplankton standing stock at both the stations were same (16.3 ml/100 m super(3)) indicating that estuarine zooplankton maintained their position during tidal exchanges. Variations in occurrence of common groups and species of zooplankton over the tidal cycle are discussed.


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The rich zooplankton standing stock of Dharamtar Creek showed a variation of 8 to 5261 (av. 1032) mg C/100 m super(3)/d which led to a turnover of 29 tonnes C/km super(2)/y. The estimated fishery potential from zooplankton production was 0.079 tonnes C/km super(2) or 29.00 tonnes/km/y. The worked out yield in terms of wet weight of fish was 0.059 tonnes/km2u2/d. Experimental trawling within the creek showed a potential of 0.19 tonnes/km super(2)/d suggesting a transfer coefficient of only 31.4% form secondary to tertiary level. Fish eggs and larvae were very common in the area but contributed collectively only 1% to the total zooplankton population. On an average the outer zone sustained relatively higher population of fish eggs and larvae than the interior zone. The mean population density of larvae (334/100 m super(3)) was 3.5 times higher than fish eggs (93/100 m super(3)) suggesting the good survival rate and a congenial environment for larvae to thrive.


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Distribution of zooplankton along two transects at Karwar and Ratnagiri, west coast of India, was studied. The standing stock of zooplankton was relatively high in the neritic zone with the highest value [358 ml/100 m super(3)] in the area off Ratnagiri due to the aggregation of fish larvae and hydromedusae. Maximum zooplankton production in these areas was noticed with the low temperature and low dissolved oxygen during postmonsoon season. At Karwar the highest biomass [188 ml/100 m super(3)] was observed from the nearshore station due to swarms of the cladoceran Penilia avirostris and the pteropod Cresis acicula when the salinity was low. The fluctuations in numerical abundance and percentage composition of all the major planktonic groups are discussed. The fishery of these areas is compared with the zooplankton standing stock.


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The presence of even very minute quantities of pollutants may become harmful either due to their direct effect on zooplankton or indirectly due to the transfer of the pollutants to other trophic levels through zooplankton. The recent trend in marine pollution studies is therefore to find out the effects of very minute quantities of these pollutants on marine zooplankton and the methods of their accumulation and transfer to the organisms of higher trophic level including man. A review of laboratory and field studies concerning the effects of pollutants such as hydrocarbons, crude oil, heavy metals, pesticides and heated waste water on the survival, breeding, movement, faecal pellet production, growth and development on marine zooplankton is presented.


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Zooplankton standing crop and proximate principals were estimated for 8 coastal and 13 oceanic stations of the northern Arabian Sea during March 1991. Biomass did not show any significant difference (p < 0.05) between coastal and oceanic waters. Protein was the principal biochemical component among proximate principals with an average value of 29.6% in coastal and 34.2% in the oceanic zone, suggesting that protein form a major metabolic reserve. Other components such as lipids and carbohydrate seem to be low in tropical zooplankton. The organic carbon and caloric density did not show significant correlation. Average caloric density was 2.5 k.cal super(-1). The average standing stock was 9.25 mg m super(-3) and 5.90 mg m super(-3) for coastal and oceanic water, respectively. Coastal region is more productive than oceanic region in terms of standing crop, as expected.


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Zooplankton showed directional movement towards the positive electrode in an electrical field till the current continued to flow. Examination of the plankton 24 hours after their exposure for one minute to different current densities showed considerable mortality, the percentage of which was more in the case of the larger size groups.


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Relative abundance and diurnal variations of zooplankton from six anchor stations along Kerala coast were investigated. Samples were collected during April-May 1988 at three hour intervals from depths varying between 15 and 40 m from the traditional fishing grounds of Kerala coast. Average biomass values ranged from 45-95 ml 100/mˉ³. Increase in zooplankton at night was discernible at most of the stations and the highest biomass noticed was 131 ml 100/mˉ³. Copepods formed the most abundant group, of which calanoids predominated. A swarm of the hydromedusan species, Aequorea conica, (181/mˉ³) was seen at night. Quantitative and qualitative variations of various zooplankton groups from six stations in relation to selected physicochemical factors are discussed. Maximum fish larvae were observed in the night samples. Relatively high abundance of sardines, carangids and flat fish larvae in the collections is in agreement with the predominance of fish catch from the area of study.


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Observations were made on the seasonal variation in the occurrence of some zooplankton in a fish pond. A total of 31 genera were recorded, out of these, 8 belongs to Rotifera, 5 to Copepoda, 112 to Cladocera, 3 to Protozoa, 2 to Nematoda and 1 to Oligochaeta. The role of temperature, dissolved oxygen, free Co2, pH, turbidity and alkalinity in the occurrence of different genera is discussed.


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An extensive study of the hydrobiology of the Colombo Lake was initiated by the authors in May 1969 as a contribution to the International Biological Program (Productivity of freshwater communities) by the Department of Zoology, Vidyalankara University of Ceylon, Kelaniya. The Colombo Lake often referred to as the Beira Lake covers an area of approximately 160 acres. The water is usually very turbid with a greenish blue appearance due to the presence of large quantities of blue green algae.


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Based on the study of over 500 zooplankton samples collected in Sri Lanka during 1965-1974, the species composition from different habitats is analysed. The zooplankton assemblage is typically tropical with relatively few species of Cladocera and Copepoda. The Rotifera include a large number of species of the genus Brachionus. The limnetic zooplankton resembles the pond zooplankton closely in that all the eurytopic species found in the different types of habitats, including ponds; also occur in the limnetic zooplankton. The large Cladocera belonging to the genus Daphnia are very rare. In general, large zooplankters are absent. The size composition of the zooplankton has a smaller range than in temperate regions. This is due to the absence of large-sized zooplankton species. The reasons for the differences in species variety and size composition between zooplankton of temperate and tropical regions is perhaps due to a number of factors. These include the effects of high and uniform temperatures, food availability and predation by fish and invertebrates.


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Caspian Sea has gone under a lot of changes due to human influences and the unwanted presence of a ctenophora Menomiopsis leidyi which has greatly changed the structure of planktons in the last recent years. Therefore, this study was carried out in order to determine these changes in the zooplankton community. the Sampling was done in 8 transacts in Astara, Anzali, Sefidrood, Tonekaboun, Noushahr, Babolsar, Amirabad and Bandar Torkaman coastal waters at 5 different depths including 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 m. Sampling was carried out in four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter during 2008, 2009 and 2010 on board of R/V Gilan. Altogether, 12 species of zooplankton were identified in 2008, 22 species in 2009 and 14 species in 2010. The zooplankton included four groups: copepoda (4 species), cladocera (8species), rotatoria (10 species) and protozoa (2 species).The increase of diversity in 2009 was due to cladocera and rotatoria groups. The abundance of zooplankton in the spring was 5074 + 7807 ind/m3 more than other season in 2008. The abundance of copepoda in the summer reached the highest value of 3332 ind/m3 and since autumn the abundance gradually decreases and in the winter reached to the lowest value. The most abundance of cladocera was 797 ind/m3 in winter and decreased in summer and autumn. The abundance of rotatoria was 2189 ind/m3 in winter. rotifera and copepoda consisted the main population of Zooplanktons in the winter. The results of 2009 and 2010 showed that the abundance of zooplankton in winter was 2.6 fold of autumn, 1.6 fold of summer and 1.1 fold (1/9 fold in 2010)of spring. After increasing increased of temperature, phytoplankton, and zooplankton in summer, M.leidyi increased too. In the autumn M. leidyi reached to the highest rate and decreased zooplankton. The maximum population of zooplankton was in the layer 0-20 m and in the layer more than 20 meters, the abundance of zooplankton decreased very much. In 216 2008, 2009 and 2010, the abundance of zooplankton was 87, 77 and 77 percent in the layer 0-20 m respectively. In this study, the thermocline was observed in the layer 10 – 20 meters in the spring, that formed a thin layer but in the summer it was in the layer 20 to 50 meters. Temperature decreased between 11 to 15 oC in this layer. The variation of temperature between surfaces to bottom was 10 to 13 oC in spring, 19 to 21 in summer, about 9 oC in autumn and maximum 3 oC in winter. The most biomass of zooplankton was in the west. The biomass of zooplankton in central west and east of Southern of Caspian Sea was 54 %, 22 % and 24 % respectively in 2008, in 2009 was 48%, 33% and 20% respectively and in 2010 was 54 %, 29 % and 16 % respectively .The biomass decreased from west to east. The model of zooplankton designed by principal component analysis (PCA)and linear regression for Southern of Caspian Sea.


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Biological diversity of an ecosystem is considered a reliable measure of the state of health of the ecosystem. In Uganda's large lakes, the Victoria and Kyoga, the past three decades have been characterized by profound changes in fish species composition following the introduction of the piscivorous Nile perch (Oguto-Ohwayo 1990). Over 300 haplochromine cichlid species comprising a wide range of trophic groups were lost along with a host of non-cichlid fishes which occupied virtually all available ecological niches and in the lakes (Witte 1992). A second major ecological event has been the gradual nutrient enrichment of the water bodies (eutrophication) from diffuse and point sources, while at the same time pollutants have also gained entrance into the water systems in pace with indusfrial development and human population increases in the lake basins. Eutrophication and pollution have drastically altered the physical and-chemical character of the water medium in which different fauna and flora thrive. In Lake Victoria these alterations have resulted in changes of algal species composition from pristine community dominated by chlorophytes and diatoms (Melosira etc) to one composed largely of blue-green algae or Cyanobacteria (Microcystis, Anabaena, Planktolyngbya etc) (Mugidde 1993, Hecky 1993).