97 resultados para Green marketing,
For many years a dye has been used in the practise of pisciculture and pond management, which is known by the name of malachite green, and is used to combat fungus on fish, fish eggs and external animal parasites on fish. The authors describe the problem of the application of malachite green in pisciculture and undertake special, complementary research.
The findings are presented of a marketing survey conducted in the lake Victoria region. The research concentrated on consumers, trader /processors serving local markets, industrial processors serving mainly international markets, and fishers. The market for fish from Lake Victoria is traced from the consumer to the producer, including as many components of the chain as possible. The components are dealt with in individual sections which comprise a profile of a typical consumer/trader-processor/industrial processor /fisher, a list of survey sites, a map showing locations, a note on potential biases within the individual survey, a list of hypotheses or study topics for all surveys except for that of industrial processors, detailed analyses and also the pertinent questionnaire.
Cow Green is a new reservoir situated in Pennine moorland. It has an area of 312 ha, a capacity of 40 . 9 x 10 SUP-6 m SUP-3 and a maximum depth of 22 . 8 m. The function of the reservoir is to regulate flow in the River Tees to provide industrial Teesside with sufficient water during the dry spells. Invertebrate studies were carried out in the Tees to monitor changes resulting from the construction of the reservoir both in the flooded basin and below the dam. The overall effect of the reservoir on the Tees has been to increase the numbers and biomass of certain taxa, but generally not at the expense of previous fauna. Some of the positive effects, ie. increase in number and biomass, and maintenance of faunal diversity, may in part be attributable to the presence of the rapids and waterfall. Turbulence resulting from this rapid flow over heterogeneous bottom is sufficient to prevent clogging of interstitial spaces by silt and to maintain the variety of ecological niches necessary for a diverse fauna.
Post impoundment observations on the fish populations of the River Tees, downstream from the Cow Green Reservoir were made between 1971 and 1980. Both bullhead (Cottus gobio L.) and brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) population densities increased in the river after impoundment but changes in growth rate were small. Investigations into the stomach contents of the two species reflects the results of other work on increases of benthos in the river. Following regulation there was an increase in the quantity of Ephemerella ignita found in trout stomachs while in the bullhead, regulation caused an increase in the importance of Mollusca and a decrease in importance of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera.
Natural calcite precipitation in lakes is a well-known control mechanism of eutrophication. In hard-water lakes, calcite deposits on the flat bottoms of shallow lakes and near the shores of deeper lakes resulted from biogenic decalcification during the millenia after the last glacial period. The objective of a new restoration technology is to intensify the natural process of precipitation by utilizing the different qualities of calcareous mud layers. In a pilot experiment in Lake Rudower See, East Germany, phosphorus-poor deeper layers of the sediments were flushed out and spread over the phosphorus-rich uppermost sediments, to promote the co- precipitation of calcite with phosphorus from the water-column.
The experimental cultures of the marine microalgae Isochrysis galbana Green (variety T. Iso) and Tetraselmis suecica (Kylin) Butch for feeding mussel larvae are described in detail.
Three fishing communities in coastal Bangladesh namely: 1) Hindu community near Chittagong; 2) Muslim community in Rehania; and 3) Bhuddist community of Rakhaipara were studied, and each shared the same credit marketing system.
In northeast Thailand, fish seed production by private hatcheries is being encouranged by the Department of Fisheries. Dissemination of technical knowledge to hatcheries has considerably improved fish seed availability over the last decade, which has stimulated the adoption of fish culture.
Aquaculture is currently responsible for an insignificant proportion of total fish production in Uganda. However, given the increasing demand for fresh fish in urban and peri-urban araes, and threats to the supply of fish from natural catch fisheries, the potential exists for a strong market in aquaculture. Small-scale fish farmers located relatively close to markets or all-season roads, and who can supply consistent and high quality produce, will have the widest range of marketing opportunities, and will likely be within the area of operation of potential traders and intermediaries that deliver fish to markets. Fish farmers that are not close to roads, or produce unreliable quantities and variable quality products may face high transaction costs of marketing their product, and decreasing net returns to production. The authors found that significant on-farm labor, and access to input markets are important factors leading to positive net returns to fish production. Areas with high population density and relatively low wages will be well suited to labor intensive aquaculture. The authors concluded that aquaculture development has good potential in certain areas of Uganda and should therefore be pursued as a potential development pathway. However, policy makers should consider the importance of the price of fresh fish relative to the cost of labor, as well as other factors including the importance of smallholder credit and access to extension services, when directing investments in aquaculture technology.
Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fry production and marketing in the provinces of Chonburi and Chachoengsao, Thailand are discussed, covering historical background, production methodology, transfer of technology to other region, and future trends.
The objective of this study was to investigate the spatial patterns in green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) density off the coast of Maine, using data from a fishery-independent survey program, to estimate the exploitable biomass of this species. The dependence of sea urchin variables on the environment, the lack of stationarity, and the presence of discontinuities in the study area made intrinsic geostatistics inappropriate for the study; therefore, we used triangulated irregular networks (TINs) to characterize the large-scale patterns in sea urchin density. The resulting density surfaces were modified to include only areas of the appropriate substrate type and depth zone, and were used to calculate total biomass. Exploitable biomass was estimated by using two different sea urchin density threshold values, which made different assumptions about the fishing industry. We observed considerable spatial variability on both small and large scales, including large-scale patterns in sea urchin density related to depth and fishing pressure. We conclude that the TIN method provides a reasonable spatial approach for generating biomass estimates for a fishery unsuited to geostatistics, but we suggest further studies into uncertainty estimation and the selection of threshold density values.
Assessing the status of widely distributed marine species can prove difficult because virtually every sampling technique has assumptions, limitations, and biases that affect the results of the study. These biases often are overlooked when the biological and nonbiological implications of the results are discussed. In a recent review, Thompson (1988) used mostly unpublished population census data derived from studies conducted by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to draw conclusions about the status of Kemp's ridley, Lepidochelys kempi; Atlantic coast green turtles, Chelonia mydas; and the loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta.