54 resultados para Fellows Gear Shaper Company.


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The Common Octopus, Octopus vulgaris, is an r-selected mollusk found off the coast of North Carolina that interests commercial fishermen because of its market value and the cost-effectiveness of unbaited pots that can catch it. This study sought to: 1) determine those gear and environmental factors that influenced catch rates of octopi, and 2) evaluate the feasibility of small-scale commercial operations for this species. Pots were fished from August 2010 through September 2011 set in strings over hard and sandy bottom in waters from 18 to 30 m deep in Onslow Bay, N.C. Three pot types were fished in each string; octopus pots with- and without lids, and conch pots. Proportional catch was modeled as a function of gear design and environmental factors (location, soak time, bottom type, and sea surface water temperature) using binomially distributed generalized linear models (GLM’s); parsimony of each GLM was assessed with Akaike Information Criteria (AIC). A total of 229 octopi were caught throughout the study. Pots with lids, pots without lids, and conch pots caught an average of 0.15, 0.17, and 0.11 octopi, respectively, with high variability in catch rates for each pot type. The GLM that best fit the data described proportional catch as a function of sea surface temperature, soak time, and station; greatest proportional catches occurred over short soak times, warmest temperatures, and less well known reef areas. Due to operating expenses (fuel, crew time, and maintenance), low catch rates of octopi, and high gear loss, a directed fishery for this species is not economically feasible at the catch rates found in this study. The model fitting to determine factors most influential on catch rates should help fishermen determine seasons and gear soak times that are likely to maximize catch rates. Potting for octopi may be commercially practical as a supplemental activity when targeting demersal fish species that are found in similar habitats and depth ranges in coastal waters off North Carolina.


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Papers dealing with technical terms in fisheries science are few. This paper however, covers only one or two aspects of the subject, namely fishing gear materials and fishing gear fabrication. Similar papers on other aspects are also planned. Short explanations or descriptions are also given wherever considered necessary.


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An account and review of the simple methods for determining the operational parameters of fishing gear, underwater, such a tilt of otter boards (outwards or inwards, forwards or afterwards), vertical height of net, its horizontal spread, angle of divergence at bosom, spread between wing tips, angle of inclination of danlenos, butterfly, slope of legs and sweep-line has been given. The relationship of distance between the otter boards spread and the vertical height of net has been obtained as generally linear. The possibilities of regulating the vertical height of net (dependent variate) and spread of otter boards (independent variate) for increasing the fishing efficiency has been discussed. The angle of attack of oval shaped otter boards used during the operations still remain undetermined, however, it has been explained how the best angle of attack for increasing the efficiency of gear can be obtained by regulating the ratio of depth to warp for a given net. The inadequacy of the mere indices of catch per hour of trawling in comparing the relative efficiency of trawls in gear research studies has been indicated. The importance of estimating the operational parameters and its application to commercial fisheries depending upon the distribution pattern of fish and in gear research has been discussed. The efficiency of the jelly bottle method has been compared statistically with the observations made on the trawl gear underwater with instruments.


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Potentially the inland fishery resources of the country are of very high order. But the present level of their exploitation is far from optimum, mainly because of the inadequacies of the existing fishing gear and methods. There is vast scope for increasing the fish production from inland waters by improving the existing gear and methods. This would require a thorough study of the fishing gear and methods in vogue, of which very little is known at present. In the present communication the authors discuss the fishing gear and methods of the river Brahmaputra, in Assam, based on a survey carried out by them during January-February 1964. The survey covers a 640 km stretch of the Brahmaputra River, its important tributaries and connected bheels, from Dhubri to Dibrugarh. As a result of the survey about 19 types of fishing nets, which could be grouped into eight classes, were identified. The salient technological features of the gears and their methods of operation are discussed class-wise. The characteristics of the individual types are shown in tables. The materials used for gear and gear accessories, are briefly discussed. The classification and relative importance of different types of gear are examined. Besides, the influence of the ecological and topographical features of the river on the development of different types of fishing gears, is also discussed.


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Since the year 1925, attention has been focused periodically on the stagnation in the local fishing industry, and those who have studied the subject have been unanimous about the need to introduce modern fishing craft which are capable of working more fishing gear. This report outlines the stages through which the evolution of more effective fishing operations has progressed, both in the gradually increasing use of mechanical propulsion for boats and in the adoption of more modern gear and techniques by local fishermen. No reference is made in this report to the operation of deep-sea trawlers (Sivalingam, 1956) a phase of development which has hitherto not influenced the local fishing industry to any appreciable extent.


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The Craft and Gear Wing of the Central Institute of Fisheries Technology was established to develop the country's fishing boats and implements scientifically and systematically. The Wing was organized in the year 1957 as a part of the fisheries development schemes included under the Second Five Year Plan.


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The general method of study of the performance of any dynamic system is to have an understanding of the various influencing factors. These include the dynamic parameters developed by the system as well as the external factors. In the case of a trawl net under operation there are many hydrodynamic forces acting on it. Since the trawl net is operated much below the water surface, visual observation is rather difficult. Model testing is an alternative method. However, as a model cannot be an exact replica of the original in all respects, model testing has only a limited application and an ultimate test with the actual gear in the true field conditions is necessary.


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There are many types of passive fishing gear in use in the estuarine waters and lagoons in Ceylon such as the stake seine net or Kattudel, the tat trap or Jalcottu and the wing net or Sirahu valai. Of these Siraku valai is very popular in the shallow and near shore areas of the sea in north Ceylon. Sirahu valai is popular since it is relatively more economical, less time consuming and more efficient than other forms of fishing gear in shallow waters. More over the fishermen do not have to remain in the fishing grounds while his gear is fishing. Pearson (1923) described this gear as a stake net having a complicated arrangement. Sirahu valai is also referred to as Siraku valai or Kurukku valai.


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The author describes the commercial viable off-shore fishing methods for catching known commercial resources available around Sri Lanka. He also describes the in-shore fishing methods such as bait fishery which are related and of prime importance for carrying out certain off-shore methods. The paper is intended as a background for the description of fishing methods. The methods discussed are: (1) Longlining for large pelagic species such as large tuna (yellow fin, big eye), shark, spearfish and others; (2) Drift-netting for small and large tuna species (skipjack, yellow fin and others), shark, spearfish, etc.; (3) Pole and line for all deep-sea pelagic species such as skipjack, yellow fin, frigate mackerel, etc.; and (4) Purse seining (small scale) for small pelagic species suitable as bait fish for pole and line and longline fisheries.


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Under a joint agreement the Government of Sri Lanka and the Nichiro Fishing Company of Japan have undertaken an experimental pole and line fishery around Sri Lanka with a view to determining the feasibility of establishing a joint commercial venture. 3 Japanese vessels conducted trials during the period March 1973-October 1974. Details of the vessels and cruises are given. A variety of fish were tried as bait, and the selection of appropriate bait is discussed. Catches and catch and effort statistics are presented, with tables showing distribution of the tuna. The results of the trials were below expectations, and are in part attributed to bait availability, and unfavorable weather conditions. Seasonal variation of the type of fishery is suggested in order to take account of this, and it is concluded that a fishery based on 45/50 ft combined pole and line and drift net fishing vessels might prove feasible.


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Challenges to fishing and preferred gear of multiple used Lake, whose water depth is controlled by opening of its dam gate were investigated. Geographic survey, interview and focused group discussion of fishermen were used to assess factors influencing effectiveness of fishing and the preferred gear of Asejire Lake. Water usage (s) such as frequency of Complete and Partial Opening of Dams Gate (CODG and PODG) were investigated as indices for hydrodynamic condition. Response during focused group discussion with about 33% of fishermen of the Lake were obtained on sources of disturbance to effective fishing (SDEF), most effective gear (MEG)- least environmentally perturbed gear, comparability of catch structure of preferred gear to conventional gear and sustainability of superiority of preferred gears in situations outside hydrodynamic condition (SSPPG). The PODG occurred 1-7times/Month-dry season, 15-18times/Month-wet season; CODG occurred 1-2times/Month in both season; Interval of CODG was 3-17 and 5-12days (dry and wet season). It affected set-net and catch. The SDEF were gear availability, weather condition, dam’s gate opening, religion activities and Health of fisher-folks. 50% respondents accepted opening of dams gate as most important disturbance while religion was least (5% respondents accepted). 60% respondents accepted traps as MEG being the least affected while 75% respondents accepted Gura cage trap as the MEG among traps.90% respondents accepted that among traps, its catch structure was closest (comparable) to conventional gear. However, 75% respondents rejected SSPPG. Opening of dams’ gate creates hydrodynamic condition and it affects fishing. Gura trap was preferred for fishing hydrodynamic condition.


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Consequent on the great emphasis given to irrigation, power generation and flood control, several river valley reservoirs have been formed. The fact that these reservoirs support a fairly rich fishery potential needs no special mention. The total reservoir water area in the country is 6.4 lakh h.a. (16 lakh acres) and the yield is 5 to 8 kgm/h. a. in certain reservoirs, rising up to 40 kgm/h.a. in some of the highly productive ones.