Stock enhancement has been recognized as one of the essential strategies that can sustain and increase the resources of coastal fisheries. It has been practiced for over a century, with more than 100 species released to date in worldwide programs. Among the countries in Asia, Japan and Taiwan have already established the practice of stock enhancement. Details are given of the main species, number or seedstock produced and released in 1996 in Japan. The species released by the Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute 1976-1995 are also described.
Increased management attention to the fisheries tn Uganda is fuelled by five major factors:socio-economic demands, human population increase,stock depletion, biodiversity loss and,environmental degradation.Fish exports from Uganda to overseas and regional markets have rapidly increased since the mid 1990s and it is estimated that total exports are worth at least US$ 200m three quarters of the value due mostly to Nile perch exports to overseas markets.Exports to regional markets are dominated by variously processed tilapia "mukene" (Rastrineobo/a argentea),Nile perch "angara"(A/estes baremose) and cat fishes.Virtually all major water bodies contribute to this trade. A combinatilm of exports and an increased human population has seen the per capita fish consumption in Uganda drop from 15kg in the early 1990s to almost 10kg by 2005.this figure is below the WHO recommended fish protein intake of 17kg. the apparent fish gap in a liberalised economic framework has stimulated interest in commercial fish farming