53 resultados para Cooperative Alliance for Seacoast Transportation.


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Fishermen co-operatives can be a potent agency for bringing about the social and economic progress of the fishermen community. Streamlining of marketing procedures and provision of infrastructural facilities would result in lowering of production costs and increased benefits accruing to the producers. Another consequence will be an increase in fish yield whereby the problem of the nutritional food gap can be resolved. Success in cooperation is determined by diverse factors like effective leadership and management, loyal and informed members, availability of adequate and timely finance and infrastructure. Proximity to a large metropolis will also have a significant impact on the creation of a favourable environment.


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The paper deals with certain technological aspects of transportation of fish. Frozen fish packed in thermocole insulated plywood box (tea chests) and transported has been found to remain in good condition, for 3 to 4 days. Fish reaching the destination in a thawed state can be stored in crushed ice for a further period of 2-3 days. The effect of initial temperature of frozen fish on the storage life, the maximum storage period for different types of frozen fish packed in the insulated container and the changes in chemical and organoleptic qualities of different varieties of fish under condition of transport are also discussed.


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India has a long coast line of about 4,800 km along which fish landing centers are scattered. Fish catches are showing an upward trend consequent on rapid mechanization of fishing crafts. Economic utilization of the landed fish is an essential prerequisite for the proper development of Indian fishing and fish processing industries.


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A survey conducted to evaluate the present status of harvesting, transportation and marketing of freshwater SIS of Bangladesh showed that among the 56 to 73 species of small indigenous fish species (SIS), mola (Amblypharyngodon mola), dhela (Osteobrama cotio cotio), puti (Barbodes sarana), tit puti (Puntius ticto), tengra (Mystus vitatus), chapila ( Gudusia chapra), batashi (Pseudotropius atherinoides), buzuri tengra (Mystus tengra), katchki (Corika soborna), gol chanda (Chanda ranga), lamba chanda (Chanda nama), phul chela (Chela phulo) and lata (Channa punctatus) are the most common. But the abundance of the mola, puti, tengra, batashi and chapila are higher than the other SIS species. Puti was at the top of the list in percentage abundance (7-9%), followed by mola (7-8%), tengra 6-7% and chapila 5-6% in all the investigated areas. Three levels of market or marketing systems were observed in the distribution channel of fish trade: primary, secondary/higher secondary and final consuming markets. Primary market is the catching point in the rural area. In secondary market, the collectors bring the fish from primary market to the landing ghats, usually to the nearest thana market or at a place well linked by rivers, road and rail transport. On purchasing the fish from the higher secondary market, the paikars sell the fish to the retailers who take it to the final consumer market. Different types of crafts and gears are used for catching the SIS in Bangladesh. Monofilament gill nets (20%), traps and line nets (25%) and seine nets (25%) are the dominant gears in respect of the total catch followed by lift net (10%) and cast net (20%). A total of 10 types of gear are listed according to their mode of operation which used for catching SIS. The processors in consumer market received higher marketing profit followed by primary market and secondary market, respectively.


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The paper communicates the results of field trials conducted with a dismantlable insulated galvanised iron container designed and fabricated by the first two authors in their laboratory. Different varieties of fishes and different types of packing, namely, fresh iced, chilled iced and frozen were employed in the transportation experiments which were conducted from Kakinada to Howrah, Kakinada to New Delhi and Paradeep to Howrah. In all the experiments the container performed exceedingly well and has still remained in very trim condition.


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A comparative study of the insulation efficiencies of expanded polystyrene slabs and multi-layer gunny fabric in long distance transportation of fresh iced fish was made. Used plywood boxes (second hand tea chests) were employed as containers and the experiments conducted between Kakinada and Calcutta. All the three insulants tried, namely, 25.4 mm thick expanded polystyrene slab, four and two layer gunny (jute) fabric, all sealed in 150 gauge polythene sheets, showed comparable insulation efficiencies, considering total bacterial counts, organoleptic qualities and TMA and TVN values of the transported fish as parameters.


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Iced seer fish (Scomberomorus sp.) was transported by rail in expanded polystyrene insulated plywood boxes from Kakinada to Calcutta in round and fillet forms. While both withstood the rigors of transportation squarely, the fillets fetched only half the price of round fish in the auction conducted at the Calcutta market.


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The changes in the biochemistry of different varieties of iced fish during transportation in thermocole lined second hand tea chests from Veraval to Bombay and Delhi are discussed. The moisture increased for all the varieties except for eel and hilsa at Bombay. TMAN and TVN increased in all cases. Maximum increase of TMAN and TVN was observed in seer fish.