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Techniques are described for preparing acetate peels of sectioned valves of ocean quahogs, Arctica islandica, for age determinations. The respective sequence of preparation begins by sectioning left valves oriented to include a single hinge tooth, bleaching to remove the heavy periostracum, embedding the valves in an epoxy resin, grinding and polishing the embedments to a high luster, etching the exposed cut valve surfaces, and applying sheet acetate with acetone. Annuli are clearly defined relative to growth increments in the peel preparations for all sizes and ages of ocean quahogs. (PDF file contains12 pages.)


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A method of identifying the beaks and estimating body weight and mantle length of 18 species of cephalopods from the Pacific Ocean is presented. Twenty specimens were selected from each of the following cephalopod species: Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis, Dosidicus gigas, Ommastrephes bartramii, S. luminosa, Todarodes pacificus, Nototodarus hawaiiensis, Ornithoteuthis volalilis, Hyaloteuthis pelagica, Onychoteuthis banksii, Pterygioteuthis giardi, Abraliopsis affinis, A. felis, Liocranchia reinhardti, Leachia danae, Histioteuthis heteropsis, H. dofleini, Gonalus onyx, and Loligo opalescens. Dimensions measured on the upper and lower beak are converted to ratios and compared individually among the species using an analysis of variance procedure with Tukey's omega and Duncan's multiple range tests. Significant differences (P =0.05) observed among the species' beak ratio means and structural characteristics are used to construct artificial keys for the upper and lower beaks of the 18 species. Upper and lower beak dimensions are used as independent variables in a linear regression model with mantle length and body weight (log transformed). (PDF file contains 56 pages.)


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Size composition data of bigeye tuna taken from the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean by Japanese Prefectural experimental training vessels from 1958 to 1964 are examined. A gradient of increasing fish size from east to west is noted. Males increase in ratio over females for the entire range of lengths examined, and beyond 170 cm comprise more than 75 per cent of the total. The first semester of the year is important as a bigeye spawning season. A general relationship between sexual maturity and thermal structure of the water is discussed. At the end of their 12th quarter of life bigeye are about 114 cm long, by the 16th quarter, 137 cm and at the end of 20 quarters, about 153 cm. The long-line fishery in the eastern Pacific has had a marked effect on the size composition of the stocks of bigeye, but whether the fishing has driven the stocks below a point which could afford a maximum sustainable yield could not be determined. (PDF contains 55 pages.)


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11 specimens of Coryphaenoides armatus were collected at former dumping sites for radioactive material in the Iberian deep sea at a depth of 4700 m and their muscle tissue was analysed for four trace elements (copper, zinc, cadmium and lead) by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPSAV). Concentrations of zinc were typical for fish muscle in general; copper content was somewhat higher than generally found in fish. The cadmium and lead contents were at a level found in fish from the open sea but the lead content of 2 specimens taken in area East-B was found to be higher.


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission is engaged in scientific studies of the tuna resources of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. One of the most important aspects of these investigations is the evaluation of the effects of fishing upon the populations of yellowfin tuna (Neothunnus macropterus) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) of this region, based upon the analysis of quantitative records of fishing effort and catch. The systematic collection and compilation of statistical information on the operations and production of the tuna fishing Beet have, therefore, been essential parts of the research program since its inception in 1951. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical está dedicada al estudio cientifico de los recursos de atún del Océano Pacifico Oriental Tropical. Uno de los aspectos más importantes de las investigaciones es la evaluación de los efectos de la pesca sobre las poblaciones de atún aleta amarilla (Neothunnus macropterus) y barrilete (Katsuwonus pelamis) de esta región, sobre la base del análisis de los registros cuantitativos del esfuerzo de pesca y captura respectiva. La recolección sistemática y la compilación de informaciones estadisticas sobre las operaciones y producción de la flota pesquera de atún han sido, consecuentemente, de esencial importancia dentro de nuestro programa de trabajo desde su comienzo en 1951. (PDF contains 77 pages.)


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ENGLISH: In a previous Commission Bulletin, Shimada (1957) has described the geographical distribution of the yearly catches of yellowfin tuna (Neothunnus macropterus) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) from the Eastern Pacific Ocean for the period 1952 to 1955 inclusive, based on information obtained from logbook records of baitboats and purse-seiners. In view of the seasonal nature of the fishery in different areas, a summary of the catches by smaller time units may be of additional value. Accordingly, statistical data employed earlier by Shimada have been retabulated by quarters of the year and form the basis of the present report. SPANISH: En un Boletín anterior de la Comisión, Shimada (1957) hizo un estudio sobre la distribución geográfica de las pescas anuales de atún aleta amarilla (Neothunnus macropterus) y barrilete (Katsuwonus pelamis) del Océano Pacifico Oriental, en el perlado comprendido por los años 1952 a 1955 inclusive. Dicho estudio fué hecho sobre la base de la información obtenida en los registros de las bitácoras de los barcos carnaderos y rederos. Pero en vista de la naturaleza que imprimen las estaciones a la pesquería en las diferentes áreas se ha considerado que podría tener valor complementario un resumen de las pescas en unidades de tiempo menores. De acuerdo con este criterio, los datos estadísticos empleados antes por Shimada, se han tabulado de nuevo ahora, por trimestres, y constituyen siempre la base del presente informe. (PDF contains 49 pages.)


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ENGLISH: One of the important problems in the current investigations of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission is the determination of the racial affinities of the stocks of yellowfin and skipjack inhabiting the Eastern Tropical Pacific fishing region. The nature of the problem is twofold. Primary concern is elucidation of the inter-regional relationship of stocks between the Eastern Tropical Pacific fishing region and those further to the westward. Hardly less important, however, is the intraregional relationship of stocks within the regions, particularly the Eastern Pacific region. This latter relationship must be at least partially understood in order properly to approach investigation of the former. SPANISH: Dentro de las las investigaciones que al presente efectúa la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical, uno de los importantes problemas consiste en la determinación de las afinidades raciales de los stocks de atún aleta amarilla y barrilete que se encuentran en las regiones de pesca del Pacífico Oriental Tropical. La naturaleza del problema es doble. El interés primario es la elucidación de la relación inter-regional entre los stocks de la región pesquera del Pacífico Oriental Tropical y los de aquéllas más hacia el oeste de dicho océano. Apenas menos importante, sin embargo, es la relación intra-regional de los stocks dentro de las regiones, particularmente la del Pacífico del Este. Esta última relación debe ser por lo menos parcialmente conocida, a fin de abordar con propiedad la anteriormente citada. (PDF contains 63 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory of Kochi, Japan conducted a long-line fishery exploration and hydrographic survey in the eastern Pacific Ocean aboard the R/V Shoyo Maru during October 1963- March 1964. An invitation to the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission to participate in the cruise gave its investigators the opportunity to make surface biological observations and to preserve water samples for subsequent analyses of nutrients. The result of this survey is a comprehensive body of physical, chemical and biological data covering a large portion of the eastern half of the Pacific Ocean. SPANISH: El Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory de Rochi, Japón, llevó a cabo una exploración pesquera con palangre y un reconocimiento hidrográfico en el Océano Pacífico oriental, a bordo del barco de investigación Shoyo Maru, desde octubre de 1963 hasta marzo de 1964. Una invitación dirigida a la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical para participar en el crucero, confirió a sus investigadores la oportunidad de hacer observaciones biológicas superficiales y conservar muestras de agua para el subsiguiente análisis de los nutrientes. El resultado de este reconocimiento es un conjunto de datos físicos, químicos y biológicos que abarcan una gran parte del sector medio oriental del Océano Pacífico. (PDF contains 153 pages.)


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ENGLISH: This study is based on collections of larvae of Thunnus albacares, Euthynnus llneatus, and Auxis sp. obtained from surface and oblique net tows made during seven cruises, each along a comparable track in the entrance of the Gulf of California and each during a different month. Concomitant measurements of surface temperature, salinity, and zooplankton were made at each of the plankton stations. The catches of larval Auxis sp. were examined by analysis of variance techniques to determine which environmental features were associated with the spawning of this tuna as indicated by the distribution of larvae and to gain some insight into the behavior of the larvae themselves. The testing indicated that the spawning of Auxis sp. varied significantly among the different months of the cruises. The testing also indicated that if the larvae were capable of avoiding the sampling apparatus, this ability was not related to features associated with time of day such as light conditions. The analysis did not detect any change in the vertical distribution of the larvae among the months of the experiment. It was concluded that the larvae did not exhibit a diel vertical movement. The measurements of temperature, salinity, and zooplankton volumes were treated as covariates in the analysis. The surface temperature proved to be a highly important factor in explaining the distribution of larvae, but salinity and zooplankton volumes were not. Catches of Thunnus albaeares and Euthynnus lineatus were rare during the course of the study; these are discussed in qualitative terms with respect to the time of the year and the surface temperature. The distribution of larval tunas in the area of study was compared with the distribution of surface water masses. It appeared that these masses had no influence per se on the distribution of larvae. SPANISH: Este estudio está basado en las recolecciones de larvas de Thunnus albacares, Eutbynnus lineatus, y Auxis sp. obtenidas según los arrastres superficiales y oblicuos de la red, realizados durante siete cruceros, cada uno a la entrada del Golfo de California a lo largo de un derrotero comparable, y cada uno durante distintos meses. Las mediciones correspondientes de la temperatura superficial, salinidad y de zooplancton se realizaron en cada una de las estaciones de plancton. Las capturas de larvas Auxís sp. fueron examinadas mediante el análisis de la varianza para determinar cuales características ambientales se encontraban asociadas con el desove de este atún según lo indicaba la distribución de las larvas, y para obtener alguna idea del comportamiento de las larvas en sí mismas. Las pruebas indicaron que el desove de Auxis sp. varió significativamente entre los diferentes meses de los cruceros; indicaron también que si las larvas eran capaces de evitar el aparato de muestreo, esta habilidad no se relacionaba a las características asociadas con la hora del día de acuerdo a las condiciones de luz. El análisis no demostró ningún cambio en la distribución vertical de las larvas durante los meses del experimento. Se determinó que las larvas no exhiben un movimiento vertical diario. Las mediciones de temperatura, salinidad, y de los volúmenes de zooplancton fueron tratadas como covariables en el análisis. La temperatura superficial demostró ser un factor altamente importante en la explicación de la distribución de las larvas, pero la salinidad y los volúmenes de zooplancton no lo fueron. Las capturas de Thunnus albacares y Eutbynnus lineatus fueron pocas durante el curso de este estudio; éstas se discuten en términos cualitativos respecto a la época del año y a la temperatura superficial. La distribución de los atunes larvales en el área de estudio fue comparada con la distribución de las masas superficiales de agua. Parece que estas masas no tienen influencia per se en la distribución de las larvas. (PDF contains 40 pages.)


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This report contains the frrst observations made for the Modis Optical Characterization Experiment (MOCE). Data presented here were obtained on the R/V DeSteiguer between 28 August and 8 October along the central California coast and in Monterey Bay. Three types of data are reported here: high spectral resolution radiometry at three depths for seven stations; salinity, temperature, fluorescence and beam attenuation profiles at the same stations; and total suspended matter and suspended organic carbon and nitrogen. [PDF contans 164 pages]


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ENGLISH: Morphometric data from yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, were collected from various locations in the eastern Pacific Ocean during 1974 to 1976, to assess geographic and temporal variation of morphometric characters. The data were statistically adjusted, using allometric formulae to partition size. Discriminant analyses were applied to the adjusted morphometric characters. Yellowfin sampled from north of 15°N-20oN were different from those sampled from south of 15°N-20oN. The absence of any clinal relationships between morphometric characters and latitude or longitude suggests a pattern of somewhat distinct regional groups. These results clearly demonstrate geographic variation in morphometric characters of yellowfin in the eastern Pacific Ocean, which suggests differences between the life histories of the northern and southern groups. SPANISH: Entre 1974 Y1976 se tomaron datos morfométricos de atunes aleta amarilla, Thunmus albacares, de varios lugares en el Océano Pacífico oriental, a fin de evaluar la variación geográfica y temporal de los caracteres morfométricos. Se ajustaron los datos estadísticamente, usando fórmulas alométricas para eliminar los efectos del tamaño. Se aplicaron análisis discriminantes a los caracteres morfométricos ajustados. Aletas amarillas muestreados provenientes del norte de 15°N-20°N eran diferentes a aquellos muestreados del sur de 15°N -20°N. La falta de una relación clinal entre los caracteres morfométricos y latitud o longitud sugiere la existencia de grupos regionales algo distintos. Estos resultados demuestran claramente una variación geográfica en los caracteres morfométricos del aleta amarilla en el Océano Pacífico oriental, la cual sugiere diferencias en los ciclos vitales de los grupos del norte y del sur. (PDF contains 41 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Samples of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, collected from five areas of the Pacific Ocean (Mexico, Ecuador, Australia, Japan, and Hawaii) between January and May of 1988 and 1990 were examined for spatiotemporal variation in morphometric characters and gill-raker counts. 'Iwo-factor analysis of variance, with area and year treated as grouping factors, indicated a significant difference in the means of the total gill-raker counts among fish from different areas, but no significant difference between fish caught in different years. The morphometric data were adjusted by allometric formulae to remove size effects. The correct classification rates for the five groups, using discriminant function analysis, based on adjusted morphometric characters, were 77.60/0 for the samples from 1988 and 74.40/0 for those from 1990. These are 72.00/0 and 68.00/0 (Cohen's kappa statistic) better than would have occurred chance. The pattern of geographic variability, however, is unstable for these two years, thus requiring separate discriminant functions for each year. Although there is annual variability in the morphometric characters, these results demonstrate that the stocks examined are morphometrically distinguishable and that their phenetic relationships reflect their geographic origin. SPANISH: Se examinaron muestras de atún aleta amarilla, Thunnus albacares, tomadas de cinco áreas del Océano Pacífico (México, Ecuador, Australia, Japón, y Hawaii) entre enero y mayo de 1988 y 1990, para descubrir variaciones espaciotemporales en las características morfométricas y los conteos de branquiespinas. Un análisis de varianza de dos factores, con área y año como factores de agrupación, indicó una diferencia significativa en los promedios de los conteos de branquiespinas totales entre peces de distintas áreas, pero ninguna entre peces capturados en distintos años. Se ajustaron los datos morfométricos con fórmulas alométricas para eliminar los efectos de la talla del pez. En un análisis de función discriminante, las tasas de clasificación correcta de los cinco grupos, basadas en características morfométricas ajustadas, fueron 77.60/0 para las muestras de 1988 y 74.40/0 para aquellas de 1990. Estas cifras son 72.00/0 y 68.00/0 (estadístico de kappa de Cohen) mejores de lo que se hubiera obtenido al azar. Sin embargo, la variabilidad geográfica es inestable en estos dos años, requiriendo por lo tanto funciones discriminantes separadas para cada año. Aunque existe variabilidad anual en las características morfométricas, estos resultados demuestran que los stocks examinados son morfamétricamente distinguibles, y que su relación fenética refleja su origen geográfico. (PDF contains 31 pages.)


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This paper is aimed at government, non-government organizations, intergovernmental organizations and the general public as they work toward the development of their individual strategies and action plans. It has been recognized that community-based organizations have a particular relevance to the pursuit of sustainable resource management and may well contribute to the foundations of self-sustenance. Women on Lake Victoria, Tanzania presently face great challenges within the fishery. These include the lack of capital, interference by men, theft of fishing gear, time constraints and socio-cultural problems. In recent years, the fish trading and marketing sectors of the fishery, which have traditionally been dominated by women, have seen large incursions by male entrepreneurs. This move has endangered the role of women within the fishery. This paper focuses on the Tweyambe Fishing Enterprise (TFE), a well-known women's group based in Kasheno village in the Muleba District of Kagera Region in northwestern Tanzania. Inhabitants from the Haya ethnic group who make up some 95% of the population of Kagera Region dominate this village. The TFE has a series of initiatives aimed towards ecologically sound self-development


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Catch data were collected from three beaches in the Mwanza area of lake Victoria, Tanzania for Oreochromis niloticus (L.), Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin) and Lates niloticus (L.). Sampling took place in October 1997 and February, June and September 1998. The CPUE for O. niloticus was 3.9 to 6kg boat super(-1) and for R. argentea from 98 to 282 kg boat super(-1). There was no obvious trend in catch rates for L. niloticus. The modal length for O. niloticus recorded at Chole beach was 34cm TL. In February, fish were larger (41-45 cm) than in the other surveys. Rastrineobola argentea caught in October 1997 had modal length at 65 mm TL with some smaller fish. In February and June prominent length modes occurred at 45 and 58 mm respectively, which may represent the same cohort as the small fish caught in October 1997. In September 1998, there were two length modes at 46 and 60 mm. The 60 mm fish may represent the same cohort seen in previous surveys, suggesting growth from approximately 30 mm to 60 mm in an eleven-month period. Lates niloticus landed at Kayenze beach over the four surveys had a modal length of 46 cm TL. Fish species encountered on the three beaches during the surveys were O. niloticus, R. argentea, Bagrus docmak Forsskall, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell), Protopterus aethiopicus Heckel, Labeo victorians Boulenger, Synodontis afrofischeri Hilgendorf, Synodontis victoriae Boulanger, Schilbe intermedius (L.), Brycinus jacksonii (Boulanger), Mormyrus kannume Forsskall and Haplochromine cichlids