43 resultados para Cardiac toxicity


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The acute toxicity test conducted by static bioassay techniques have revealed that among selected heavy metals, copper is more toxic than zinc and mercury to Planaxis sulcatus and Trochus radiatus. The natural availability of heavy metals in the surrounding environment of these organisms is found to be deciding factor for their toxicity. Natural habitat of the animal also contributes to the sensitivity of a particular animal to the heavy metals tested. In addition the tendency of the animal to overcome the adverse conditions in their surrounding also plays a significant role in toxicity of pollutants.


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The median lethal concentrations (LC50) of two Isopoda species exposed to each tested metal (Cu. Co, Cd and Zn) in static tests for different exposure periods are quite variable depending on the tested metal The LC50 values for Sphaeroma walkeri after 24 hours exposure to Cu and Co were estimated graphically to be 11.20 and 7.00 mg/1 respectively. The correspoding values for Cirolana bovina exposed to Cu, Co, Cd and Zn were 3.60, 11.0, 3.80 and 4.80 mg/1 respectively. For 2 days the LC50 of S. walkeri exposed to Cd was 5.60 mg/l, but it was 10.10 mg/l for 3 days exposure to Zn. After prolonged exposure the LC50 values decreased proportionally with the exposure duration of the test the percentages of surviving animals demonstrated a progressive decrease with increasing concentratins as a main factor from the analysis of variance (ANOV A). The sensitivity of adult S. walkeri exposed to the four heavy metals for different exposure times ranked: Cd>Co>Zn>Cu. Cirolana bovina appeared to be more sensitive to Cu. Cd and Zn than to Co. Species in order of increasing sensitivity is C. bovina more than S. walker.


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The behaviour of metals in aquatic ecosystems is dependent on various environmental factors. Experiments were conducted in five different contact times (0.5, 2, 12, 24 and 48h) between soil sediment and mercury on Cyprinus carpio var communis. It was observed that contact time with soil sediment had significant effect in reducing the toxicity of mercury. Higher the time of contact, greater the effect. Medium hard water (150 mg/L CaC0 sub(3) of total hardness) had the highest effect as compared to other water in reducing the toxicity of mercury when combined with underlying soil sediment. With the increase in contact time, complexation and adsorption of inorganic mercury ions with the dissolved and particulate phases of water and soil sediment were increased; thereby bioaccumulation of mercury ions by scale carp was more. Applicability of the result of this experiment in natural ecosystems was also suggested.


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Lethal and sub-lethal effects of mercury have been studied in Perna viridis and Modiolus carvalhoi. For P. viridis LC30 is 1.0 p.p.m. at 48 h and 0.23 p.p.m. at 96 h. Recorded LC50 values for M. carvalhoi are 0.5 p.p.m. and 0.19 p.p.m. at 48 h and 96 h respectively. The results document that these two species, although inhabiting the same area in the tidal belt, exhibit clear differences in mercury resistance. It is further shown that the duration of exposure affects mortality rates. In sub-lethal concentration, between 0.01 and 0.10 p.p.m. decrease in pedal-gland activity is conspicuous in P. viridis. At concentrations much below LC50 values (at 96 h), although some animals are alive, pedal-gland activity is totally suspended, supporting the assumption that shell closure ability plays a minor role in byssus thread production. In M. carvalhoi total cessation of pedal gland activity occurred at 0.09 p.p.m. of mercury.


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Following a static bioassay techniques the acute toxicity of cadmium to six species of intertidal invertebrates was determined. The sensitivity of the animals to cadmium was of the following order: Emerita sp. (burrowing crustacean) Donax spiculum (burrowing bivalve) Perna viridis (sedentary bivalve) Sabellaria clandestinus (tube-dwelling polychaete) Modiolus carvalhoi and Modiolus sp. (sedentary bivalves). The above observation was based on the median lethal concentrations recorded for the different species, Emerita sp. 1.35 p.p.m., Donax spiculum 1.8 p.p.m., Perna viridis 2.5 p.p.m., Sabellaria clandestinus 2.8 p.p.m., Modiolus carvalhoi 5.6 p.p.m. and Modiolus sp. 9.6 p.p.m. The findings throw insight into the toxicity of cadmium to the common intertidal animals which are either suspension or detritus feeders.


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96h acute toxicity tests were performed using commercial grade metasystox on the marine wedge clam, Donax cuneatus during summer 1985. The behaviour and mortality rates were recorded periodically. Most of the dams responded in opening the shell valves and extending the siphons quicker in low test concentrations (0.004-0.0052 p.p.m) but this was slow and late in high concentrations (0.0056-0.008 p.p.m). Mortality began to occur in 0.008 p.p.m. from 12 h, whereas, in 0.0052 p.p.m. from 60 h onwards. The observed LC sub(0) value was 0.004 p.p.m. and LC sub(50) 0.0064 p.p.m. The regression equation established was Y = 79.0891 + 33.4523 X. The rate of oxygen concentration increased at LC sub(0) and LC sub(50) values compared to control indicating the disturbed physiological adjustment. The results are correlated with physico-chemical parameters of seawater and discussed in the light of pesticide toxicity to the dam.


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Toxicity of inorganic mercury to different life history stages of fresh water fishes, Cyprinus carpio and Cirrhinus mrigala were demonstrated by static bioassays. 48 and 94% of egg hatching occurred in controls at 72 and 24h of experimentation in C. carpio and C. mrigala respectively. While fish eggs in water containing mercuric chloride showed delayed development as compared to the control. LC50, LC100 and safe concentrations of hatchling, fry and fingerling were calculated. Hatchling and fry were observed to be more susceptible as compared to fingerlings of C. carpio and C. mrigala.


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A study was undertaken examining the effect of malachite green on the development and survival of the zoeae, mysis and post-larvae of Penaeus monodon. Sensitivity varied with the different larval stages; the zoeae appeared to be the least tolerant. The prophylactic potentials of malachite green in the control of Lagenidiumand Zoothamnium infesting P. monodon larvae are considered briefly. Toxicity risks may be reduced by application between ecdyses or by the removal of the dye by filtration through activated carbon.


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The acute toxicity of un-ionized ammonia to milkfish (Chanos chanos) fingerlings was determined using a static bioassay system. Median lethal concentrations found show that milkfish fingerlings have a high tolerance to ammonia and it is unlikely that levels as high as those employed for the acute exposure would be found to occur under natural conditions. Although the threat of acute toxicological effects induced by ammonia are remote, such conditions might be encountered in stressed natural environments or in heavily loaded aquaculture systems.


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The study was conducted to determine the effects of varying concentrations of ammonia to milkfish fry. Two runs of static 96h bioassays were conducted to determine the median lethal concentration (LC 50) of unionized ammonia (NH3) to milkfish fry. Test concentrations were based on exploratory 24h and 48h bioassays and were made in three replicates. Reagent grade ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) was used to adjust the level of unionized ammonia. The 96h median lethal concentration, determined by the Reed Muench method was calculated at 28.029 ppm NH3 29.69 ppm. Even at high concentrations of unionized ammonia, most of the fry mortality occurred after 48 to 96 hours exposure. Severe gill damage occurs only at concentrations above 20 ppm, especially above the LC 50. The high LC 50 value obtain shows that milkfish fry has great tolerance to ammonia, that even fry with severely-damaged gills can still recover days after it is returned to favorable culture condition. The result suggest that observed mortalities of milkfish fry under culture conditions are not due to ammonia toxicity.


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The research was conducted to determine the toxicity of extracts from five Philippine species of marine sponges on tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fry. It was found out that the most potent was the methanol extract of Dysidea herbacea, it kills with the least toxin and at the shortest time.


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The toxic effects of sulphide are best understood in mammals and are generally similar in aquatic organisms. At the physiological level sulphide has 2 major effects on mammals: 1) local inflammation and irritation of moist membranes including the eye and respiratory tract; and, 2) cardiac arrest due to paralysis of the respiratory centres of the brain. The toxicity of sulphide to plants, macroinvertebrates, freshwater fish and marine fish is discussed in detail. It is concluded that the role of sulphide in mass kills of fish, shrimp and other animals in brackishwater earthen ponds, lakes and sea cages should be determined.


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The toxicities of four insecticides and a herbicide to Tilapia macrochir were tested in the laboratory. The 24 hour LC50's were estimated as follows: Endrin 20% ,0.008 ppm; Lindane 5% granules, 4.6 ppmm; Synexa 50 (HCH) 50%), 5.6 ppm; Synex 25 (HCH 25%), 14.8 ppm; TOK herbicide (Nitrofen), 100% survival for 24 hours at 100 ppm. These estimates agree with results obtained by other workers elsewhere in the world. The laboratory determination of toxicity is important in estimating the direct effects of poisonous substances on fish, but other indirect effects may result from their use. These should be investigated in the field.