44 resultados para Business Administration, Management, and Operations


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The study was conducted with the broad objectives to assess the existing situation of broodstock management and fish seed production in private fish seed farms in Bangladesh. The data were collected from 100 private hatcheries and 40 nurseries in seven upazilas under four districts. There was no shed in forty hatcheries and the owners faced many problems. Brood fish ponds were found suitable for rearing brood fish. About 66% of the hatchery owners collected brood fish from their own ponds and ponds of neighboring areas. Activities like pond preparation; manuring and supplementary feeding were done properly but stocking density of brood fish in 76% of the hatcheries was 3,000-7,000 kg/ha. Infection of argulosis was found in brood fish of 87% of the hatcheries. About 67% of the hatchery owners practiced inter-species crossing. Major problems faced by the hatchery owners were argulosis of brood fish, unavailability of pure brood stock, inadequate brood fish pond. The hatchery owners were found interested to find out the preventive measures of argulosis, develop pure brood stock of indigenous carp and import pure strain of exotic carp. According to the nursery operators, they cultivated hybrid fry because of high demand, rapid growth and good taste. Problems of using hatchery spawn as mentioned by the nursery operators were inbreeding, under sized and aged brood stock, stunted growth, physical deformities and high mortality of spawn due to unknown causes.


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The study was confined to the fisheries of Lake George. The fishery of Lake George has been exploited under controlled exploitation but the permitted number of boats was fixed in the 1950s before the human population increased to the current level. Many more people were involved in fishing and it was feared that the fish stocks might not support the human population. The assignment involved preparation of a research proposal, collection of field data and production of a report in a period of eight months.


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The beginning of the 20th century saw the discovery of Africa's vast natural resources. Not only did explorers "discover" lakes, rivers, forests and mountains but scientists and naturalists also "discovered what at that time were called new species of plants, fish and other animals. Thus scientific names were tagged to various species using the famed binomial nomenclature and immortalising the names of some of the people who first described those species. Africa of course abounds with thousands of different floral and faunal varieties and the early colonial scientists found the African environment lucrative fron the point of discovery of new species. This paper therefore attempts to descrihe the role science could only in the development and exploitation of one of Africa's renewable resources namely fisheries. This paper has attempted to expose the value of fish in human nutrition, provision of employment and uplifting of social and economic standards. The fishery resources of Africa are extensive and in the main not fully exploited. These resources like other natural resources are exhaustible although renewable. Efforts to exploit these resources must be encouraged but scientific planning and management of the resource is called for.