66 resultados para British Academy


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Donacion Japonesa. Japanese Donation. Nuevo Gerente en la ECCD. New Manager for the CDRS. Un "Rose-breasted Grosbeak" en Galapagos. A Rose-breasted Grosbeak in Galapagos.


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Donation Made in Memory of Last Grandchild of Ecuador's First President. Deaths of CDF Board Members. Major Gift by Mrs. Louise Van Straelen-Poirier. Itasca to Galápagos. Station Research Vessel.


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Change in Directorship at the Charles Darwin Research Station. H.R.H. Prince Henri of Luxembourg Visits Galápagos. 25 More Years : Agreement Renewed Between the Ecuadorian Government and the Charles Darwin Foundation to Operate the Charles Darwin Research Station. A Dawn of Despair : Journey to Alcedo.


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Ecología de los Chivos Ferales (Capra hircus) en el Volcán Alcedo. Ecology of Feral Goats (Capra hircus) on Alcedo Volcano. Pepino War, 1992.


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One Hundred and Fifty Years Ago. The Great Fire on Isabela. Campaign for a CDF Endowment Fund. The Extraordinary Consequences of the Extraordinary El Niño. Eternal Vigilance.


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President Febres Cordero visits the Galapagos. Ordeal by fire and water. Unusual reports on the Galapagos albatross. Protecting the Hawaiian Petrel. Sealion gives birth to twins. CDF officers decorated by the Government of Ecuador. Staff changes. The question of re-introducing Galapagos hawks to certain islands - a clarification. Visits and events at the Charles Darwin Research Station.


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The 25th anniversary of the Galapagos National Park. Fire at the Darwin Research Station. The control of introduced mammals. Good news about the Hood tortoises. The endangered land iguanas. Penguins, cormorants and flamingos in 1984. A workshop on national parks. International conservation award to Secretary Ripley. Visits and events at the Charles Darwin Research Station.


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Plant nursery at CDRS. Tortoises from Cerro Paloma, Isabela Threatened. Goats damage Volcán Alcedo, Isabela. Collections at the CDRS Museum. Goats on Pinta again? Is there a Guadalupe River in Galápagos? Eastern kingbird sighting. Words out of the past.


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It is Scalesia atractyloides! The Marine Biology Laboratory Renaissance. The CDRS Research Vessel Beagle. Alcedo Update. Benefit Art Show Held on Santa Cruz. New Construction. Geological Activity? High Technology Science. More Pinta News. First Record of the Green Heron (Butorides viriscens) in the Galápagos Islands. Galápagos Explorer Goes Aground. A Flight Over Isabela's Northern Volcanoes.


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Sea Cucumber Fishing Boat Captured. Park Warden Wounded by Bullet in Confrontation Between Illegal Sea Cucumber Fishermen and Patrol Personnel of the Galápagos National Park. Peaceful Demonstration to Reject Violence in Galápagos. Conflict in the Galápagos Biological Reserve for Marine Resources, a Statement by the President of the Charles Darwin Foundation. Rediscovery of an "Extinct" Endemic Plant, the Floreana Flax Linum cratericola. The Arrival of Marek's Disease to Galápagos. Mortality of Giant Tortoises at El Chato, Isla Santa Cruz. The Darwin Station Begins a Monthly Program on Local Television. Account of a Historical Crossing of Isthmus Perry.


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New Faces and New Projects in a New CDRS Department. International Workshop: Feral Goat Eradication Program. Geologists to Invade Galápagos. GIS in Galápagos. The Isabela Project: Off and Running. A Pig-Free Santiago: Is it a Dream or on the Horizon? The Special Law for Galápagos.


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A spate of Galapagos books. The phenomenal El Nino. The Galapagos on television. Galapagos tourism. The CDRS Director in the Soviet Union. Saving the Hawaiian Petrel. Wild dogs and land iguanas. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Galapagos Islands. More about those bloodthirsty "vampire finches". Auf Wiedersehen, Friedemann! Harold Jefferson Coolidge at eighty. Events and visits at the Darwin Research Station.


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Population structure of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) from British Columbia and Washington was examined with a survey of microsatellite variation to describe the distribution of genetic variation. Variation at 16 microsatellite loci was surveyed for approximately 46,500 pink salmon sampled from 146 locations in the odd-year broodline and from 116 locations in the even-year broodline. An index of genetic differentiation, FST, over all populations and loci in the odd-year broodline was 0.005, with individual locus values ranging from 0.002 to 0.025. Population differentiation was less in the even-year broodline, with a FST value of 0.002 over all loci, and with individual locus values ranging from 0.001 to 0.005. Greater genetic diversity was observed in the odd-year broodline. Differentiation in pink salmon allele frequencies between broodlines was approximately 5.5 times greater than regional differentiation within broodlines. A regional structuring of populations was the general pattern observed, and a greater regional structure in the odd-year broodline than in the even-year broodline. The geographic distribution of microsatellite variation in populations of pink salmon likely ref lects a distribution of broodlines from separate refuges after the last glaciation period.


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The time series of abundance indices for many groundfish populations, as determined from trawl surveys, are often imprecise and short, causing stock assessment estimates of abundance to be imprecise. To improve precision, prior probability distributions (priors) have been developed for parameters in stock assessment models by using meta-analysis, expert judgment on catchability, and empirically based modeling. This article presents a synthetic approach for formulating priors for rockfish trawl survey catchability (qgross). A multivariate prior for qgross for different surveys is formulated by using 1) a correction factor for bias in estimating fish density between trawlable and untrawlable areas, 2) expert judgment on trawl net catchability, 3) observations from trawl survey experiments, and 4) data on the fraction of population biomass in each of the areas surveyed. The method is illustrated by using bocaccio (Sebastes paucipinis) in British Columbia. Results indicate that expert judgment can be updated markedly by observing the catch-rate ratio from different trawl gears in the same areas. The marginal priors for qgross are consistent with empirical estimates obtained by fitting a stock assessment model to the survey data under a noninformative prior for qgross. Despite high prior uncertainty (prior coefficients of variation ≥0.8) and high prior correlation between qgross, the prior for qgross still enhances the precision of key stock assessment quantities.


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A new method of finding the optimal group membership and number of groupings to partition population genetic distance data is presented. The software program Partitioning Optimization with Restricted Growth Strings (PORGS), visits all possible set partitions and deems acceptable partitions to be those that reduce mean intracluster distance. The optimal number of groups is determined with the gap statistic which compares PORGS results with a reference distribution. The PORGS method was validated by a simulated data set with a known distribution. For efficiency, where values of n were larger, restricted growth strings (RGS) were used to bipartition populations during a nested search (bi-PORGS). Bi-PORGS was applied to a set of genetic data from 18 Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations from the west coast of Vancouver Island. The optimal grouping of these populations corresponded to four geographic locations: 1) Quatsino Sound, 2) Nootka Sound, 3) Clayoquot +Barkley sounds, and 4) southwest Vancouver Island. However, assignment of populations to groups did not strictly reflect the geographical divisions; fish of Barkley Sound origin that had strayed into the Gold River and close genetic similarity between transferred and donor populations meant groupings crossed geographic boundaries. Overall, stock structure determined by this partitioning method was similar to that determined by the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA), an agglomerative clustering algorithm.