54 resultados para Acoustic index


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This technical memorandum describes a developing project under the direction of NOAA’s Biogeography Branch in consultation with the National Park Service and US Geological Survey to understand and quantify spatial patterns and habitat affinities of reef fishes in the US Virgin Islands. The purpose of this report is to describe and disseminate the initial results from the project and to share information on the location of acoustic receivers and species electronic tag ID codes. The Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument (VICRNM), adjacent to Virgin Islands National Park (VIIS), was established by Executive Order in 2000, but resources within the monument are poorly documented and the degree of connectivity to VIIS is unknown. Whereas, VICRNM was established with full protection from resource exploitation, VIIS has incurred resource harvest by fishers since 1956 as allowed in its enabling legislation. Large changes in local reef communities have occurred over the past several decades, in part due to overexploitation. In order to better understand the habitat utilization patterns and movement of fishes among management regimes and areas open to fishing around St, John, an array of hydroacoustic receivers was deployed while a variety of reef fish species were acoustically tagged. In July 2006, nine receivers with a detection range of ca. 350 m were deployed in Lameshur Bay on the south shore of St. John, within VIIS. Receivers were located adjacent to reefs and in seagrass beds, inshore and offshore of these reefs. It was found that lane snappers and bluestriped grunts showed diel movement from reef habitats during daytime hours to offshore seagrass bed at night. Timing of migrations was highly predictable and coincided with changes in sunrise and sunset over the course of the year. Fish associated with reefs that did not have adjacent seagrass beds made more extensive movements than those fishes associated with reefs that had adjacent seagrass habitats. In April 2007, 21 additional receivers were deployed along much of the south shore of St. John (ca. 20 km of shoreline). This current array will address broader-scale movement among management units and examine the potential benefits of the VICRNM to provide adult “spillover” into VIIS and adjacent harvested areas. The results from this work will aid in defining fine to moderate spatial scales of reef fish habitat affinities and in designing and evaluating marine protected areas.


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We have recently exchanged and integrated into a single database tag detections for conch, teleost and elasmobranch fish from four separately maintained arrays in the U.S. Virgin Islands including the NMFS queen conch array (St. John nearshore), NOAA’s Biogeography Branch array (St. John nearshore & midshelf reef); UVI shelf edge arrays (Marine Conservation District, Grammanik & other shelf edge); NOAA NMFS Apex Predator array COASTSPAN (St. John nearshore). The integrated database has over 7.5 million hits. Data is shared only with consent of partners and full acknowledgements. Thus, the summary of integrated data here uses data from NOAA and UVI arrays under a cooperative agreement. The benefits of combining and sharing data have included increasing the total area of detection resulting in an understanding of broader scale connectivity than would have been possible with a single array. Partnering has also been cost-effectiveness through sharing of field work, staff time and equipment and exchanges of knowledge and experience across the network. Use of multiple arrays has also helped in optimizing the design of arrays when additional receivers are deployed. The combined arrays have made the USVI network one of the most extensive acoustic arrays in the world with a total of 150+ receivers available, although not necessarily all deployed at all times. Currently, two UVI graduate student projects are using acoustic array data.


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A normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) has been produced and archived on a 1° latitude by 1° longitude grid between 55°S and 75°N. The many sources of data errors in the NDVI include cloud contamination, scan angle biases, changes in solar zenith angle, and sensor degradation. Week-to-week variability, primarily caused by cloud contamination and scan angle biases, can be minimized by temporally filtering the data. Orbital drift and sensor degradation introduces interannual variability into the dataset. These trends make the usefulness of a long-term climatology uncertain and limit the usefulness of the NDVI. Elimination of these problems should produce an index that can be used for climate monitoring.


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WorldFish and the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) held a two-day workshop on the topic of Weather Index-Based Insurance: Lessons Learned and Best Practices for Bangladesh. Weather index insurance is based on a predefined weather event which when triggered ensures automatic payout to farmers who have taken out insurance. For example, the climatic trigger could be a predefined consecutive number of days where rainfall is below a set level or when the floodwater level reaches above a certain point. Index insurance has been operating for about 10 years in many countries but is still at an early stage in Bangladesh, where there are two schemes currently being piloted and three other projects being developed. The aim of the two-day workshop was twofold: to ascertain the present state of index insurance in Bangladesh and elsewhere, and to work together to identify ways forward.


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Annual radiolarian flux (1954-1986) extrapolated from varved Santa Barbara Basin sediments was compared to instrumental data to examine the effect of interannual climate variability. Paleo-reconstructions over large geographic areas or 10^3 years and longer typically rely on changes in species composition to signal environment or climate shifts. In the relatively short period studied, climate fluctuations were insufficient to significantly alter the assemblage, but there was considerable variability in the total flux of radiolarians. This variability, greatest on 5- to 25-year time scales, appears to be linked to regional climate variability. Total flux correlates to regional California sea surface temperature and the composite of sea level pressure over the Northern Hemisphere for years of high radiolarian flux resembles positive PNA circulation.


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Size variation, growth, condition index and spawning periodicities of three species of molluscs were studied for a period of 15 months from a polluted and a relatively clean marine habitat near Bombay, Maharashtra, India. Growth of Saccostrea cucullata was 1.2 times and of Cerithium rubus was 1.6 times higher in unpolluted habitat than the polluted water. Spawning was during premonsoon in S. cucullata, post monsoon in C. rubus and monsoon in Tellina angulata. Condition index and percentage edibility values were higher at less polluted stations.


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The study was conducted in pond to determine the fecundity and gonadosomatic index of chapila, Gudusia chapra. The male fish was found to attain sexual maturity at 7.7 cm and 7.41 g and that of the female at 9.3 cm and 14.65 g by standard-length and body-weight respectively. The investigated fishes were found to be male and female at the ratio of 1:3 and generally female was found to be larger than male. The fish was found to spawn for several months with two spawning peaks, one in April and another in August as indicated by the peaks of gonadosomatic index and ova diameter. Fecundity of the fish ranged from 25,220 to 154,528 with an average value of 72,383 and was found to increase with the increase in length and weight of the fish. The relationships between fecundity and standard-length, body-weight, gonad-length and gonad weight of the fish were found to be linear and significant.


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Studies were conducted to observe the effects of different types of feeds on the gonado-somatic index (GSI) and fecundity of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rogenbergii. Three different treatments (T1 T2 and T3) were designed with three types of feed as follows: (i) Saudi-Bangla Prawn feed 100% - T1 (ii) SaudiBangla prawn feed 50%+ local feed 50%- T2 and (iii) local feed 100%- T3. The results showed that the average value of gonado-somatic index (GSI) was 14.39, 14.35 and 14.36 and the average fecundity of M. rogenbergiiwas 99,741, 98,125 and 97,911 in T1 T2 and T3 respectively. No significant difference (p>00.5) was between gonado-somatic indices (GSI) and fecundities of M. rogenbergii among different feeding trails. The price of Saudi-Bangla prawn feed was very high (Tk. 23/kg) than the local feed (Tk. 14/kg). So, use of local feed was recommended for M. rogenbergii brood rearing.