36 resultados para Acoustic event classification


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Despite its recreational and commercial importance, the movement patterns and spawning habitats of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) in the Gulf of Maine are poorly understood. To address these uncertainties, 72 adult winter flounder (27–48 cm) were fitted with acoustic transmitters and tracked by passive telemetry in the southern Gulf of Maine between 2007 and 2009. Two sympatric contingents of adult winter flounder were observed, which exhibited divergent spawning migrations. One contingent remained in coastal waters during the spawning season, while a smaller contingent of winter flounder was observed migrating to estuarine habitats. Estuarine residence times were highly variable, and ranged from 2 to 91 days (mean=28 days). Flounder were nearly absent from the estuary during the fall and winter months and were most abundant in the estuary from late spring to early summer. The observed seasonal movements appeared to be strongly related to water temperature. This is the first study to investigate the seasonal distribution, migration, and spawning behavior of adult winter flounder in the Gulf of Maine by using passive acoustic telemetry. This approach offered valuable insight into the life history of this species in nearshore and estuarine habitats and improved the information available for the conservation and management of this species.


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Rockfish (Sebastes spp.) biomass is difficult to assess with standard bottom trawl or acoustic surveys because of their propensity to aggregate near the seafloor in highrelief areas that are inaccessible to sampling by trawling. We compared the ability of a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), a modified bottom trawl, and a stereo drop camera system (SDC) to identify rockfish species and estimate their size composition. The ability to discriminate species was highest for the bottom trawl and lowest for the SDC. Mean lengths and size distributions varied among the gear types, although a larger number of length measurements could be collected with the bottom trawl and SDC than with the ROV. Dusky (S. variabilis), harlequin (S. variegatus), and northern rockfish (S. polyspinis), and Pacific ocean perch (S. alutus) were the species observed in greatest abundance. Only dusky and northern rockfish regularly occurred in trawlable areas, whereas these two species and many more occurred in untrawlable areas. The SDC was able to resolve the height of fish off the seafloor, and some of the rockfish species were observed only near the seafloor in the acoustic dead zone. This finding is important, in that fish found exclusively in the acoustic dead zone cannot be assessed acoustically. For these species, methods such as bottom trawls, long-lines, or optical surveys using line transect or area swept methods will be the only adequate means to estimate the abundance of these fishes. Our results suggest that the selection of appropriate methods for verifying targets will depend on the habitat types and species complexes to be examined.


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Rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) are an important component of North Pacific marine ecosystems and commercial fisheries. Because the rocky, high-relief substrate that rockfishes often inhabit is inaccessible to standard survey trawls, population abundance assessments for many rockfish species are difficult. As part of a large study to classify substrate and compare complementary sampling tools, we investigated the feasibility of using an acoustic survey in conjunction with a lowered stereo-video camera, a remotely operated vehicle, and a modified bottom trawl to estimate rockfish biomass in untrawlable habitat. The Snakehead Bank south of Kodiak Island, Alaska, was surveyed repeatedly over 4 days and nights. Dusky rockfish (S. variabilis), northern rockfish (S. polyspinis), and harlequin rockfish (S. variegatus) were the most abundant species observed on the bank. Backscatter attributed to rockfish were collected primarily near the seafloor at a mean height off the bottom of 1.5 m. Total rockfish backscatter and the height of backscatter off the bottom did not differ among survey passes or between night and day. Biomass estimates for the 41 square nautical-mile area surveyed on this small, predominantly untrawlable bank were 2350 metric tons (t) of dusky rockfish, 331 t of northern rockfish, and 137 t of harlequin rockfish. These biomass estimates are 5–60 times the density estimated for these rockfish species by a regularly conducted bottom trawl survey covering the bank and the surrounding shelf. This finding shows that bottom trawl surveys can underestimate the abundance of rockfishes in untrawlable areas and, therefore, may underestimate overall population abundance for these species.


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The National Marine Fisheries Service is required by law to conduct social impact assessments of communities impacted by fishery management plans. To facilitate this process, we developed a technique for grouping communities based on common sociocultural attributes. Multivariate data reduction techniques (e.g. principal component analyses, cluster analyses) were used to classify Northeast U.S. fishing communities based on census and fisheries data. The comparisons indicate that the clusters represent real groupings that can be verified with the profiles. We then selected communities representative of different values on these multivariate dimensions for in-depth analysis. The derived clusters are then compared based on more detailed data from fishing community profiles. Ground-truthing (e.g. visiting the communities and collecting primary information) a sample of communities from three clusters (two overlapping geographically) indicates that the more remote techniques are sufficient for typing the communities for further in-depth analyses. The in-depth analyses provide additional important information which we contend is representative of all communities within the cluster.


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This is the report on Lakes – Classification and Monitoring, a strategy for the classification of lakes by the National Rivers Authority. This report describes a scheme for the assessment and monitoring of water and ecological quality in standing waters, greater than about 1ha in area, in England and Wales although it is generally relevant to Northwest Europe. Thirteen hydrological, chemical and biological variables are used to characterize the standing water body in any current sampling. Statistical testing on the chemical variables showed that at least six samples during a year would be needed to produce a representative sampling mean; but in this scheme the choice of variables minimizes logistic cost by not using boat sampling and time costs by not demanding extensive taxonomic work. Standing waters are classified in a state-changed system in which the contemporary values of the variables are compared with a reference baseline state and then placed in categories of percentage change from this baseline. The scheme is presently designed for use at about five year intervals on all lakes greater than 2ha area plus additional lakes of significant amenity or conservation interest.


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This is the Wetland resource evaluation and the NRA's role in its conservation: Classification of British wetlands report produced by the National Rivers Authority in 1995. This R&D document provides a clear classification for wetlands in England and Wales. The classification incorporates many of the existing ideas on the subject but avoids some of the problems associated with other classifications. A two-layered 'hydrotopographical' classification is proposed. The first layer identifies situation-types, i.e. the position the wetland occupies in the landscape, with special emphasis upon the principal sources of water. The second layer identifies hydrotopographical elements, i.e. units with distinctive water supply and, sometimes, distinctive topography in response to this. This system is seen as an independent, basic, classification upon which it is possible to superimpose additional, independent classifications based on other features (e.g. base-status, fertility, vegetation, management etc.). Some proposals for such additional classifications are provided.