429 resultados para Prawn Penaeus-japonicus


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A comparative study of the suitability of five species of fish, namely, threadfin bream (Nemipterous [sic] japonicus), cat fish (Tachysurus fella), ribbon fish (Trichiurus spp.), barracuda (Sphyraena jello) and jew fish (Pseudosciaena spp.) for the production of texturised meat has indicated that all these species are good source for the purpose. Protein content of the final product from all the species was higher than that prescribed for FPC type A. The product had excellent rehydration capacity and firm and elastic texture. No significant difference was observed in the rehydration capacity of the texturised meat from all the species studied. Salt concentration was found to influence the texture and salt content of 1.5 to 2% was found to result in the desirable firm and elastic texture. Rehydration capacity was not influenced to any significant extent by the salt content.


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Decapsulated cysts of Artemia salina were experimentally fed to the larvae of Penaeus monodon, Metapenaeus ensis, M. endeavouri and Macrobrachium rosenbergii and were found to be comparable to freshly hatched brine shrimp nauplii.


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Milkfish and prawn pond operation in the Philippines is often associated with lab-lab culture. Lab-lab is a biological complex of blue-green algae, diatoms, bacteria and various animals which form a mat at the bottom of nursery ponds or floating patches along the margins of ponds. This complex is considered the most favorable food of milkfish in brackishwater ponds. Variations in the quantity and quality of lab-lab between and within areas of a 1,000 sq. m. pond was determined over 2 culture periods (6 month duration) and the applicability and suitability of stratified random sampling as a method of sampling lab-lab was evaluated.


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The authors report on the production of Artemia obtained on a 0.5 ha pilot project with combined trials in Artemia rearing with solar salt production during the dry seasons and with production of milkfish (Chanos chanos) fingerlings and/or prawn (Penaeid sp.) juveniles during the rainy season in the Philippines.


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Juvenile Penaeus monodon were reared on purified diets containing different attractants used to gelatinize the cornstarch: plain water, shrimp, mussel, squid or trash fish extract. The highest survival rate was observed in the group given the shrimp attractant, followed by mussel, fish and squid. However growth appeared best in the diet containing mussel extract. Mussel extract apparently can be used to enhance the attractability of purified diets.


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Pure cultures of Haliphthoros philippinensis, isolated from infected Penaeus monodon larvae, were exposed for 24 hours to varying concentrations of antifungal agents. The efficiency of each agent to inhibit sporulation and mycelial growth was measured. Effects on P. monodon eggs and larvae were also investigated. It is concluded that preliminary bioassay of larval tolerance to the suggested effective doses should always be made prior to prophylaxix or therapeutic applications.


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The water stability of shrimp (Penaeus monodon) diets with various polysaccharides as binding agents were tested without steaming. The diet with alginate showed the best water stability and did not completely disintegrate in 24 hours. However, the use of alginate is dependent on cost and availability, so alternate choices may be a combination of sago palm starch and wheat flour or glutinous rice flour.


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The study aimed to find a cheap and practical method of extracting mimosine from Leucaena leucocephala, otherwise known as ipil-ipil in the Philippines. L. leucocephala leaves are used in cattle, poultry and swine feed and have been tried as a food ingredient in some fish diets. While it contains relatively high amount of protein, its use as feed has been limited because of the presence of toxic substance, mimosine. Findings revealed that soaking the leaves in water was highly efficient for the extraction of mimosine, the longer the duration of soaking the more mimosine was extracted. On the other hand, 87 % of the juveniles Penaeus monodon fed with diets containing L. leucocephala leaves soaked for 24 hours survived, much higher compared to those that were fed with unsoaked leaves for eight weeks.


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Prawn, crab and clam meat were processed in experimental ca s having reduced internal tin coating of 5.6 GSM. Conventional cans having 11.2 GSM tin coating were used as control. Results showed that experimental cans behaved normally when used for canning prawns, provided the lacquer film was perfect with no exposure of metal. When there was a discontinuity in lacquer film exposing the metal blackening took place in such areas. Areas subjected to severe strains like the lock seam side and expansion rings on can ends were found to be more prone to blackening. Experimental cans were found unsuitable for canning crab meat or clam meat because in both cases the can wall as well as the contents underwent discoloration, in all cases.


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Salmonella was isolated from 12% of PD shrimps, 10% of HL shrimps, 14% of PUD shrimps, 17% of lobsters, 14% of cuttle fish, 25% of cat fish and 20% of seer fish (all frozen) tested. One percent of the fish meal, 4% of dried non-penaeid prawn and 23% of sea beach sand showed incidence of the organism. Salmonella was also isolated from 2 and 4% of the swab samples of utensil surfaces and the floor surface of the processing hall respectively as well as from 1% of the process water tested. All the serotypes of Salmonella tested were resistant to freezing at -40°C, but during subsequent storage at -20°C, there was some difference between the serotypes with regard to their viability, S. paratyphi B being the most resistant which survived up to 9 months while S. saintpaul the least resistant having survival up to 5 months only.


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Dynamics of penaeid postlarval ingression and settlement in the backwaters of Cochin were studied. Postlarval recruits were constituted by Metapenaeus dobsoni (70.8-78.4%), Penaeus indicus (17.5-24.6%), M. monoceros (3.8-4.6%) and P. monodon (0.3-0.4%). Their composition varied with location and season. Postlarval abundance and ingression were influenced by diel, tidal, lunar and seasonal factors. Ingression is mainly nocturnal in all species with nearly 84% of the activity during night hours. Abundance and ingression peaked up during high tides at night with major peaks coinciding with spring tides of full and new moon. It also followed a generalized seasonal pattern with two well-defined peaks for all species. It was pre-monsoon followed by post-monsoon for P. indicus and M. monoceros and post-monsoon followed by pre-monsoon for M. dobsoni. Sizes of the recruits were relatively small during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon and large during monsoon.


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Mixed rearing of tilapia (Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia, GIFT) with shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in brackishwater rice-shrimp system was assessed for its impact on dry season's shrimp production. The experiment was conducted in pre-selected farmer's field located at Paikgacha Upazila of Khulna district and designed with three different densities (treatment) of GIFT, viz, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5/m² with a constant stocking density of shrimp at 3/m². Each treatment had three replications. There had a set of control treatment where GIFT was not stocked. Results of the experiment revealed that tilapia did not exert any significant effect (p>0.05) on the water quality variables, even on survival rate of shrimp (p>0.05) under farm level condition in rice-shrimp rotational system, but a density dependent negative effect (P<0.05) on the growth of shrimp led apparently lower production rate of shrimp. Though tilapia provided the major augment of total production (p<0.05) in the respective treatments than in monoculture of shrimp, but not that of the economic return. However, economic loss due to sudden shrimp crop failure might be partially minimized by the tilapia crop.


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The study was designed to assess the environmental impact of shrimp farming and implications on local livelihoods at the south-west coastal area of Bangladesh. All the stakeholders reported that shrimp farming negatively affected on the environment at the coastal area. The soil and water, fish habitation, agricultural cropland, grazing land, indigenous fish, household vegetations, trees and plants, land fertility and mangroves are affected negatively by the shrimp farming in the coastal area. About 44% of stakeholders agreed that mangroves were destroyed by the extension of shrimp farming in the study area. In the case of positive impact of shrimp farming on environment about 16% of stakeholders agreed that the household vegetations increased due to alternate rice and shrimp-prawn farming.


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Collection of wild tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) seed with non-selective gears and its impact upon the coastal aquatic biodiversity has been investigated. Loss of undesired species as by-catch was estimated to be 1,075 individuals for collection of every desired shrimp seed which amounted to be 132 billion in a study area stretching 3 km long coastline of the Sagar Island under the Sunderban Biosphere, West Bengal, India. Non-penaeid shrimp seed and crab larvae accounted to be maximally destroyed as their overall contribution towards the by-catch were 56.5% and 29.44%, respectively. Though, rate of bycatch loss was found to be inversely correlated with the rate of shrimp seed collected per gear (r=-0.82, p<0.05) during the peak season (May-September), the overall relationship between them exhibited a linear relationship (r=0.73, p<0.05). By-catch loss for every shrimp seed collection tended to increase up to a daily collection of 2,500 numbers of shrimp seeds per gear followed by a decline. Coastal aquatic community was maximally damaged when the heterogeneity and stability as reflected by different diversity indices were higher.


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The study was conducted to compare the performance of different nursing practices of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) post-larvae (PL). Three treatments such as only fertilizers (T1), fertilizers with 5% supplementary feed (local feed) (T2), and 10% commercial feed (T3) were applied in the nursing system of prawn PLs in earthen pond. An earthen pond (315m²) was divided into nine equal small ponds by fine meshed nylon nets. Feeds were used once daily on a tray placed near the pond bottom. There was a significant difference (p<0.05) in some water quality parameters like pH and total alkalinity, but all measured water quality parameters viz. water temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen and ammonia-nitrogen were within the acceptable range for nursing of prawn PL. The results showed that the mean final lengths of prawn post-larvae were 6.3±0.07 cm, 7.12±0.22 cm and 8.17±0.16 cm in T1, T2 and T3, respectively. There were significant difference (p<0.05) in mean final length of prawn PL among the treatments. Significantly higher (p<0.05) average daily weight gain was observed in T3 (0.071 ±0.007 g) than in T2 (0.052±0.006 g) and T1 (0.031 ±0.002 g). The specific growth rate (SGR) of T3 (8.81±0.26) was found significantly higher (p<0.05) than T2 (8.35±0.22) and T1 (7.42±0.11). Survival rate (%) was also significantly higher (p<0.05) in T3 (66.24±1.58) than in T2 (60.52±1.64) and T1 (53.86±2.71). Therefore, it may be concluded that the growth and survival in prawn nursery was better in commercial feed than only fertilizers and fertilizers with local feeds.