471 resultados para Lake Guardian (Ship)


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Research was done to assess the dissemination and implementation by the Fisheries Department, Local Govemments and beach management units and the awareness, acceptance and compliance among fishers to the CoM Directives on management of Lake Victoria fisheries. Conducted by the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI), the research focused on the implementation and effectiveness of measures following the LYFO Council of Ministers (CoM) Directives for improved management of the fisheries of Lake Victoria, with particular reference to the 2009 CoM Directives as a case study, it was established that many of the Directives have not been implemented. In cases where the directives were implemented, their effectiveness remains questionable. While steps were taken to disseminate and implement the Directives, there were some challenges, including the unclear legal status of the directives, limited dissemination materials and poor methods of dissemination, language barriers and inadequate resources for enforcement.


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The study was confined to the fisheries of Lake George. The fishery of Lake George has been exploited under controlled exploitation but the permitted number of boats was fixed in the 1950s before the human population increased to the current level. Many more people were involved in fishing and it was feared that the fish stocks might not support the human population. The assignment involved preparation of a research proposal, collection of field data and production of a report in a period of eight months.


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The fisheries of Lake Albert have come under increasing focus due to several driving forces that have synergistically evolved resulting into concerns from diverse stakeholders. The driving forces include: the commercialization of the fisheries with entry into the value chain of industrial fish processing, a decline in fish stocks especially of the large-size fishes and the emergency of the light - fishing targeting small pelagic fishes. In addition, the assumption by some opinion leaders that light-fishing (use of light) has destroyed the Nile perch fishery of Lake Albert, other factors such as cross-border fishing conflicts, the emergence of oil, an influx of traders in fish-related activities, and the limited regulatory and enforcement regimes for the diverse commercially exploited fish fauna of Lake Albert all require continuous information and action.


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The Lake Victoria ecosystem has experienced changes associated fishing levels, arise in lake level of the 1960s, fish introductions and human activities in the drainage basin. Following the fish introductions of the 1950s and 1960s, niloticus has become the most abundant and commercially important species among the tilapiines. It appears to be the only species which has managed to co-exist with the Nile perch not only in Lake Victoria but also in Lake Kyoga where the two species were also introduced. There is, however, little published information on the biology and ecology of the species in the habitats. It has therefore been found necessary to initiate studies as have been developed for Lates niloticus, especially as the two species have assumed major role in the lake's fisheries.


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Rastrineobola argentea is the only native fish species which is still abundant in Lakes Victoria and Kyoga, the others being two introduced species; Lates niloticus and Oreochromis niloticus. It forms an important commercial fishery in Lake Victoria and is very important as food of Lates niloticus in both lakes. The depletion of the originally abundant insectivorous and zooplanktivorous hap lochromines due to predation by Lates niloticus appears to have favoured it by reducing potential competitors for food. It now consumes a wide range of invertebrate organisms that originally used to be eaten by different specialised species of haplochromines which include: larvae and pupae of chironomids and chaoborids, copepods and ostracods. Its size in Lake Kyoga (where the Nile perch was introduced earlier) has, however, decreased and is smaller than that in Lake Victoria probably due to high predation pressure. The twin effect of predation and fishing are likely to exert heavy pressure on the species. Research is therefore required to provide information for its management.


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Invertebrates are organisms without a backbone on the basis of body size. Aquatic invertebrates can be divided into two broad categories: micro-and macro-invertebrates. The former commonly known as zooplankton, ranging in size from < 100um 10 ca.1500um and are mainly planktonic (i.e living suspended in the water column). The latter, also known as benthos, (bottom dwelling) are associated with bottom sediments(ie, living on sediment surface or burrowing in sediments), are much bigger organism greater than 1500um in body size.


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Luwero district before the creation of Nakasongola District had a share of south-western portion of Lake Kyoga. After loosing the portion of the lake, they want to resort the minor lake (Nabisojjo) for supply of fish at least to the population around this lake. The plans were to start commercial fishing. The lake is 45 km from Luwero town adjacent 10 the road going to Ngoma town. River Nabisojjo, a tribulary of river Mayanja flows through the lake on its way to river Kafu. The main objective of the scientific field study on Lake Nabisojjo was therefore to generate information on the status of the lake fishery and recommend to the local authorities the next line of action.


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The idea of mechanised fishing on Lake Victoria is not new. Trawling experiments have been carried out in the past by the East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organisation (EAFFRO), the Lake Victoria Fisheries Service and the Uganda Fisheries Department. In 1950 it was recognised by EAFFRO that commercial possibilities existed in the exploitation of Haplochromis by this gear. However, it was not until 1966 that, by a happy collaboration of the Uganda Fisheries Department and EAFFRO, the vessel 'Darter' was converted into a stern trawler and serious and successful experimentation into trawl fishing commenced. Darter has continued to undertake trawling work ever since and this work was augmented by the arrival in 1967 of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Research Project's vessel 'Ibis'.


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Species composition for Lake Victoria can be divided into two major groups. Haplochromis includes at least four genera, the largest consisting of 120 major species, while the remaining species together number about eighteen. The fish species of this lake have been grouped into two for obvious reasons-Haplochromis forms at least 80 per cent, by weight, of the yield of the lake. When carrying out the survey, the lake was divided into thirteen sampling areas and, although there were variations, all the species were encountered throughout most of the sampling units, except that there were definite trends as one species moved as one from shallow water towards the centre of the lake. It was noted that there was a numerical decrease of species the nearer one got to the centre of the lake, and the catch rates of the species in deeper waters also tended to decrease. The species that were found most consistently throughout the whole lake included Haplochromis complex and Bagrus, and the species found to be confined almost entirely to the shallow waters was Tilapia, in particular Tilapia nilotica.


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Work which has been carried out by exploratory and stock assessment scientists indicates that some 200,000 metric tons of freshwater fish could be harvested annually from Lake Victoria. Haplochromis forms approximately 83 per cent of the total stocks


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The Uganda waters of Lake Victoria comprise an area of 28,500 square kilometres with a shore line of 2,380 kilometres extending from the Uganda/Tanzania border in the west to the Uganda/Kenya border in the east. A large part of the Uganda waters of the lake is less than 60 metres deep, waters deeper than 60 metres being on the eastern side of the lake. Thus the Uganda part of the lake is tilted towards the east. A number of rivers drain into the lake from the north and the River Nile flows out of the lake towards the Mediterranean Sea. The Ssese, Kome, Buvuma and Busoga Islands form a very distinctive feature of the lake. These are perhaps the remaining high hills which survived the drowning of the northern valleys during the formation of the lake. In fact, in T. P. O'Brien's book 'The Prehistoric Uganda Protectorate (1939)', Solmon gives a critical summary of the work on the formation of Lake Victoria and shows that the northern part of the lake has numerous drowned valleys, a feature which provides varying habitats for particular species of fish and which may have an effect on the species composition reflected in the catches in different areas along the northern shore of the lake. It is interesting to note that although Lake Victoria as a whole has a number of rivers draining into it, Halbfass (1923) calculated and found that 76 per cent of the water entering the lake is precipitation on the lake surface.


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Nile perch were introduced into Lake Kyoga in the mid·1950s from Lake Albert. Murchison Falls on the River Nile, between the two lakes, prevented Nile Perch and other elements of the typical nilotic fish population from naturally reaching Lake Kyoga. The introduction has been successful and considerable stocks of Nile Perch now exist in Lake Kyoga. In 1967, 13,000 tons of Nile Perch were estimated to have been landed by the commercial fishermen, fish of 200 lb. being now caught and specimens of 100 lb. being fairly common. Large Nile perch are caught commercially on long lines baited with live Protopterus' spp. or Clarias spp. Large mesh gillnets uccasionally take Nile Perch of up to 30 lb., but the high cost of the nets does not, at the moment, appear to justify this method of fishing; a 10 in. net, stretched 100 yards long (unmounted). 15 meshes deep and 60-ply nylon. costs approximately U. Shs. 300. The long·lines used are extremely simple and cheap to make, but considerable labour is needed to catch bait. Small Protopterus are normally caught by turning over floating rafts of grasses and papyrus, and extracting the fish from the root mass; this is hard and dirty work. Other small fish, more readily available, do not, according to fishermen, work as well, possibly because they are not as durable as the Protopterus or Clarias. Dead bait is never used.


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Labeo victorianus Boulenger, the "ningu", is commercially the most important migratory fish of Lake Victoria, as well as being one of the most abundant of all species landed. Annual catch records of the Fisheries Departments of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania show that a high yielding seasonal, floating gill net fishery is based on the concentration of sexually mature fish at the river mouths at the time of migration during the bi-annual floods. Migrating fish used also to be caught in high numbers at "kek" barrier traps across the river, as at Hainga on the Nzoia river. Since the heavy exploitation at the river mouth which occurred with the introduction of nylon gill nets in 1956.


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Both in terms of commercial landings and biological importance, the Nile Perch is one of the most prominent fish in Lake Albert. It can bear considerable further exploitation, is the source of stockings elsewhere, and it is, therefore, important to know whether more than one species is being dealt with, and, if so, what differences there are in the ecology of the different species.


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Cadwalladr and Stoneman drew attention to the fact that dug-out canoe construction had ceased around the shores of Lake Albert by 1963. Up to this year, however, dug-out canoes were probably still landing the largest proportion of the commercial fisheries catch on the lake, and its associated waterways. It is only since this time that the catch from dug-outs has declined. and currently the commercial fisheries of the lake are based predominantly on motorised planked canoes.