409 resultados para North-west Frontier Province (Pakistan)--Maps
This is the River Irk intensive survey produced by the North West Water in 1986. This report focuses on the Intensive Survey carried out on the River Irk on 15 April 1986. The river Irk was one of the most polluted rivers in North West Water's area. In dry weather the bulk of the flow in the river originated from the 3 sewage works within the catchment (Castleton ETW, Royton ETW and Oldham ETW). The river Irk was badly affected by numerous unsatisfactory storm sewage overflows (SSOs) within the catchment. Several sewerage projects had been carried out within the Irk catchment especially in the Middleton area, where earlier major redevelopment of the old town centre took place between 1969 and 1976, at which time the main sewers were reconstructed. The survey was designed to investigate the changes in the water quality of the river Irk which take place during wet weather. Because of manpower and analytical restrictions the study on Wince Brook and the river Irk upstream of Wince Brook was limited to their bottom reaches.
This is the Review of discharge consents, River Irwell catchment report produced by the North West Water Authority (NWWA) in 1979. The purpose of this Report is to make recommendations for the revision of consents for discharges within the catchment of the River Irwell, downstream and including the River Medlock in Manchester. This revision has the sole objective of recognising the present effluent and river water quality - proposals for long term river water quality objectives are to be put forward in other Reports. The report identifies the existing situation regarding the legal status of effluent discharges from Authority and non-Authority owned installations within the catchment, details the determinant concentration limits included in existing discharge consents (where appropriate) and proposes the limits to be included in the reviewed consents. The reviewed consents will reflect the quality of effluent achievable by good operation of the existing plant based on 1977 effluent quality data but taking into account any improvements, extensions etc. that have been or are about to be carried out and any known further industrial and/or housing development in the works drainage area.
This is the Irwell: Story of an industrial river document produced by the North West Water in 1979. This report is a leaflet format document. It focuses on the historical evolution of River Irwell, since it was “born” the river Irwell, about three hundred million years ago when shallow seas covered most of south east Lancashire and Europe to present years. It looks at Irwell’s pollution, highlighting the Irwell’s lower stretches were some of the region was the most polluted due to the population growth and establishment of industrial activities i.e. Lancashire’s great cotton industry, breach and dye works, paper mills, tanneries, chemical and gas works. Wastes from these industries were discharged directly to the river, together with crude sewage from an ever increasing population. However over the years the condition of the Irwell was gradually improved.
This is the report on the Effect of Abstraction on Fish and Fisheries presented at the 24th IFM Annual Study Course, The Changing Face of Fisheries September 1993 at Cardiff. Water is abstracted from rivers for a wide variety of uses and causing potential for conflicts between abstracters, fisheries and conservation interests, especially during natural low flows. It looks at the potential effects that flow reduction has over various stages of salmonids at various stages of their life history. The flow at the time of smolt migration has been found to be positively correlated with the number of returning adults, and flow is considered to be one of the most important environmental factors inducing salmonids to enter fresh water and ascend rivers. The importance of time series data on fish stocks and angling success together with models which ultimately relate discharge to standing stock are discussed in relation to the setting up of Minimum Acceptable Flows.
This is the episodic variations in stream water chemistry associated with acid rainfall and run-off and the effect on aquatic ecosystems, with particular reference to fish populations in North West England produced by the North West Water Authority in 1985. This report looks at the biological, physical and chemical information collected over a five year period from over 100 sites on upland streams in the North West Region of which drained rocks of low buffering capacity. In both Lake District and South Pennine sites striking differences were found between the composition of invertebrate communities inhabiting acid-stressed and less acid-stressed streams. Electric fishing surveys showed that acidic streams (geometric mean pH <5.5) generally had abnormally low densities of salmonids ( < 0 .2m2) and that 0+ fish were very few or absent. The latter indicates recruitment failure. Salmon were more sensitive than trout to low pH.
This is a technical report on the assessment of the hydrogeological impacts of aggregate extraction activities in the Delamere Area, Cheshire. The first aim of the study was to carry out Stage 3-appropriate assessment, under the EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), of the possible hydrogeological impacts of aggregate extraction activities authorised by the Cheshire CC on candidate Special Areas of Conservation (cSAC) on the Delamere sandsheet, Cheshire. Identifying possible impacts if these activities on the hydrogeological environment, construction of a numerical groundwater flow model of the groundwater system to investigate and quantify impacts and to produce a report as required under Stage 3 of the Habitats Regulations. Secondly, to identify the future potential impacts of the continued extraction of sand and gravel reserves from above and below the water tables from within the Delamere sandsheet, thus releasing reserves identified within the Area of Search of the Cheshire Replacement Minerals Local Plan 1999. This aspect of the study should assist in identifying the implications of further working within Delamere for North West sub-regional apportionment.
This is the Water Level Management Plan for the Rostherne Mere by the Environment Agency. The purpose of the Plan is to provide a formal basis for managing the land drainage system and water supply system of the area in order to provide a sustainable balance between the conservation and agricultural interest in the area. No changes are proposed to present water level management or maintenance practices unless and until such changes are agreed by all parties. The report contains sections on description of Site, water level management, maintenance, nature conservation, agriculture, fisheries, archaeology, water quality and water resources, development adjacent to watercourses, contingencies and objectives of the Water Level Management.
This is the history of contamination in sediments from the Mersey Estuary: Development of a chronology for the contamination of the Mersey Estuary by heavy metals and organochlorines Report produced by the Environment Agency in 1998. This report looks at the history of industrial contamination of the Mersey and Ribble Estuaries back to the early part of the last century, many decades before the start of monitoring programmes providing a remarkably detailed picture of very complex changes. There is a clear record in the sediment of the contamination by each heavy metal (including: Cu, Cr, Hg, Pb, Zn) and organochlorine chemical (including DDT isomers and PCB congeners) studied. The results of the study clearly show the increases in levels of contamination as industry expanded early last century followed by various improvements as this century progressed. Each pollutant has its own idiosyncratic pattern of change with some improvements predating modern environmental concerns whilst other changes seem to relate directly to recent improvements in legislative control. Overall, for the pollutants studied, the results clearly demonstrate the magnitude of improvement that has been achieved in what was a very polluted area. The only major reservation to this story is that despite the wide range of substances covered, many other potentially important pollutants remain to be studied in a similar manner.
This is the Water Quality Monitoring in the Mersey Estuary report produced by the Environment Agency in 2001. This report focuses on the Water Quality Monitoring Programme held in the Mersey Estuary. Since the mid-1960s water samples have been collected at approximately monthly intervals along the length of the estuary between Warrington and New Brighton and in later years further off-shore. This data-set provides an invaluable resource to determine how the very large capital spending of recent years has resulted in the dramatic improvements in water quality that we are now able to record. Initially, the interest was focused on parameters such as dissolved oxygen, BOD, nutrients and suspended solids. Over the last decades, as analytical methods have improved, toxic metals and persistent organic compounds have been included in the routine monitoring programme at a limited number of sites. Moreover, with the introduction of the European Water Framework Directive monitoring programmes it was an opportune time to review the Mersey monitoring strategy. This revised monitoring programme required data from several other components (water, sediments, flora, fauna, fish and birds. This report also contains information about Routine monthly surveys, Special surveys, Chloralkali Directive, UKNMP, British Geological Survey, EDMAR and NERC Environmental Diagnostics Thematic Programme.
This is the Mersey Estuary baseline survey: Analysis of macroinfaunal samples, literature review and database production report produced by the Environment Agency North West in 2002. This report presents an ecological review of the Mersey estuary along with an extensive bibliography of the available environmental literature for this system. The central objective of this programme has been to provide the information necessary to support the Environment Agency's review of existing and future consents (for discharges, abstractions etc) in the Mersey estuary. This review of consents was required because the Mersey had been designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA) under the EC Birds Directive. Therefore under Regulation 50 of the Conservation, the Environment Agency was responsible for reviewing any extant consent, or future applications, which may directly or indirectly, affected this SPA.
This is the Intensive biological survey of the Glaze Brook catchment May 1981 report produced by the North West Water Authority in 1981. The aim of this report is to identify those pollution problems not identified during the routine biological water quality surveys, and to check the suitability of the routine biological sampling point. This report looks at an intensive biological water quality survey of the Glaze Brook catchment which was carried out by Biol. (S) on 13th-15th May, 1981. Kick samples of invertebrates were taken at 5 sites and all invertebrates were identified and counted in the field. The most significant water quality observations in the report were from: Borsdane brook, Pennington brook, Glaze brook, Amberswood brook, Cunningham brook, Old Mill brook, Shakerley brook, Astley brook and Shaw brook.
This is the Intensive biological survey of the Glaze Brook catchment: Supplementary report on the water quality as indicated by macrophytes produced by the North West Water Authority in 1981. This report describes the results of the macrophyte survey including data on their distribution and the prevailing water quality (nutrient status and toxic metal contamination) It supplements the initial report,TS-BS-81-3, which described the macroinvertebrate survey. The aim of this project is to describe the distribution of macrophytes within the river, paying attention to areas where weed growth may directly affect water quality or amenity usage, and describe the distribution of toxic metals. In the survey 16 sites of 500 m lengths of river were analysed, noting the relative abundance and percentage cover of the macrophytes present, plant score and Community Description Class (C.D.C.) were computed.
This is the River Gowy rapid corridor survey July 1995: Ecology South Mersey report produced by the National Rivers Authority North West Region in 1995. This report looks at the survey carried out by the South Mersey Ecology Team prior to routine deweeding operations on the main River Gowy at the end of July, 1995. The survey covered Flood Defence Stretch References RGOW03 to RGOW16. These stretches were further divided into a series of 43 stretches, each one being approximately 500m in length for ease o f mapping by Ecology. Recommendations for each length have been cross-referenced with the Bill of Quantities where possible, e.g. retention o f margins. In Flood Defence stretch RGOW03, the South West Winter Wetland forms an important habitat for birds. In stretches RGOW04 to RGOW05, the Gowy Meadows and Ditches have been designated a Grade A, Site of Biological Importance, by Cheshire County Council due to the nature of the acidic grassland and diverse ditches. In stretches RGOWIO to RGOW11 the left bank forms Hockenhull Platts, Grade A Site of Biological Importance and County Trust Reserve. In stretches RGOW15 to RGOW16, the area from Mill Farm to the Shropshire Union Canal is a Grade A Site of Biological Importance. These sites are very sensitive and detailed recommendations for working practices can be found in the relevant sections o f the survey.
This is the River Gowy and Thornton Brook improvements: Environmental Action Plan report produced by the Environment Agency in 2000. This Environmental Action Plan relates to the proposals by the Environment Agency to improve the flood defences of land adjacent to the River Gowy, about 3 km east of Ellesmere Port, Cheshire. The purpose of the Environmental Action Plan (EAP) is to provide details of how the issues addressed in the Environmental Statement (ES) will be carried through to the completion of the project. The EAP represents a commitment to the environmental recommendations formulated during the environmental assessment process and should be closely adhered to during the design, construction and post project monitoring o f the works. For any matters that cannot be finalised until during construction the constraints will be detailed in the plan so they are implemented in the contracts.