356 resultados para freshwater ecosystem


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Socio-economic Monitoring (SocMon) is an approach and set of tools for conducting socio-economic monitoring of changes in coastal communities. Planned outputs of the workshop included: training of local staff i SocMon methodologies; draft a SocMon report for St. Martin's Island; a workplan for implementing the SocMon; a communication strategy; and key inputs to a regional SocMon strategy


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This Socioeconomic Monitoring (SocMon) training workshop was coordinated by the Small Fisher Federation of Lanka (SFFL). Planned outputs included: participants from Mannar trained in SocMon methodologies; draft SocMon reports fro Vidathaltivu; a workplan for Mannar; a communication strategy for Vidathaltivu/ Mannar; and key inputs to a regional SocMon strategy


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Socio-economic Monitoring (SocMon) is an approach and set of tools for conducting socio-economic monitoring of changes in coastal communities. Key considerations included: importance of local partnerships; government and civil society partnerships; emphasis of adapting SocMon to local needs and priorities; capacity building; engaging with local stakeholders; inter and intra-regional collaboration; importance of language; and importance of language.


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This report seeks to strengthen national capacity on managing Marine Protected Area (MPAs) in Bangladesh. St Martin's Island was used as the pilot ecosystem boundary delineation.


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This brochure suggests casting a wider net when dealing with governance assessment to include other players.


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This report presents presentations from representatives of 12 countries, key outcomes and recommendations for the future.


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Following the collapse of the East African Community on 30th June, 1977 Ugandan fisheries research employees who were stationed in Kenya and Tanzania were recalled by the Uganda Government. The return of these officers strengthened the staff position of the Department. Formally the Headquarters of the East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization (EAFFRO), the institution was re-named the Uganda Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization (UFFRO) and the Uganda Government took up the full responsibility for running and maintaining the Department. The Annual report presents activities and achievements during the reporting period 1977.


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Aquatic macro-invertebrates encompass all those organisms that be seen with unaided eyes. Most macro-invertebrates are categorised as semi-aquatic in that they are aquatic in early stages, but live as terrestrial organisms as adults, while others like gastropods, bivalves, Oligochaetae, Hirudinae and ostracods are exclusively aquatic. Some of them such as mayflies lay eggs in water and subsequent stages also live in water until adulthood when they emerge to live a terrestrial life. In others, eggs are laid near the water, while some like members of Tendipedidae (midges) lay their eggs on the leaves of aquatic macrophytes and after hatching their larvae creep into water


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In the present study, ectoparasite infestation of common freshwater ornamental fish species imported into Iran including: Dwarf gourami (Colisa lalia), Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare), Oscar (Astronatus ocellatus), Red eye Tetra ( Moenkhansia Sanctaefilomenae), Barb( Capoeta tetrazona), Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum), Goldfish(Carassius auratus), Red fin Shark (Lebeo elythrurus, Catfish (Hypostomus plecostomus) and Pangasius sutchi ( Pangasius hypophthalmus) from May until April was investigated.A total of 6 specimens sample of each fish species) randomly were obtained and taken alive to the lab. After observing gill and skin wet smear under the microscope , gill was dissected and examined carefully .Photo and films were taken from the isolated parasites and parasite identification was performed according to Yamaguti AP1), Bychowsky (■Y).From a total of examined fishes 1\ ► sample (YY.V.) were parasitized .Parasite groups that were observed consisting ciliated protozoan myxosporidian , monogenean Digenean metacercaria and crustacean .The only non-parasitized fish was Barb. Monogenea Trianchoratus sp. , Cleidodiscus sp. , Ancylodiscoides sp. , Thaparocleidus sp. , Centrocestus formosanus metacercaria and Myxobolus longisporus report for the first time in ornamental fish which imported from Southeast of Asia to Iran. According to the results, it seems that severe quarantine and sanitary rules are necessary.