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This is the Restormel Fish Counter, Annual Report 2008 produced by the Environment Agency South West Region on April 2009. The report presents the upstream counts of migratory salmonids recorded on the River Fowey at Restormel Weir fish counting station (SX 107 613) over the period March 2008 to February 2009 inclusive. Data contained within this report covers the period of the commercial migratory salmonid net buy-back scheme and the National Spring Salmon Byelaws. The minimum upstream salmon estimate for 2008, over the period July 2008 to February 2009, was 938, which is the third highest recorded count over the past 14 years. The 2008 large sea trout count (482) shows a marked improvement in the number of returning fish when compared to 2007 (241). There was a significant decrease in the number of small sea trout returning in 2008 when compared to 2007 and the 10-year average. The fish counter suffered several faults equated to 12.5 days during this period.
This is the Impact Assessment of ionising Radiation on Wildlife document produced by the Environment Agency in 2001. This report describes the behaviour and transport of radionuclides in the environment, considers the impact of ionising radiation on wildlife, and makes recommendations on an approach for the Impact assessment of ionising radiation on wildlife for England and Wales. The assessment approach focuses on three ecosystems representative of those considered potentially most at risk from the impact of authorised radioactive discharges, namely a coastal grassland (terrestrial ecosystem); estuarine and freshwater ecosystems. The likely scale of the impact on wildlife is also assessed in light of a preliminary analysis based on this assessment approach. The report demonstrates the behaviour and transfer of radionuclides in a number of different ecosystem types. Particular emphasis is placed on exposure pathways in those ecosystems most likely to be impacted by the authorised discharges of radioactivity within England and Wales. The use of biomarker techniques is reviewed in the report, and their application to the study of exposure to multiple contaminants is discussed.
This is the Roy of the Rivers (cartoon) report produced by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) South West Region. This NRA document is a leaflet comic format which looks at the fishing and safe issues in rivers. This comic highlights the community policing to help guard the water environment. It gives a 24 hour emergency number and three steps to be followed in case of pollution, dead, distressed fish or suspects someone of illegally catching or selling fish.
This is the Investigation of rising nitrate concentrations in groundwater in the Eden Valley, Cumbria report produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. This report focuses on groundwater nitrate concentrations in the Eden Valley. Most boreholes in the Eden Valley had nitrate concentrations less than 20 mg/l but a significant number had higher concentrations, some exceeding the EC maximum admissible concentration for drinking water of 50 mg/l. The main objectives of this report were to investigate the causes of rising nitrate concentrations in groundwater in the Permo-Triassic sandstone aquifers of the Eden Valley area and provide sufficient understanding of the groundwater and surface water flow system, including the sources of the nitrate contamination and the processes controlling nitrate movement, so that possible management options for reversing this trend can be considered.
This is the report on the Effect of Abstraction on Fish and Fisheries presented at the 24th IFM Annual Study Course, The Changing Face of Fisheries September 1993 at Cardiff. Water is abstracted from rivers for a wide variety of uses and causing potential for conflicts between abstracters, fisheries and conservation interests, especially during natural low flows. It looks at the potential effects that flow reduction has over various stages of salmonids at various stages of their life history. The flow at the time of smolt migration has been found to be positively correlated with the number of returning adults, and flow is considered to be one of the most important environmental factors inducing salmonids to enter fresh water and ascend rivers. The importance of time series data on fish stocks and angling success together with models which ultimately relate discharge to standing stock are discussed in relation to the setting up of Minimum Acceptable Flows.
This is a handbook about Chalk Rivers Nature Conservation and Management from March 1999 by the Water Research Centre and commissioned by English Nature and the Environment Agency, primarly provides an objective basis for formulating conservation strategies for relevant Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). It was also seen as being applicable to chalk rivers more generally and has increasingly been regarded as important to the work of the Biodiversity Action Plan Steering Group on chalk rivers, which is led by the Environment Agency. This report contains information on characteristic wildlife communities, their habitat requirements and the ecological impact of activities that are relevant to the chalk river environment. It provides guidance on setting management objectives, options for mitigating impacts, and measures for the maintaining and enhancing the river channel, riparian and floodplain areas associated. The term `chalk river’ is used to describe watercourses dominated by groundwater discharge from chalk geology, including those that flow over a range of non-chalk surface geologies at various points along their length. England contains numerous examples of this river type, located in and downstream of areas of outcropping chalk in the south, East Anglia and up into Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. Indeed, England has the major part of the chalk river resource of Europe. A number of chalk rivers have been designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and English Nature and Environment Agency work drawing up joint conservation strategies.
This is the Water Quality Monitoring in the Mersey Estuary report produced by the Environment Agency in 2001. This report focuses on the Water Quality Monitoring Programme held in the Mersey Estuary. Since the mid-1960s water samples have been collected at approximately monthly intervals along the length of the estuary between Warrington and New Brighton and in later years further off-shore. This data-set provides an invaluable resource to determine how the very large capital spending of recent years has resulted in the dramatic improvements in water quality that we are now able to record. Initially, the interest was focused on parameters such as dissolved oxygen, BOD, nutrients and suspended solids. Over the last decades, as analytical methods have improved, toxic metals and persistent organic compounds have been included in the routine monitoring programme at a limited number of sites. Moreover, with the introduction of the European Water Framework Directive monitoring programmes it was an opportune time to review the Mersey monitoring strategy. This revised monitoring programme required data from several other components (water, sediments, flora, fauna, fish and birds. This report also contains information about Routine monthly surveys, Special surveys, Chloralkali Directive, UKNMP, British Geological Survey, EDMAR and NERC Environmental Diagnostics Thematic Programme.
This is the 2001 annual report on fisheries in the North West produced by the Environment Agency North West in 2002. This report has four main aims: to inform the Agency’s customers of developments within the Agency, to inform the Agency’s customers of the work carried out by the Agency, to publish information on the performance of fisheries and the Fisheries Department, and to be a source of future reference. The fisheries service is funded in the main by a mixture of rod licence income and government grant-in-aid. The latter has declined substantially since the mid 1990’s and we are increasingly reliant on licence income to fund fisheries work. The environment agency had managed to use some of this money to fund their Urban Fisheries Development Programme, (UFDP). This is aimed at delivering new or improved fisheries in areas where demand for fishing is high, but where available fisheries are few in number or of poor quality. This work is dependent on good co-operation with local angling clubs, councils and other interests.
This is the report on the River Ehen salmonid fishery - current status and a summary of fisheries work during the period 1993-1996, produced by the Environment Agency North West in 1997. This report draws together a number of investigations and surveys undertaken following the 1993 Strategic fisheries survey of the River Ehen. It specifically details the historic catch data available for this catchment for both salmon and sea trout and examines the current stock levels based on this data. Concerns over sea trout stock levels are raised and a detailed examination of the possible limiting factors involved is included. Information from surveys on the River Keekle is analysed with reference to its potential for sea trout production both currently and with the proposed clean up on Oatlands tip. Salmon production in the historically acidified River Liza sub catchment is examined along with ways of boosting production further following recent reductions in acidic episodes. Future and current issues and actions required in the catchment are listed along with the responsible party and estimated costs involved.
This is the River Avon (including Glazebrook) fisheries survey 1978 report produced by South West Water Authority in 1978. This report aims to determine the penetration of Salmon into the River Avon system and to a lesser degree estimate the population of resident salmonids and other indigenous species. Six sections were electro fished at accessible points as detailed below. All fish were identified and measured. Each section was fished through three times to take the majority of the resident species. Small specimens of salmonid fry, eels and lamprey were common in almost all River Avon sections with the exception of Shipley bridge and Avon Dam but due to the mesh size of the standard dip nets used, many slipped through making accurate number estimation impossible.
This report presents the findings and recommendations of a strategic planning mission to reevaluate the feasibility of WorldFish implementing a fish value chain research program in Uganda under the CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish (L&F). The over-arching goal of L&F is to increase productivity of small-scale livestock and fish systems so as to increase availability and affordability of meat, milk and fish for poor consumers and, in doing so, to reduce poverty through greater participation by the poor along animal source food value chains. This will be achieved by making a small number of carefully selected animal source food value chains function better, for example by identifying and addressing key constraints and opportunities (from production to consumption), improving institutional arrangements and capacities, and supporting the establishment of enabling pro-poor policy and institutional environments.
This report presents the findings and recommendations of a strategic planning mission to reevaluate the feasibility of WorldFish implementing a fish value chain research program in Uganda under the CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish (L&F). The over-arching goal of L&F is to increase productivity of small-scale livestock and fish systems so as to increase availability and affordability of meat, milk and fish for poor consumers and, in doing so, to reduce poverty through greater participation by the poor along animal source food value chains. This will be achieved by making a small number of carefully selected animal source food value chains function better, for example by identifying and addressing key constraints and opportunities (from production to consumption), improving institutional arrangements and capacities, and supporting the establishment of enabling pro-poor policy and institutional environments.
Improving aquaculture feed in Bangladesh: From feed ingredients to farmer profit to safe consumption
Use of manufactured feeds in aquaculture in Bangladesh has grown rapidly over the last five years. More than 1 million tonnes of commercially formulated feeds and 0.3-0.4 million tonnes of farm-made feeds were produced in 2012, and sectoral growth is projected to increase substantially over the medium term. This working paper summarizes findings from a study, conducted as part of the WorldFish/USAID “Feed the Future-Aquaculture” project in 2012, assessing the current status of the aquaculture feed sector in Bangladesh. Fish feed value chains, market trends, ingredients and formulation systems, farm feeding practices, ancillary services and feed regulations were investigated. The study identifies a number of entry points for interventions in the sector, and investments which would improve feed quality and farmer access to better feeds and support the growth of sustainable aquaculture.
This report presents a statistical analyses of the "fin" fisheries, as distinguished from the crab and oyster fisheries of Maryland, for 1944 and 1945. Comparative data on the catch by species, by area, and by gear, based principally on daily reports from the fishermen, are available for the first time as a result of a comprehensive statistical survey made by the Department of Research and Eduction to determine the results of the new management plan for the fisheries, referred to as the Maryland Management Plan. With the initiation in 1941 of a new system of fishery management in the State, a conservation plan based on the principle of stabilized fishing effort, it became obvious that a more accurate catch record system was needed for the proper administration of the program. The Management Plan stabilized the number of licensed fishermen at the 1939-1940 level, and provided for controlled expansion of the fishery to take place only when and where the industry warranted it as a result of increased fish populations. The text of the Plan may be found in Article 39, Section 60, Annotated Code of Maryland, 1943 Supplement. Publications 1, 2, 5, and 6 of the Educational Series of the Department of Research and Education explain the operating principles and the application of same to two important Maryland species, the shad and the rock or striped bass. Ocean fishery records only cover monthly gross landings.