360 resultados para off-bottom swimming


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The deep crab Geryon quinquedens was the objective of an exploratory fishing operation with long lines of baited traps along the slope of southern Mozambique and was caught between 250 and 850 m. Data were analysed from the start of the operation in May, 1979 until March, 1980. The availability of the resource is discussed on the basis of catch rates. Size composition of the catches shows the bigger size of the males and suggests a stratification of the resource by area. Females dominate in shallower waters whereas the interval at which the sex-ratio equals one is identified at 400-450 m. Reproduction is discussed in connection with recruitment and an hypothesis is advanced for an exponential growth rate of about 10 mm per month.


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The total abundance of small pelagic species in Mozambican waters was estimated to be 100 (plus or minus 45) thousand tonnes of which scad and mackerel constituted 57 (plus or minus 39) thousand tonnes. These abundance estimates must be considered as minimum estimates of biomass as the efficiency of the trawl was assumed to be equal to 1.0.


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The results obtained during the third phase of Nauka are reported concerning the standing stock estimates, population length structure and gonad development of scad and mackerel stocks and the catch composition in Mozambican waters.


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The pink shrimp, Haliporoides triarthrus, is an important species in the deep-water shrimp fishery in Mozambique. Total catches are in the range of 1,500 to 2,700 tons, with the pink shrimp accounting for 70-90%. Estimates of growth parameters and of natural mortality are used for a preliminary assessment of the fishery, based on length-structured virtual population analysis and yield-per-recruit analyses. With an arbitrarily chosen terminal fishing mortality F, the results indicate a situation of overfishing, but realistic parameters must be acquired in order to diagnose the state of the stock


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Preliminary estimates of growth parameters and mortality are presented for the deep-water spiny lobster Palinurus delagoae fished off Mozambique. The length-converted catch curve shows three levels of total mortality (year-1): Z=2.9 for the smaller sizes; Z=1.4 for intermediate, and Z=0.6 for the larger lobsters. These results are confirmed by a length-structured virtual population analysis. Yield-per-recruit analysis suggests that a long-term yield, at least 50% higher than the present one, could be obtained by increasing the mean size at first capture from about 6 cm (carapace length) to about 10 cm.


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Growth of Encrasicholina punctifer (Engraulididae) is estimated, based on samples obtained during five surveys on Sofala Bank (central Mozambique). The estimated values of the von Bertalanffy growth function, TL∞=12 cm and K=2.0 yearˉ¹ are compared with results of growth studies elsewhere in the Indo-Pacific region, based mainly on the index Φ=log(sub)10 K+2*log(sub)10L∞ assumed to be constant within species. This comparison is rendered difficult by the uncertain taxonomical status of stolephorid anchovies.


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At present, the trawl fishery for shallow water prawns is the only industrialized national fishery in Mozambique. Most of the catch is exported. Plans are laid for expansion of the fishery, and this report is an attempt to make a preliminary assessment of the potential yields from the stocks occupying the shallow water areas between Beira and Angoche.


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Catch and effort data and some biological characteristics of the deep water spiny lobster P. delagoae collected between August 1980 and December 1981, are presented. The work was conducted on board a commercial vessel off the coast of Mozambique.


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Charts with 3-months running means of thermal data collected during 1977-1982 are used to describe the seasonal variability of the circulation pattern off Mozambique, and to identify the areas of tuna vulnerability to surface gears. The main conclusions reached by Sætre and Jorge da Silva (1984) have received further support. Areas of potentially successful exploitation of tunas by surface methods have been identified during the whole year, with emphasis for November-April.


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Although other research studies on areas such as the physical-chemical, nutrients and phytoplankton status of Lake Kyoga systems have been given a lot of attention (e.g. Mungoma 1988 and NaFIRRI 2006), efforts to determine the pollution status of this system, especially by heavy metals as one of the worldwide emerging environmental problems, is still limited. Many trace metals are regarded as serious pollutants of aquatic ecosystems because of their persistence, toxicity and ability to be incorporated into food chains (Mwamburi J., and Nathan O.F., 1997). Given the rapid human population growth and the associated economic activities both within the rural and urban areas in Uganda, such fish production systems are becoming very prone to various kinds of pollution including that by heavy metals. Anthropogenic factors such deforestation, use of chemicals and dumping of metallic products, spillages of fuels from outboard engines and many others and or natural processes involving atmospheric deposition by wind or rain, surface run-offs and streams flows from the catchment introduces heavy metals into the lake environment,.


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Since 1950 onwards, a practice has grown in Sri Lanka of dividing the marine fisheries into three different classes depending on the location of the resource to be exploited viz. coastal fishing, off-shore fishing and deep-sea fishing. The author describes commercial fishing activities, paying attention to changes emerged and future prospectives.


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Following a brief review of development of demersal fishing off Sri Lanka, the author reviews the fishing grounds of the Wadge Bank, the Pedro Bank, and the Mannar Bank. He reviews the deepwater trawling fisheries particularly in relation to the 1972 survey conducted by the 'Optimist' and also small boat trawling in coastal waters. Lastly he considers handlining for groundfish, which is principally conducted by fishermen operating traditional craft.


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Pelagic resources around Sri Lanka may be categorized into three major groups: (1) the small pelagic varieties such as the sprats, halmessa, sardines (salaya, soodaya), and herrings (hurulla). (2) the medium size pelagic species such as the mackerel (kumbala and bolla), barracuda (jeela), seer Spanish mackerel (thora), frigate mackeral (alagoduwa), mackerel tuna (atawalla) and the skipjack (balaya). (3) the large size fishes such as yellow fin tuna (kelawalla), big eye tuna, marlins (koppora and gappara), sail fish (thalapath), sharks (mora) and rays (maduwa). Production levels of exploited resources are noted, and seasonal patterns and annual in their abundance are considered. On the basis of observations and estimations of the existing fisheries, and the results of experimental fishing, figures are presented of the potential yield of those species already exploited. The development of that potential depends on the development of modern techniques of pole and line fishing, application of tuna longline and shark longline, increasing the number of units of drift nets and the introduction of a bait fishery for the longline and pole line fishery. Some features upon which the successes of any venture to exploit such resources are noted, particularly those which relate to the nature of the fishing vessels used.


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The author describes the commercial viable off-shore fishing methods for catching known commercial resources available around Sri Lanka. He also describes the in-shore fishing methods such as bait fishery which are related and of prime importance for carrying out certain off-shore methods. The paper is intended as a background for the description of fishing methods. The methods discussed are: (1) Longlining for large pelagic species such as large tuna (yellow fin, big eye), shark, spearfish and others; (2) Drift-netting for small and large tuna species (skipjack, yellow fin and others), shark, spearfish, etc.; (3) Pole and line for all deep-sea pelagic species such as skipjack, yellow fin, frigate mackerel, etc.; and (4) Purse seining (small scale) for small pelagic species suitable as bait fish for pole and line and longline fisheries.


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The need for operatives for the offshore and deep-sea fishing vessels is currently very great, and the importance of fisheries training has long been recognized by the Department of Fisheries. In 1974 the Sri Lanka Fisheries Training Institute was established with Japanese aid. The author discusses the purpose and functions of the institute, the first batch of trainees from which finished their training in June 1977. Annexes describe the courses offered, diplomas and certificates, admission requirements, and the conditions required for candidates sitting second-hand fishing vessel examination of the Mercantile Marine Department, Bombay District.