430 resultados para leatherback sea turtle


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The paper is based on the new records of two genera - Lanocira Hansen and Paranthura Bate and Westwood and species L. gardineri Stebbing and P. latipes Barnard from the rocky intertidal zone of Karachi coast. Synonymes, diagnoses and geographical distribution of the genera are given. A list of known species of the genus Lanocira is provided. Both the species are described and illustrated in detail.


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Four Xanthid crabs, namely Euxanthus exsculptus (Herbst), Halimede ochtodes (Herbst), Medaeops edwardsi Guinot, and Neolimera intermadia Odhner, previously not known from the northern Arabian Sea are being reported. Each species is briefly described and illustrated.


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During the course of chemical investigation of marine algae collected from Karachi coast of Arabian Sea, five sterols named as sarangosterol(1), 23-methyl cholesta-5, 25-dien-3ß-ol(2) from Endarachne binghamiae (brown alga), sargasterol(3) from Dictyota indica (brown alga), cholesterol(4) from Laurencia obtusa (red alga) and clerosterol(5) from Codium iyengarii (green alga) have been isolated. Their structures were elucidated with the help of spectroscopic means.


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Philyra v. was established as a new species by Henderson in 1893 and later recorded by Alcock in 1896. A detailed description is presented.


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The sixth nominal species of Chaceon to be recorded from the western Indian Ocean is named from a specimen collected off Somalia in 504-506 meters. Chaceon somaliensis, n. sp., resembles C. macphersoni (Manning and Holthuis, 1988) and differs from the other four species known from the area in having the dactylus of the walking legs dorsoventrally depressed. It differs from C. macphersoni in having slenderer legs, a smoother body, and a much deeper, evenly curved orbit.


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Zooplankton standing crop and proximate principals were estimated for 8 coastal and 13 oceanic stations of the northern Arabian Sea during March 1991. Biomass did not show any significant difference (p < 0.05) between coastal and oceanic waters. Protein was the principal biochemical component among proximate principals with an average value of 29.6% in coastal and 34.2% in the oceanic zone, suggesting that protein form a major metabolic reserve. Other components such as lipids and carbohydrate seem to be low in tropical zooplankton. The organic carbon and caloric density did not show significant correlation. Average caloric density was 2.5 k.cal super(-1). The average standing stock was 9.25 mg m super(-3) and 5.90 mg m super(-3) for coastal and oceanic water, respectively. Coastal region is more productive than oceanic region in terms of standing crop, as expected.


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The key deals with the Malacostraca from the northern Arabian Sea (22 degree 09'N to 10 degree N and 50 degree E to 76 degree E). It is compiled from the specimens available to us and those which are in the literature. An introduction to the class Malacostraca and key to the identification of subclasses, superorders and orders is given. Al the key characters are illustrated. Original references with later changes are mentioned. The key will be published in parts not necessarily in chronological order.


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Portunus pulchricristatus (Gordon, 1931) is a rare species, to date we have obtained only three specimens, two males and a berried female which can be easily identified with the help of existing descriptions and illustrations. Brief account of the Pakistan material is given below. One male specimen (measuring 11.0 mm in carapace length) has been deposited in the National Museum of Natural History, Leiden (Reg.No.D.42393) the other two specimens housed in the Marine Reference Collection and Resource Centre (MRCC Cat. No.BRAC.491). The abbreviations used are cl. for carapace length and cb. for carapace breadth.


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Five specimens of sessile barnacle, Chelonibia testudinaria (Linnaeus) were collected, in February 1993, from the back of a green turtle, Chelonea mydas, which was going back to the sea after laying eggs on Sandspit beach (24 degree 49'N; 66 degree 56'E). Chelonibia testudinaria is widely distributed throughout tropical and temperate seas and has only been reported to be found attached to turtles (Newman and Ross, 1976). In spite of its wide distribution it has not been reported from Northern Arabian Sea bordering Pakistan. The only species of genus Chelonibia known to occur in coastal waters of Pakistan is C. patula (Ranzani) recently reported by Javed and Mustaquim (1992). A brief description of C. testudinaria based on the present material is given below. All the specimens are housed in the Centre of Excellence in Marine Biology.


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This paper with the systematic study of three species of mysids, collected by R/V "Dr. Fridtjof Nansen", which are new to the northern Arabian Sea. The three species described and illustrated are: Siriella affinis Hansen, Afromysis macropsis Tattersal and Acanthomysis quadrispinosa Nouvel.


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The first leptostracans Nebalia dahli (Kazmi & Tirmizi, 1989) from the Arabian Sea in mangrove planktonic collection near Karachi were two males, the sex of the juvenile paratype could not be determined at that time. A brief description is given in this paper.


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Tidal and sea level changes during 1991 at a coastal station (Jeddah) in the central part of the Red Sea are investigated. Analysis shows higher sea levels in winter and lower in summer. The amplitude of change at Jeddah is above 50cm. Analysis of wind stress at Jeddah indicates an insignificant contribution of the cross-shore component, while a major part of the changes in the sea level can be accounted for by the long-shore component.


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A two dimensional numerical barotropic model based on the depth-integrated equations is presented here. Sensitivity of the model is analyzed by using wind stresses of different months. Real wind data and actual bathymetry are used as an input to obtain the circulation patterns of the northern Arabian Sea during specific seasons. However, the model is also tested with constant depth for comparison. A number of numerical simulations are performed to study the combined effects of wind stress, bathymetry and basin geometry. Since the goal of this study is to simulate the circulation of the northern Arabian sea in accordance with the observed wind stress, therefore, wind stresses of different months like July (the peak os SW monsoon), October (the transition period from SW to NE monsoon), January (the peack of NE monsoon) and April (the transition period from NE to SW monsoon) are used to examine the circulation patterns. The results obtained are satisfactory in that they resemble known patterns.


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The average integrated chlorophyll a values for a 30-m deep surface layer in the north Arabian Sea bordering Pakistan ranged from negligible amounts to as high as 0.53μg chl. a 1ˉ¹(15.9mg mˉ²) during the period January 20, 1977 to June 4, 1977. The values, in general, decreased offshore except for the westernmost part of the Makran shelf, where unexpectedly high values were recorded over deep water. Seasonal distribution showed very high values in January (northeast monsoon season) which, with a few exceptions, gradually decreased to very low values in May, and then increased in June. The January peak may be related to winter cooling of surface waters resulting in convection and the June peak to the onset of southwest monsoon season in May. Coastal water shallower than 30m showed no seasonality and were often sites of intense phytoplankton blooms.