360 resultados para off-bottom swimming


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During these two seasons investigations were carried out with a view to exploring the possibility of this operation on commercial basis and to study the effect of certain meteorological factors on catch.


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The importance of small trawlers for the economic exploitation of the inshore demersal fisheries is well recognized and accordingly mechanized boats of sizes 30' and 32' fitted with engines of h.p. ranging from 30 to 45 came into existence particularly at Kakinada. The need to work out the most suitable trawling gear for these classes of boats becomes imperative and as an appurtenance to this, comparative fishing experiments were attempted with different trawls. In the present communication certain observations made on the relative catch efficiency of two different trawl nets used in combination with two different shaped otter boards are given.


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The abundance of prawns in a newly located ground off Saurashtra has been described. Catch composition showed that Metapenaeus affinis formed the bulk of the catches. Previously this species was thought to be of not much commercial importance in this region. The peak of the fishery lasted from September to November. Observations on the biology of this species showed that it occurs as an independent stock in this region. The significance of the gear employed in fishing is also emphasized.


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The communication presents the results of fishing trials conducted off Veraval with a 10.5 m four-seam unequal paneled mid-water trawl with vertically curved otter boards. The design and structural details of net and otter boards are described in detail. Particulars such as the fish caught during experimentation, horizontal spread of the net as well as towing resistance offered in action are also incorporated.


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The stock size and biology of Johnius glaucus (Day) resource off the northwest coast of India were studied for 1982-83 and 1983-84. The total length at the end of 6, 12, 18, 24 and 26 months was 121 mm, 183 mm, 237 mm, 261 mm and 264 mm respectively. The length growth parameters were: L∞=300 mm, K=0.0807 (monthly) and t(sub)0=-0.51 month. The weight growth parameters were: W∞= 317g, K=0.0762 (monthly) and t(sub)0= -0.41 month. The exploited stock mainly composed of 1/2 + and 1+ age groups. The annual Z, M and F were 2.34, 1.49 and 0.85 respectively. The l(sub)b, t(sub)b, l(sub)r, t(sub)r and selection factor K were 155 mm, 0.75 year, 65 mm, 0.25 year and 3.875 respectively. The Yw/R was optimum at the exploitation rate (E) of 0.75 and coded mesh size of 37 mm. The total stock for 1982-83 and 1983-84 was 14,624 and 26,190 tons respectively. The standing stock of 1982-83 and 1983-84 was 5,645 and 10,110 tons respectively. The MSY for 1982-83 and 1983-84 was 6,623 and 11,788 tons respectively. The F and Z were lowest in 0+ age group and highest in 1+ age group.


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Fifteen morphometric and four meristic characters of Saurida tumbil were studied and their relationships with total length and head length were established. The length weight relationship worked out to be W= -5.6055 L(super)3.291. The fish is a carnivore, feeding mainly on small fishes, molluscs and crustaceans. Larger fishes are selective feeders on fish. It is a long protracted spawner. Fecundity varied from 6008 to 17384 eggs in specimens of size group 212-420 mm. Fecundity-total length, fecundity-total weight of fish and fecundity - total weight of ovary relationships were worked out to be F=0.9414 L(super)1.6626, F=180.7069 W(super)0.7531 and F=3153.0375 W(super)0.8278 respectively.


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Stock dynamics of Penaeus merguiensis was studied using length composition data collected separately for males and females during the period 1995-1998, at New Ferry Warf landing, centre in Greater Mumbai. Food and feeding, sex ratio, fecundity and length-weight relationships were worked out on a representative sub-sample. Asymptotic length (Loo) and growth coefficient (K) were estimated to be 220 mm and 1.80 per annum respectively for males. These parameters were respectively 281 mm and 1. 72 per annum in the case of females. The instantaneous rate of total mortality coefficient (Z) was found to be 9.79 and 7.44 per annum for males and females respectively. The annual natural mortality coefficient (M) was estimated to be 2.80 for males and 2.60 for females. As the exploitation ratio exceeded 0.5 in the case of both the males and females, the study suggests the necessity for reduction in fishing pressure in order to achieve Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY).


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In view of its new found status in export market, ribbon fish resources need to be continually monitored. Mortality, one of the important parameter is reported for the Indian ribbon fish Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus in the present communication. The average annual instantaneous rate of total (Z), natural (M) and fishing mortality coefficient (F) were estimated as 2.66, 0.77 and 1.89 respectively for the 1995 to 1997 period. The exploitation rate (U) and exploitation ratio (E) were estimated as 0.66 and 0.71 respectively, which is beyond the optimum thrust reduction in the fishing effort for this stock along the Maharashtra coast is necessary.


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Under stable conditions of stratification of the sea, evidence of generic differences of the associated bacterial flora of the water masses has been obtained, between surface and sub-surface water. Gram negative rods, especially pseudomonads and achromobacters were more frequent at the surface. The fermentative and oxidase negative flora was more frequent in sub-surface water. The surface water in general had a greater variety of bacterial types while the sub-surface water had a flora with a greater range of biochemical activity. These results are discussed in relation to the hydrological condition of the water masses and the bacterial flora of freshly caught fish.


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The methods of estimating codend selectivity for alternate hauls are briefly described and applied to Bagrus docmac (forskahl) data from Lake Victoria. Certain inconsistencies are noted and it is postulated that they may be due to differential escapement of larger Bagrus docmac through the trawl meshes when the different codends were fitted. The calculated 50% selection lengths yielded a fair regression on measured weigh give a fork length selection factor of 2.33, consistent with data from the smallest codend mesh size used. The implications of the findings are briefly discussed in relation to the proposed Haplochromis trawl fishery 1971.


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The present paper gives a comparative account of the hydrological conditions and phytoplankton within the Continental Shelf and beyond the Continental Shelf. 54 water samples were taken for hydrological analysis and 18 surface tows for plankton.


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According to the statistical data published annually in the Administration Report of the Director of Fisheries, the bloodfish production in 1967-68 showed about 100% increase over a period of five years and the production figures for none of the other groups of fishes have exhibited a parallel to this. Furthermore, the bloodfish group ranks first in the order of production, having displaced the herring and sardine group which had been in the lead for over a decade. This indicates that increasing attention was paid on the production of this group of fishes, in the coastal waters of Sri Lanka.


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Experimental trawling operations for bottom fish were first begun in 1920 and consisted of surveys of the continental shelf around Ceylon and the west and east coasts of India. These preliminary surveys showed that the continental shelf of Ceylon was either very poor in bottom fish or that the ground was so rough that trawling has proved to be economically not sustainable (Malpas, 1926). Although a considerable amount of trawling has been carried out using small-meshed trawls, there is no record of the details of the gear used or any account of the relative efficiency of the different designs of trawls used in the operations. Experimental operations were, therefore, carried out off 80 h.p. boats such as m.f.v. Canadian and North Star, to select the most effective gear for these boats. In more recent times experiments were also conducted to select the most effective trawling gear for the 11-Ton boats of the Ceylon Fisheries Corporation. The results are reported in this publication.


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Sri Lanka entered oceanic longline fishery in 1967 and have limited the areas of operation to the central equatorial belt, thus limiting their fishery to the yellowfin and bigeye tunas. Sri Lanka while developing her coastal fishery took a leap into oceanic longlining and in view of her programme for accelerated development of the fishing industry, has to fill the gap between the two fisheries by exploiting the intermediate range (off shore and near oceanic) which would chiefly be for tunas and sharks. The present paper has been prepared in this context, utilizing available data and information on the tuna longline fishery in the inshore (approximately 6-15 miles), off shore (approximately 15-100 miles) and near oceanic (approximately 100-300 miles) ranges (Fig, 1).


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The execution of this survey was decided upon by Swedevelop in agreement with the Sri Lanka Fisheries Corporation and was a part of the investigations and studies for a fishery project at Trincomalee which was carried out by Scandia Consult. The main purpose was to investigate the following aspects: bottom conditions, especially prawn trawling conditions; size of the potential prawn trawling catches; size and quality of the potential fish trawling catches; suitable sizes and types of boats and trawling gear; duration of trawl fishing season.