303 resultados para Ponds


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In the Philippines at present, milkfish farming in ponds includes a wide range of intensities, systems and practices. To make aquaculture possible, ecosystems are used as sources of energy and resources and as sinks for wastes. The growth of aquaculture is limited by the life-support functions of the ecosystem, and sustainability depends on matching the farming techniques with the processes and functions of the ecosystems, for example, by recycling some degraded resources. The fish farm has many interactions with the external environment. Serious environmental problems may be avoided if high-intensity farms are properly planned in the first place, at the farm level and at the level of the coastal zone where it can be integrated with other uses by other sectors. It is believed that the key to immediate success in the mass production of milkfish for local consumption and for export of value-added forms may be in semi-intensive farming at target yields of 3 tons per ha per year, double the current national average. Intensive milkfish farming will be limited by environmental, resource and market constraints. Integrated intensive farming systems are the appropriate long-term response to the triple needs of the next century: more food, more income, and more jobs for more people, all from less land, less resources, and less non-renewable energy.


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Details are given of a system for semi-intensive milkfish (Chanos chanos) vulture recommended by the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, under the following headings: 1) Pond preparation; 2) Pest (snails) control; 3) Pest (tilapia and other fish) control; 4) Fertilizer application; 5) Stocking density in nursery ponds; 6) Stocking density in grow-out ponds; and, 7) Water management.


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An outline is given of various environment-friendly management practices in aquaculture, considering the following: 1) feed right; 2) avoid antibiotics; 3) reuse and cycle water; 4) use settling or sedimentation ponds; 5) provide mangrove buffer zone; and, 6) practice polyculture or integrated farming.


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In Cambodia, fish provide a major source of animal protein for rural households. Capture fisheries have declined and aquaculture has been identified as playing an important role in food and nutritional security and rural income generation. In 2011, WorldFish, in partnership with the Stung Treng Fishery Administration Cantonment and the Culture and Environment Preservation Association, aimed at improving the uptake of small-scale aquaculture by communities with limited experience in fish culture in Stung Treng Province in northeast Cambodia. The system was given the name “WISH ponds,” derived from the combination of the words "water" and "fish" to reflect the integration of fish cultivation with water for storage and vegetable growing. It was targeted towards households with limited space to construct large aquaculture ponds, such as peri-urban households. The study indicated that WISH ponds can create an important learning platform for communities to address challenges associated with small-scale aquaculture development by using scientific data generated and owned by the participants. Results from this 2011 study provided important insights into the challenges and constraints for introducing small-scale aquaculture into rural households in Cambodia. In mid-2013, WorldFish won a Feed the Future Partnering for Innovation grant, funded by the United States Agency for International Development, to build upon its successful engagement with communities in northeast Cambodia where WISH ponds had already been introduced and investigate scaling this technology to establish more WISH ponds in these communities.


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The otter belongs to the family Muslelidae of the super family Canoidea. It is a mammal related to the stoat, skunk, marten and wolverine. Its habitat is the water, and it is carnivorous in diet, feeding on fish and other water animals. In Uganda, the otter is widely distributed throughout the western region, and most other parts of the country. To protect fish farmers from the otter, the Fisheries Department recommends fencing the ponds to keep out the otters or trapping to kill them.


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Preliminary studies undertaken to investigate the availability of ornamental fish species in Uganda’s natural water systems, revealed significant abundance of coloured fishes in Uganda’s water systems including the Kyoga and Victoria Lake system. These species are able to breed in captivity and to feed on artificial diets in ponds and glass tanks. The species are attractive and are highly marketable. These observations indicate the potential to culture ornamental fishes as away of diversifying the range of aquaculture species, a means to generate income and to improve livelihoods in Uganda.


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A survey of certain Dahomean fishing methods showed them to be specifically adapted to the exploitation of floodplains and shallow water lagoons. Several types of fish-parks are described, ranging from small installations thaI funclion as refuge traps, to larger constructions that act as a form of fish culture. Ponds are also dug in the floodplains in order to conserve fish isolated during the dry season. These methods all give high yields and are worthy of consideration for use elsewhere on the African continent.


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The aim of this research was to retard the onset of maturation and breeding using Methallibure (I.e.I. 33,828), thereby allowing more time for somatic growth. The process of development of the gonads was studied, laboratory experiments were performed upon a breeding stock of Tilapia in an attempt to postpone spawning, and the results of these investigations were tested, on fish in ponds at the Fish Culture Research Station in Israel.


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The ecophysiological effects of stress in female Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus brood fishes during catch, transport and their confinement in the Kurenski ponds at the Shahid Dr. Beheshti Fish Propagation and Rearing Center were studied. The brood fishes under study were caught at three catch stations located at the Sefidrud River, Sefidrud River estuary and Gorganrud River estuary and were held in ponds at the Shahid Marjani Fish Propagation and Rearing Center.


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Fish are an important part of Bangladeshi culture and diet. Bangladesh ranks among the top five freshwater fish producers in the world. Fish are abundant in the thousands of rivers, ponds, lakes and seasonal floodplains across the country. They are a major source of protein for people living near these water bodies. In Bangladesh, many households depend on fish farming for their livelihood. By growing fish in homestead ponds, households have a consistent supply of nutritious fish and can sell the surplus for an income. The USAID-funded Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia in Bangladesh (CSISA-BD) aimed to increase the income of farming households through increased productivity of aquaculture systems. Key activities of the project included developing and disseminating appropriate improved agricultural technology and quality fish seeds to improve livelihoods, food security and nutrition.


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Carp (Cyprinus Carpio L.) were first recommend for Uganda in 1941 by Dr. Hornell who was Oolonial Fisheries Adviser at that time. He stated that they would be suitable for Lake Bunyoni (6,474 ft.) in Kigezi District where the cold made conditions marginal for Tilapia and yet where the water was too warm for trout. Later, in 1947, when fish farming was proposed for Uganda, an expert from Israel whose visit was arranged by Dr. Hickling, the then current Colonial Fisheries Adviser, recommended that carp should be used as the stock fish in the ponds rather than Tilapia which Dr. Hickling himself had suggested.


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Fish introductions have been made from small fish ponds to the largest lakes in Africa. The primary intent of these introductions has been to sustain or increase fish production, although some introductions have been made to develop sport fisheries and to control unwanted organisms. Some of these introductions have fulfilled their objective in the short term, but several of these "successful" introductions have created uncertainties about their long term sustainability. Lates niloticus, Oreochromis niloticus, O. leucostictus, Tilapia melanopleura and T. zilli were introduced into lakes Victoria and Kyoga in 1950s and early 1960s. By the 1980s O. niloticus and O. niloticus dominated the fisheries of these lakes, virtually eliminating a number of endemic fish species. The loss of genetic diversity of the fish in the worlds second largest lake has also been accompanied by a loss of trophic diversity. The transformation of the fish community has, in Lake Victoria coincided with a profound eutrophication (algal blooms, fish kills, hypolimnetic anoxia) which might be related to alterations of the lake's food-web structure. In contrast, the introduction of a planktivore, Limnothrissa miodon into Lake Kivu and the Kariba reservoir has established highly successful fisheries with little documented effect on the pre-existing fish community or trophic ecology of the lakes. The highly endemised species-rich African Great lakes may be particularly sensitive to species introductions and require special consideration and caution when introductions are contemplated because species extinctions, introgressive hybridization and ecosystem alterations may occur following fish introductions.


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Uganda is rich in aquatic resources. Up to 17 % of the country's surface area is covered by Aquatic systems comprising five major lakes; Victoria, Albert, Kyoga, Edward, George, about 160 minor lakes, an extensive river and stream system, dams and ponds. These aquatic systems are associated with extensive swamps


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In order to evaluating Streptoccocus iniae pathogenicity recovered from trout in Fars province a total number of 400 healthy (15-20g) fingerling fish specimens which were kept in 1000 liters ponds and after spending compatibility (adaptation) period in new environment and desired condition as aspect of temperature, pH, food and density relative to accomplish disease experiments in interamusclar injection method with 3 × 10 3 , 3 × 10 4, 3 × 10 5, 3 × 10 6 ,3 × 10 7 bacterium cell dilutions per each fish, interaperitonal method with 2 × 10 3 , 2 × 10 4, 2 × 10 5, 2 × 10 6 ,2 × 10 7 dilutions of bacterium cell and in water bath method with 2 × 10 3 , 2 × 10 4, 2 × 10 5, 2 × 10 6 2 × 107 dilutions in 20 degree centigrade temperature were used. Control groups according to above (mentioned) method with 0.1cc sterile physiological serum per each fish were injected. Clinical and autopsy signs that observed in injected groups were includes: body darkness, swelling of abdomen, exophthalmy sometime with eye ocular haemorrhagy, anal (rectal) prolaps, blood congestion and petechia in muscles and congestion and haemorrhagy in intestines. Infectious results in interamusclar injection shown that, mortality 22 hours after injection begans and in 3 × 107 cells dilution per each fish 30 hours pass the injection was reached above 50 percent, so that the amount of LD50/ 30h in 3 × 10 7 cells per each fish was estimated. In interaperitonal injection method was shown those 20 hours after injection mortality begins and up to maximum 80 hours after continued and 32 hours after injection in 2 × 10 7 cells dilution mortality was reached above 50 percent, so that LD50 /32 hour in 2 × 10 7 cell dilution per each fish estimated. In water bath method even after sparing 15 days mortality had been too low which indicating long process of disease. By microscopic study of tissues, dilatation of bowman capsule, shrinkage of glomerols, increasing of melano macrophage centers, degeneration, necrosis of urine tubules in kidney tissue, dilatation of sinusoids, congestion of hepatic vessels, increasing of melanoma macrophages and hepatocite vacuolization in liver tissue, spleen congestion, heart pericardit, ocular haemorrhagy, congestion, edema and separating of basement membrane from gill secondary lamellae can be referred.


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Ornamental fish are more expensive in comparison with the other fish. It especially highlights in non-breeding fish (in imported one for importation costs). But of course, with entering the new and unhealthy fishes to aquarium or ponds, they may transmit a pathogen to others (interfere with Iran ornamental fish parasitic fauna). In this study (Dec. 2008- Sep. 2009), 400 fish gill arch from 4 species of ornamental fish (within focus on imported fish); namely, i.e. Goldfish (Carassius auratus), platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus), Dwarf gourami (Colisa lalia) and Catfish (Hypostomus plecostomus) were inspected for gill ectoparasites and then pathologic effects (but in high- affected gill). In this study, seven protozoan and ten metazoan species, indeed seventeen parasite species were identified. Protozan parasites consist of: Trichodina spp. and Ichthyophthirius multifiliis were found in four fish species; Ichthyobodo necatrix (Costia necator/C. necatrix) and Cryptobia branchialis, were respectively found in Dwarf gourami and goldfish. The highest prevalence belongs to Ichthyophthirius (47%) in platyfish. Metazoan parasites consist of: Ancyrocephalus sp. (Dwarf gourami), Ancylodiscoides spp. (catfish and platyfish), Dactylogyrus vastator, D. baueri, D. formosus (only in goldfish) and Gyrodactylus spp. (in four fish species). The highest prevalence was related to Dactylogyrus vastator(82%) in goldfish. Histological effects in case with high prevalence of parasite were also observed, e.g., hypertrophy, Lamellar hyperplasia and fusion. In high-parasitized gill, there is dysfunction of gill.