26 resultados para water prodruction, oils and greases


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A study of fishing crafts was conducted in some coastal states of Nigeria to elucidate findings on the existing crafts as the baseline for further developments. Based on the technical designs, three types of fishing crafts were identified; planked, dug-out and half dug-out canoes. The planked canoes have the largest cubic number and dug-out canoes the least. At loadwater line, the ratio of freeboard to draft was 2 : 1 for planked canoes, indicating reserved buoyancy. Trim of planked canoe is by stern; the beam-length ratio for dug-out canoes showed high drag. Most of the sea-going canoes have U-shaped bottom hull profile capable of withstanding the rigours of surf landing and displayed good stability against longitudinal water wave. Gunwale and thwarts provided respectively the longitudinal and transverse strength of planked and half dug-out canoes. With its characteristics 'weight low down' construction, planked canoe represent the climax of small scale fishing crafts developments in Nigerian coastal waters. It's only draw back is durability. Further improvement in this canoe should be aimed at increasing the hull size and stiffness, water tightness of deck by coating, caulking, fastening, increasing level of motorization and installation of deck working equipments. Experimental design and use of fibre glass, aluminium and ferrocement hulls, together with improved planked canoe is highly advocated


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Abstract The rapid growth of both formal and informal high density urban settlements around major water resources has led to increased pollution of streams, rivers, lakes and estuaries, due to contaminated runoff from these developments. The paper identified major contaminants to be : organic waste (sewage), industrial effluent, pesticides and litter. Pollutant loads vary depending on the hydrology of the urban area, local topography and soil conditions. In some instances, severe pollution of neighbouring and downstream water courses has been observed. The management of catchment land uses, riparian zones, in stream habitat, as well as in stream water flow patterns and quality are necessary in order to sustain the integrity and "health" of water resources, for fisheries and other developments. As such, attempts to ensure a certain level of water quality without attention to other aspects will not automatically ensure a "healthy" ecosystem even as fish habitat. Proper management leads to better water quality and conducive environment for increased fish production


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Limnetic crustaceans (i.e. those which live in the open water of lakes and ponds) were investigated in Esthwaite water and adjacent lakes. These are represented by two groups, Copepoda and Cladocera.


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The direct measurement of in situ respiring bacteria using 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC) shows that, especially for Gram-negative bacteria, large numbers of viable but non-culturable (VBNC) bacteria are present in finished water from a conventional water treatment plant, and the regrowth of bacteria along distribution networks can be seen rapidly by using this very sensitive technique. The level of bacterial inactivation with chlorine is much less important than has been previously supposed (based on experiments with non-injured laboratory strains of bacteria and classical culture techniques). Threshold values of VBNC bacteria leaving water treatment plants or regrowing along distribution systems have to be determined for better control of coliform regrowth and health- risks associated with the consumption of drinking water.


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Tastes and odours are amongst the few water quality standards immediately apparent to a consumer and, as a result, account for most consumer complaints about water quality. Although taste and odour problems can arise from a great many sources, from an operational point of view they are either ”predictable” or ”unpredictable”. The former - which include problems related to actinomycete and algal growth - have a tendency to occur in certain types of water under certain combinations of conditions, whereas the latter - typically chemical spills - can occur anywhere. Long-term control is one option for predictable problems, although biomanipulation on a large scale has had utile success. Detection and avoidance is a more practicable option for both predictable and unpredictable problems, particularly if the distribution network can be serviced from other sources. Where these are not feasible, then water treatment, typically using activated carbon, is possible. In general there is a reasonable understanding of what compounds cause taste and odour problems, and how to treat these. An efficient taste and odour control programme therefore relies ultimately on good management of existing resources. However, a number of problems lie outside the remit of water supply companies and will require more fundamental regulation of activities in the catchment.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): It seems that an average water year is a rare beast; 1987 was no exception. It turned out to be the ninth driest this century in Northern California's Sacramento River basin. I'd like to summarize for you some interesting facts about water year 1987 and how it affected rainfall, snowpack, runoff, and water storage in California.


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Grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, are a common inhabitant of US East and Gulf coast salt marshes and are a food source for recreationally and economically important fish and crustacean species. Due to the relationship of grass shrimp with their ecosystem, any significant changes in grass shrimp population may have the potential to affect the estuarine system. Land use is a crucial concern in coastal areas where increasing development impacts the surrounding estuaries and salt marshes and has made grass shrimp population studies a logical choice to investigate urbanization effects. Any impact on tidal creeks will be an impact on grass shrimp populations and their associated micro-environment whether predator, prey or parasitic symbiont. Anthropogenic stressors introduced into the grass shrimp ecosystem may even change the intensity of infections from parasitic symbionts. An ectoparasite found on P. pugio is the bopyrid isopod Probopyrus pandalicola. Little is known about factors that may affect the occurrence of this isopod in grass shrimp populations. The goal was to analyze the prevalence of P. pandalicola in grass shrimp in relation to land use classifications, water quality parameters, and grass shrimp population metrics. Eight tidal creeks in coastal South Carolina were sampled monthly over a three year period. The occurrence of P. pandalicola ranged from 1.2% to 5.7%. Analysis indicated that greater percent water and marsh coverage resulted in a higher incidence of bopyrid occurrence. Analysis also indicated that higher bopyrid incidence occurred in creeks with higher salinity, temperature, and pH but lower dissolved oxygen. The land use characteristics found to limit bopyrid incidence were limiting to grass shrimp (definitive host) populations and probably copepod (intermediate host) populations as well.


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On-farm research on enhancement of P. monodon production through water quality management was carried out in five ghers of Paikgacha, Khulna. Based on the prevailing condition of the ghers, lime in the form of CaCO(sub 3), urea and TSP were used as the major inputs to minimize the soil-water acidity and to ensure the availability of natural food particles in the water bodies. Exchange of water at required level also practiced for the qualitative improvement of culture water. Ghers of varying sizes showed that water quality management and fertilization have a positive impact on production performance of P. monodon (61.59% increment) that yielded an average production of 385.43 kg/ha/crop against the present traditional rate of 238.50 kg/ha/year.


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Water beetle larvae and pupae were collected from the lotic biotopes in localities of the southern part of Ceylon. The species are described and findings are related to previous investigations. The following families were represented: Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Hydrophilidae, Helodidae, Dascillidae (Eubrianacinae), Dryopidae and Lampyridae.


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Investigation on the seasonal distribution and abundance of various major taxa of phyto and zooplankton and the corresponding physico-chemical characteristics were carried out in four selected stations between the latitude 22°35.494N N-23°23.987 N and longitude 90°35.793 E- 90°49.061 E of the Meghna river system, Bangladesh. Drop count method was followed for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of both phyto- and zooplankton. A total of 41 phytoplankton genera belonging to 17 families and 13 zooplankton genera belonging to 11 families were recorded. Zooplankton growth cycle was noticeably less (3.0%) than the phytoplankton abundance almost throughout the study period. Quantity of plankton registered to increase chronologically from the upper to lower stretches of the river. During summer investigation the load of phytoplankton was recorded maximum (11,300-51,850 No/1). Ratio-wise quantitative difference between zoo- and phytoplankton in composition of the total standing crop fluctuated between 1.0:5.5 and 1:1037. Among the phytoplanktonic groups, Chlorophyceae was found to be dominating (95.0%) in all sampling stations. Protococcus, a single genus of Chlorophyceae played a unique role during summer, contributing the highest density of about 74.0%. The pattern of qualitative and quantitative difference of plankton standing crop in different sampling sites can be attributed to the existing physico-chemical characteristics, mainly water temperature, pH and hardness.


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Relationships between nutrient concentrations and water hyacinth biomass and composition have been studied in the shallow inshore bays of lakes Victoria, Kyoga and Albert. Additional information was obtained from Victoria Nile, Albert Nile and Kagera River. In this section, seasonal changes in nutrients and oxygen concentrations are used to explain changes in water hyacinth composition, biomass and distribution in Lake Victoria. Lake Victoria is of particular interest because it experienced strong hyacinth infestations in 1995, a sink in 1998 and resurgence in 2001. The lake has also been extensively sampled and provides time series data in nutrient, oxygen, mixing and thermal stratification which provide an opportunity to relate water hyacinth distribution and biomass to environmental factors. The possible origins and impacts of nutrient loads into Lake Victoria are also discussed in relation to water hyacinth proliferation and distribution especially in relation to known 'hot-spots'.