39 resultados para united nations
La pesca, incluida la acuicultura, constituye una fuente vital de alimentos, empleo, recreación, comercio y bienestar económico para las poblaciones de todo el mundo, tanto para las generaciones presentes como para las futuras y, por lo tanto, debería llevarse a cabo de forma responsable. En el presente Código se establecen principios y normas internacionales para la aplicación de prácticas responsables con miras a asegurar la conservación, la gestión y el desarrollo eficaces de los recursos acuáticos vivos, con el debido respeto del ecosistema y de la biodiversidad. El Código reconoce la importancia nutricional, económica, social, cultural y ambiental de la pesca y los intereses de todos aquellos que se relacionan con el sector pesquero. El Código toma en cuenta las características biológicas de los recursos y su medio ambiente y los intereses de los consumidores y otros usuarios. Se insta a los Estados y a todos los involucrados en la actividad pesquera para que apliquen el Código de manera effectiva. (PDF contains 53 pages)
In accordance with the recommendations of the Committee on Fisheries (COFI), FAO prepared the first draft of the technical guidelines in relation to Fishing Operations, which were submitted to the Technical Consultation on the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing, Rome, 26 September to 5 October 1994. The draft was prepared taking into account the Declaration of Cancún, Agenda 21 of United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) and the Report of the Expert Consultation on Responsible Fishing Operations, Sidney, British Colombia, Canada, 6 -11 June 1994. Thereafter, the draft was revised taking into account, the negotiations at the UN Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, the elaboration of the Code as well as developments at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) with regard to the Protocol to the Torremolinos International Convention on Fishing Vessel Safety and the new International Convention on Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Fishing Vessel Personnel, 1995. Technical Guidelines are given in support of the implementation of the Code in relation to fishing operations. These are addressed to States, international organizations, fisheries management bodies, owners, managers and charterers of fishing vessels as well as fishers and their organizations. Guidance is also given with respect to the general public. (PDF contains 93 pages)
These Guidelines have been produced to support the implementation of Article 7 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, with some reference to Article 12. They are addressed primarily to the decision-makers within fisheries management authorities and other interest groups, including fishing companies, fishers' organizations, concerned non-governmental organizations and others. The Guidelines provide a background to the need for fisheries management and an introduction to the activities encompassed by fisheries management. They introduce the major constraints experienced in fisheries and fisheries management and some of the fundamental concepts related to these. Biological, environmental, technological, socio-cultural and economic constraints and concepts are examined. Information is fundamental to responsible fisheries management and these Guidelines put emphasis on the range of data required for informed decisionmaking and examine aspects of the collection and interpretation of these data. Data are discussed in terms of three suggested scales in fisheries management: fisheries policy and development planning, formulation of management plans and implementation of management action. The range of possible management actions is outlined. This includes technical measures, such as gear restrictions, and more direct approaches in the form of direct catch limitation or effort limitation. The problems associated with open access fisheries are explained and comments made on the means to limit access and obstacles which may be encountered in this process. Finally, the Guidelines examine the management process. This section covers the process of agreeing on a management plan for a fishery, including the need for consultation and, where appropriate, cooperative decision-making. The need for periodic review of management plans is stressed. The importance of an effective legal framework, institutional and administrative structures and monitoring control and surveillance are described. (PDF contains 91 pages)
These guidelines have been produced to support the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries particularly with regard to the need for responsibility in the post– harvest sector of the fish producing industry. The industry that produces fish for food has three major areas of responsibility: to the consumer of the food to ensure that it is safe to eat, is of expected quality and nutritional value, to the resource to ensure that it is not wasted and to the environment to ensure that negative impacts are minimized. In addition the industry has a responsibility to itself to ensure the continued ability of many millions of people throughout the world to earn a gainful living from working within the industry. Article 11.1 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and other related parts of the Code are concerned particularly with these responsibilities. This publication provides annotation to and guidance on these articles to assist those charged with implementation of the Code to identify possible courses of action necessary to ensure that the industry is conducted in a sustainable manner. (PDF contains 42 pages)
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ENGLISH: During 1961 the government of Ecuador, with the financial assistance of the Special Fund of the United Nations and the technical assistance of FAO experts, initiated an extensive program of fisheries research centered in a fisheries institute established in Guayaquil. In cooperation with this program, and in connection with Ecuador's adherence in 196l to the Convention for the Establishment of an Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, a two-and-a-half year investigation of the ecology of the Gulf of Guayaquil and adjacent waters was started by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission. SPANISH: En 1961 el gobierno del Ecuador con el apoyo financiro del Fondo Especial de las Naciones Unidas y la asistencia tenica de los expertos de la FAO, inicio un programa extensivo de investigacion pesquera centralizado en el instituto de pesquerias establecido en Guayaquil. En cooperacion con este programa y en conexion con la adhesion del Ecuador en 1961 a la Convencion para el establecimiento de una Comision Interamericana del Atun Tropical, se comenzo por esta misma Comision una investigacion de dos anos y medio sobre la ecologia del Golfo de Guayaquil y las aguas adyacentes. (PDF contains 1532 pages.)
ENGLISH: During 1961 the government of Ecuador, with the financial assistance of the Special Fund of the United Nations and the technical assistance of FAO experts, initiated an extensive program of fisheries research centered in a fisheries institute established in Guayaquil. In cooperation with this program, and in connection with Ecuador's adherence in 1961 to the Convention for the Establishment of an Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, a two-and-a-half year investigation of the ecology of the Gulf of Guayaquil and adjacent waters was started by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission. SPANISH: Durante 1961 el gobierno ecuatoriano con el apoyo financiero del Fondo Especial de las Naciones Unidas y la ayuda técnica de los expertos de la FAO, inició un programa extensivo de investigación pesquera, centralizado en el instituto pesquero establecido en Guayaquil. En cooperación con este programa y en conexión a la afiliaci6n del Ecuador a la Convención, en 1961, para el establecimiento de una Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical, Cue iniciada por la Comisión una investigación de dos aftos y medio sobre la ecología del Golfo de Guayaquil y de las aguas adyacentes. (PDF contains 501 pages.)
Das am 16. November 1994 in Kraft getretene Seerechtsübereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) regelt völkerrechtlich alle Nutzungsarten der Meere. Die dort erlassenen Vorschriften beschränken sich auf allgemeine Rechtsgrundsätze, seerechtliche Kompetenzregelungen und Staatenverpflichtungen zum Erlaß internationaler und nationaler Regelungen. Das Vertragswerk bezieht den marinen Umweltschutz, einen Kernbereich globaler Umweltpolitik, ausdrücklich mit ein. Wesentlich konkreter in der Umsetzung umweltpolitischer Ziele sind die internationalen Übereinkommen zum Schutz der Meeresumwelt. Für den in Abbildung 1 gezeigten Teil des Nordostatlantiks einschließlich der Nordsee existieren derartige Übereinkommen bereits seit 1972 durch das OSLO und PARIS Übereinkommen und für die gesamte Ostsee seit 1974 durch das HELSINKI Übereinkommen. Im Lichte des heutigen Umweltverständnisses und unter Berücksichtigung des weiterentwickelten Seerechts wurden beide Übereinkommen 1992 neu gefaßt. Die politischen Veränderungen haben insbesondere im Ostseeraum auch zu geographischen Erweiterungen geführt. Die mit der Novellierung der jeweiligen Übereinkommen verbundene Neuorganisation ist weiterhin selbstverständlich von den Erfahrungen aus der zwanzigjährigen Überwachungstätigkeit und dem in dieser Zeit durch die Meeresforschung gewachsenen Wissen geprägt.
Thirty-nine participants from 18 countries, including women fishworkers, representatives of fishworker organizations and NGOs, activists and researchers, met at Mahabalipuram, India, during 7-10 July 2010, to discuss the theme “Recasting the Net: Defining a Gender Agenda for Sustaining Life and Livelihoods in Fishing Communities”. The workshop was meant to reflect on what needs to be done to develop a ‘gender agenda’ for sustaining life and livelihoods in fisheries. It was also organized against the backdrop of the growing international recognition of small-scale fisheries and efforts to enhance their contribution to food security and poverty alleviation, as evidenced in the deliberations of the the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). This publication—the proceedings of the Mahabalipuram workshop—will be useful for fishworker organizations, gender activists, researchers, policymakers, fish farmers, members of civil society and anyone interested in gender, fisheries and livelihoods. (PDF contains 89 pages)
Two working parties, the Working Party on Tuna Tagging in the Pacific and Indian Oceans and the Working Party on Tuna Tagging in the Atlantic and Adjacent Seas, were formed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAD) of the United Nations in 1966 (Anonymous, 1966c). The conveners of these working parties were Dr. James Joseph of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) and Mr. FrankJ. Mather, III, of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). In 1969 it was recommended that the working parties direct their attention toward billfishes, as well as tunas (Anonymous, 1969h: 5). One report (Joseph and working party, 1969) was published by the Pacific and Indian Oceans group and two (Mather and working party, 1969 and 1972) were published by the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas group. Each of the three working party reports included a bibliography of tuna and billfish tagging. The compiler of this bibliography, beginning in 1970, prepared numerous memoranda to the members of the working party, most of which included lists of papers on tuna and billfish tagging which had come to his attention, either directly or through members of the working party. The bibliographies in the three working party reports and the lists of references in the memoranda form the basis for the present bibliography.
In 1979 at the request of the Comision Permanente del Pacifico Sur, staff members of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission prepared synopses of eight species of scombrid fishes. These are to be published in Spanish in Revista de la Comision Permanente del Pacifico Sur, number 11, in 1980. This volume contains English versions of those synopses. The Spanish and English versions are not identical, however, the latter having been updated and somewhat modified after the Spanish versions were submitted for publication. These synopses follow closely the format prepared by Rosa (1965) for the synopses to be published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and cooperating organizations. However, instead of preparing detailed taxonomic reviews of the individual species, the taxonomic information for all of the scombrids and billfishes has been put into a separate chapter.
From the Conquest to Ecotourism: Environmental Consequences of Human Activities in Coastal Argentina
Fish processing and quality control in Malawi are still poorly developed. Traditional fish processing methods are widely employed resulting in considerable post-harvest losses. One of the major challenges to steady and sustainable development in fish processing and quality management is the lack of adequately trained personel. This is directly reflected in poor institutional capacity. This project analyses the situation in fish processing and quality management in Malawi to identify gaps that require improvement. Specifically, the project assesses the role of training institutions in Malawi in capacity building for fish processing and quality management. The institution under discussion in this project is the Aquaculture and Fisheries Science Department at Bunda College of Agriculture, Malawi which is responsible for training students in aquaculture and fisheries science at the undergraduate level.Improvement in the teaching of fish processing and quality management in the Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Science was identified as the major gap requiring action. The current teaching syllabus was thus analysed to identify weak areas. In conclusion, the project developed (as the major output) a teaching handbook for the Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Science.