21 resultados para top predators
The purpose of this paper is to summarize the biggest northern California floods of the 20th century. Flooding in California can occur from different causes. At least three types of floods occur: 1. Winter general floods, which cover a large area. 2. Spring and early summer snowmelt floods unique to the higher-elevation central and southern Sierra Nevada, which occur about once in 10 years on the average. 3. Local floods from strong thunderstorms, with intense rain over a relatively small area. These originate in moist tropical or subtropical air and include the flash floods of the desert and other areas of southern California when remnants of eastern Pacific hurricanes get carried into the state.
Three nematodes, two acanthocephalans and three cestodes were collected by dissecting 15 species of fish. Of these parasites only Hedruris sp. a larval nematode is responsible directly for the death of fish, since it is found in predatory species a reduction of these might prove of considerable consequence to fish, production. Bothriocephalus gowleonensis, a cestode probably introduced from China with Chinese carp, was recorded in an indigenous carp Puntius sarana. This parasite causes heavy mortality in grass carp in China and is a potential danger to local species. A single crustacean parasite was recorded. It is likely that they are widespread. No protozoa were recorded but there can be little doubt that they occur in local freshwater species and may be of considerable importance in fisheries. Several predators (insects, fish and other vertebrates) were recorded and are doubtless of considerable importance. However, the role of parasites and of predators (especially fishes) in relation to the productivity of fisheries can hardly be assessed at present and needs further study. A study of the fauna found at the shallow edges of 21 irrigation reservoirs showed an abundance of fauna in the low-country reservoirs whilst the up-country reservoirs had a poor fauna. The fauna showed insects, crustacea and mollusca in this order of abundance. The presence of insect and molluscs feeding fish in our fauna shows that these rich sources of food are being utilised.
The toxicity of Croton tiglium seed is very effective in the eradication of most of the aquatic fauna except a few species of hard shelled crustaceans such as crabs and prawns which are resistant to even very high concentrations of it. Its toxicity ranged between 0.4 and 2.2 p.p.m. for different species of fishes. Application of homogenized C. tiglium seed at the rate of 10 kg/ha (0.5 m depth) is found effective for the eradication of aquatic pests and predators of fish farms. While its toxicity lasts for 5-8 days in still water ponds, it is only for 1-3 days in tidal ponds with frequent replenishment of water. This method is thus most useful for the initial preparation of the ponds for pisciculture.