172 resultados para fish farming activities


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Information on socio-economic framework of the fish farmer community forms a benchmark for policy formulation to develop this economically backward sector. Very few studies have been conducted on the socio-economic aspect of fish farming. Two districts of Assam, Darrang and Nagaon, were selected for this study where 120 respondents from each district were selected randomly. The characteristics representing the personnel and socio-economic attributes of the fish farmers are presented in this paper. The socio-economic status of fish farmers has to be improved by bringing the modern concepts of fish farming to the doorstep of farmers.


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Aquaculture can be considered as a rapidly growing sector in many Indian states including Uttar Pradesh. The impressive overall upward trend in fish production is likely to continue in future years as there are plenty of unutilized or underutilized fishery resources in the state. In spite of the growing popularity of aquaculture in the state, fish farmers have been experiencing financial, social and technical constraints in fish farming practices. These constraints are adversely affecting farmers in obtaining expected fish yields and income. In this study, the most common problem areas were identified, analysed and ranked on the basis of farmers' perception.


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The article discusses offshore fish farming, which is commonly practiced in some countries in Asia, North and South America, and Europe. Environmental factors such as the exposure of the cage to wind and waves, and its management are also discussed.


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Integrated agriculture-cum-fish farming has been practised profitably for ages in the Chinese small-scale farming system. There is a great potential for this system by utilizing the vast Nigerian flood plains (approx. 515,000 ha). Dogongari Bay in Lake Kainji Basin was identified as a suitable site for this system after some extensive fish culture trials. Polyculture of Clarias spp., Heterotis niloticus and Tilapia was proposed for integration with layers in the poultry house, 2-ha upland rain-fed rice farming and indirect cattle rearing in the 5-ha enclosure site. Cost benefit analysis showed that the system will consistently record profit as from the second year of operation. Various complex factors were identified to affect profitability of this mixed farming system. Concerted research approach is needed to fully understand the interrelationships of the various components of this integrated system. Generous funding of research activities is very crucial in this situation


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The study examines the integration of cultural, economic and environmental requirements for fish production in Borno State, Nigeria. A reconnaissance survey was conducted transferring some selected Local Government Areas. 60 questionnaires were administered in the six Local Governments representing Southern Borno State with Biu and Shani, central Borno with Konduga & Jere and Northern Borno with Gubia and Kukawa respectively. There is no cultural constraint to fish production but about 63% prefers to invest in other farming activities than in fish farming. 33% are not aware that fish can be cultured apart from getting it from the wild. 35% have the impression that fish farming ventures can be handled by government only. The economic earnings for fish production are high especially in some parts of Northern Borno, but the Local market potentials throughout the state are great. Nigeria has suitable soil for ponds apart from few locations at the central and Northern Borno that are made by sandy soil. Numerous perennial and seasonal rivers, streams, lakes, pools and flood plains adequate for fish culture especially in Southern Borno exist. The mean annual rainfall can result in some water storage in ponds. In areas where the annual precipitation is less than 550mm, exist few flow boreholes with potentials for fish production. The temperature regime may support growth and survival of fish even during the hottest months of the year (March, April and May). With the understanding and manipulation of these requirements, fish production in Nigeria can be greatly enhanced


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Fish production on Malawian smallholdings is generally limited by the quantity and quality of inputs to the pond (Brummett and Noble 1995). The timing of labor availability and other farm activities limit the amount farmers put into their ponds resulting in lower growth rates and yields. There is potential for improving production and yields through modifications of production schedules to accommodate other farming activities. Limited material and labor inputs among farming system enterprises can be better allocated by considering seasonal availability of inputs and adapting the pond and fish farming technology to the farming system. This case from Malawi demonstrates that aquaculture technology that neglects the annual cycle of events and constraints on the farm will not be easily integrated into the farming system. Focusing on technology that maximizes fish production rather than facilitation of adoption and integration has been a feature of the majority of African smallholder agriculture/aquaculture projects. Farming Systems Research (FSR) must identify niches and opportunities for system improvement for it to be worth supporting as a development intervention.


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Although brackishwater prawn and fish culture was traditionally practiced for a long time in the country, efforts at sea farming are still in their infancy. During the past 15 years the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute has developed various technologies for sea farming of mussels, pearl oysters, production of cultured pearls, edible oysters, clams, prawns, lobsters, seaweeds and more recently sea cucumbers and top shells. The paper outlines recent developments in these areas as well as in others like sea ranching of marine prawns and pearl oyster, and scope for enlarging sea farming activities including development of artificial reefs in India.


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Problems in India regarding the management of various coastal saline soil and waterlogged environments are discussed in detail, considering in particular the potential application of mixed fish farming systems. Various operational and cost requirements of such systems are examined.


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This study examines the relative profitability of rice-fish culture and rice mono-crop production at Gouripur thana of Mymensingh district. The results of the study show that the rice-fish farming was economically more rewarding than the rice mono-crop farming, although both the farming activities were found profitable over cash as well as full costs. In addition to extra earnings from fish, the rice-fish farming produced significantly a higher yield of rice requiring very minimum extra cost for fish. Rice-fish farming also reduced variability in yield of and return from rice.


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A study on the status of fisheries and environmental impact assessment (EIA) was conducted on Bashundhara Baridhara Housing Project (BBHP), Dhaka, Bangladesh for prediction and measure the effects of housing project related development activities that have already been implemented and planned for future implementation. The project is still under development phase and so far allotted 10,000 plots of different sizes. The study shows that the original water bodies and natural fish production there from have greatly declined due to earth filling carried out for development of land for the housing. The physico-chemical parameters of the existing water body within the project area were found to be suitable for fish farming in the estate. A number of economically important fish species are found available in the existing lake. However, the natural fisheries resources of the existing lake is under great stress due to the changes made in the ecosystem, siltation, construction of building and dumping of house building and household waste materials. This has caused some important fish species of the lake to become critically endangered and vulnerable which have been documented in this paper. Appropriate regulatory and mitigating measures with respect to water management, disposal of construction garbage and other biomedical toxic substances far away from the water bodies are required to be taken to keep the water safe and suitable for fish production as well as for multipurpose use of the lake water.


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This study examines the relative profitability of pond aquaculture (polyculture and monoculture of silver barb) under BRAC supervision in Trishal Upazila, Mymensingh district in Bangladesh. The results of the study showed that polyculture was economically more rewarding than monoculture, though both the farming activities were profitable. Production function analysis proved that inputs such as fingerlings, fertilizer, feed and manure had positive impact on output. Human labor and insecticides were over used. The coefficients had expected signs and were found to be very significant.


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The evolutionary process of converting low-lying paddy fields into fish farms and its impact on agrarian communities in some selected areas of Mymensingh district were studied. This study was conducted through participatory rural appraisal (PRA) covering 12 villages from each of selected upazillas viz. Fulpur and Haluaghat of Mymensing [sic] district. A total of 12 PRA sessions were conducted where 90 farmers participated during 29 July to 26 August 2004. It is seen that the use of low-lying paddy fields was mostly confined to Broadcast Aman (B. Aman) rice production until 1960s. With the introduction of modern rice farming technology, the farmers started to produce Boro rice in Rabi season and B. Aman rice in Kharif season. With the passage of time, aquaculture technologies have been evolved and the farmers realized that fish farming is more profitable than rice cultivation, and then they started to utilize their paddy fields for alternate rice-fish farming and rice-cum-fish farming. Now a days, aquaculture based crop production system is in practice in more than 25% of the low-lying paddy fields. Conversion of rice fields in to fish ponds has brought up a change in the livelihood patterns of the rural farmers. The areas where the farmers involved themselves in the new production systems were fingerling collection, transportation and marketing of fry and fingerlings. During 1960s to 1970s, a few people used to culture fish in the permanent ponds for their own consumption, the species produced were rohu, catla, mrigal, ghainna, long whiskered catfish, freshwater shark (boal), snake head (shol) etc. Small fishes like climbing perch, stinging catfish, walking catfish, barb, minnows etc. were available in the rice fields during monsoon season. In 1980s to mid 1990s, some rice fields were converted into fish ponds and the people started to produce fish for commercial purposes. When rice-fish farming became profitable, a large number of people started converting their rice fields in to rice-fish culture ponds. Culture of some exotic fishes like silver carp, tilapia, grass carp, silver barb etc. also started in the paddy fields. Higher income from fish farming contributed positively in improving the housing, sanitation and education system in the study areas. It is seen that the medium and medium high lands were only used for alternate rice fish farming. The net income was high in any fish based cropping system that motivated the farmers to introduce fish based cropping system in the low-lying inland areas. As a result, the regional as well as communal income disparities occurred. However, the extraction of ground water became common during the dry period as the water was used for both rice and fish farming. Mass conversion of paddy fields into rice-fish culture ponds caused water logging in the study areas. In most cases, the participated farmers mentioned that they could be easily benefited by producing fish with T. Aman or only fish during the monsoon season. They agreed that this was an impressive technology to them and they could generate employment opportunities throughout the year. Finally, the social, economic and technical problems which are acting as constraints to rapid expansion of fish production system were reported from the interviewee.


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Fish are an important part of Bangladeshi culture and diet. Bangladesh ranks among the top five freshwater fish producers in the world. Fish are abundant in the thousands of rivers, ponds, lakes and seasonal floodplains across the country. They are a major source of protein for people living near these water bodies. In Bangladesh, many households depend on fish farming for their livelihood. By growing fish in homestead ponds, households have a consistent supply of nutritious fish and can sell the surplus for an income. The USAID-funded Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia in Bangladesh (CSISA-BD) aimed to increase the income of farming households through increased productivity of aquaculture systems. Key activities of the project included developing and disseminating appropriate improved agricultural technology and quality fish seeds to improve livelihoods, food security and nutrition.