26 resultados para feminine characters


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About 72 species of Sebastes (Family Scorpaenidae) are found along the eastern Pacific coast of North America, some of which are heavily exploited by both commercial and sport fisheries. Because of the large number of species, the identification of early life stages has progressed slowly. The objectives of this study were 1) to rear the larvae of four species of rockfish (Sebastes mystinus, S. carnatus, S. atrovirens, and S. rastrelliger); and 2) to describe the larvae using morphometric measurements, pigmentation patterns, and head spination. Pigmentation was the most useful feature for identification purposes. Two general patterns were found: 1) a short row of ventral midline melanophores on the tail, and none or very little postero-dorsal pigmentation (S. mystinus); and 2) complete ventral midline pigmentation on the tail, and anterior and postero-dorsal melanophores (S. carnatus, S. atrovirens, and S. rastrelliger). With the exception of very early stages of S. carnatus and S. atrovirens, these species can be readily identified. Morphometric proportions and head spination did not show major differences among species. Because of the great similarities found among species in this genus, descriptions from field studies are uncertain to some extent. Laboratory rearings, although difficult, can at least provide early larvae from known species which allow precise identification as well as an estimation ofvariability of characters (e.g., pigmentation) within and between broods.(PDF file contains 22 pages.)


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This laboratory guide presents taxonomic information on eggs and larvae of fishes of the Northeast Pacific Ocean (north of California) and the eastern Bering Sea. Included are early-life-history series, illustrations, and comparative descriptions of 232 species expected to spawn here, out of a total 627 species known to occur in marine waters of this area. Meristic and general life-history data are included, as well as diagnostic characters to help identify eggs and larvae. Most of this information has been gleaned from literature, with the addition of 200 previously unpublished illustrations. (PDF file contains 654 pages.)


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The cephalopods found in neritic waters of the northeastern United States include myopsid and oegopsid squids, sepiolid squids, and octopods. A key with diagnostic illustrations is provided to aid in identification of the eleven species common in the neritic waters between Cape Hatteras and Nova Scotia; included also is information on two oceanic species that occur over the continental shelf in this area and that can be confused with similar-looking neritic species. Other sections comprise a glossary of taxonomic characters used for identification of these species, an annotated systematic checklist, and checklists of the 89 other oceanic species and 18 Carolinian and subtropical neritic species that might occur occasionally off the northeastern United States. (PDF file contains 30 pages.)


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Larvae of Oxylebius pictus, Zaniolepis sp., Ophiodon elongatus, Hexagrommos stelleri, H. decagrammus, H. lagocephalus, H. octogrammus, and Pleurogrammus monopterygius are described and illustrated from field collections which were supplemented by laboratory reared specimens of some species. Larvae hatch at a rather large size (3-9 mm), are heavily pigmented, and undergo direct development to an epipelagic prejuvenile stage. Larvae or the five genera are separable on the basis of body shape, pigmentation, and meristic characters. Larvae or the four species of Hexagrammos, which are quite similar in appearance, are separable on the basis of a combination of several pigmentation characters. Developmental evidence indicates that Oxylebius and Zaniolepis are similar to each other and are more similar to presumed primitive coUids than the other included genera. Ophiodon is dissimilar to the other four genera. Pleurogrammus and Hexagrommos have similar appearing larvae. Among the species of Hexagrammos a progression or increasing larval pigmentation can be seen from H. stelleri to H. decagrammus, H. lagocephalus, and H. octogrammus. (PDF file contains 50 pages.)


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Elkhorn Slough was first exposed to direct tidal forcing from the waters of Monterey Bay with the construction of Moss Landing Harbor in 1946. Elkhorn Slough is located mid-way between Santa Cruz and Monterey close to the head of Monterey Submarine Canyon. It follows a 10 km circuitous path inland from its entrance at Moss Landing Harbor. Today, Elkhorn Slough is a habitat and sanctuary for a wide variety of marine mammals, fish, and seabirds. The Slough also serves as a sink and pathway for various nutrients and pollutants. These attributes are directly or indirectly affected by its circulation and physical properties. Currents, tides and physical properties of Elkhorn Slough have been observed on an irregular basis since 1970. Based on these observations, the physical characteristics of Elkhorn Slough are examined and summarized. Elkhorn Slough is an ebb-dominated estuary and, as a result, the rise and fall of the tides is asymmetric. The fact that lower low water always follows higher high water and the tidal asymmetry produces ebb currents that are stronger than flooding currents. The presence of extensive mud flats and Salicornia marsh contribute to tidal distortion. Tidal distortion also produces several shallow water constituents including the M3, M4, and M6 overtides and the 2MK3 and MK3 compound tides. Tidal elevations and currents are approximately in quadrature; thus, the tides in Elkhorn Slough have some of the characters of a standing wave system. The temperature and salinity of lower Elkhorn Slough waters reflect, to a large extent, the influence of Monterey Bay waters, whereas the temperature and salinity of the waters of the upper Slough (>5 km from the mouth) are more sensitive to local processes. During the summer, temperature and salinity are higher in the upper slough due to local heating and evaporation. Maximum tidal currents in Elkhorn Slough have increased from approximately 75 to 120 cm/s over the past 30 years. This increase in current speed is primarily due to the change in tidal prism which has increased from approximately 2.5 to 6.2 x 106 m3 between 1956 and 1993. The increase in tidal prism is the result of both 3 rapid man-made changes to the Slough, and the continuing process of tidal erosion. Because of the increase in the tidal prism, the currents in Elkhorn Slough exhibit positive feedback, a process with uncertain consequences. [PDF contains 55 pages]


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ENGLISH: Morphometric data from yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, were collected from various locations in the eastern Pacific Ocean during 1974 to 1976, to assess geographic and temporal variation of morphometric characters. The data were statistically adjusted, using allometric formulae to partition size. Discriminant analyses were applied to the adjusted morphometric characters. Yellowfin sampled from north of 15°N-20oN were different from those sampled from south of 15°N-20oN. The absence of any clinal relationships between morphometric characters and latitude or longitude suggests a pattern of somewhat distinct regional groups. These results clearly demonstrate geographic variation in morphometric characters of yellowfin in the eastern Pacific Ocean, which suggests differences between the life histories of the northern and southern groups. SPANISH: Entre 1974 Y1976 se tomaron datos morfométricos de atunes aleta amarilla, Thunmus albacares, de varios lugares en el Océano Pacífico oriental, a fin de evaluar la variación geográfica y temporal de los caracteres morfométricos. Se ajustaron los datos estadísticamente, usando fórmulas alométricas para eliminar los efectos del tamaño. Se aplicaron análisis discriminantes a los caracteres morfométricos ajustados. Aletas amarillas muestreados provenientes del norte de 15°N-20°N eran diferentes a aquellos muestreados del sur de 15°N -20°N. La falta de una relación clinal entre los caracteres morfométricos y latitud o longitud sugiere la existencia de grupos regionales algo distintos. Estos resultados demuestran claramente una variación geográfica en los caracteres morfométricos del aleta amarilla en el Océano Pacífico oriental, la cual sugiere diferencias en los ciclos vitales de los grupos del norte y del sur. (PDF contains 41 pages.)


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ENGLISH: It is important to the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission to know whether the anchoveta (Cetengraulis mysticetus), the principal tuna bait species in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean, is composed of one or several populations. Earlier research indicated that, on the basis of significant differences in certain meristic counts, populations of this species in six of the major baiting localities between Mexico and Peru, should provisionally be considered as separate stocks. Since that time, additional collections of anchovetas have been obtained from these and other intervening localities. Purpose of the present study was to confirm the results of the earlier work, and to determine whether the differences in the meristic counts persisted from year to year, as well as to examine certain morphometric characters of the fish from these areas, and to learn whether the populations from the other localities are also separate entities. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical está interesada en saber si la anchoveta (Ceteugrautís mvsticetus}, la principal especie usada como cebo para la pesca del atún en el Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical, está compuesta de una o de varias poblaciones. Investigaciones previas indicaron que, a base de diferencias significativas encontradas en ciertos caracteres numéricos, las poblaciones de esta especie en seis de las principales localidades entre México y Perú, podían ser consideradas provisionalmente como pertenecientes a "stocks'' separados. Desde entonces se han venido haciendo recolecciones adicionales de anchovetas en éstas y otras localidades intermedias. El propósito del presente trabajo ha sido confirmar los resultados obtenidos previamente, y determinar si las diferencias en los caracteres numéricos han persistido de un año a otro, así como examinar ciertos caracteres morfométricos en los peces de estas áreas, y resolver si las poblaciones de las nuevas localidades muestreadas son también entidades diferentes. (PDF contains 76 pages.)


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Morphometric measurements, meristic counts and comparative studies of Chrysicthys nigrodigitatus samples from Lagos, Lekki, and Badagry Lagoons was carried out to determine the amount of variation among the species from the different locations using seven meristic and two morphometric characters. Significant differences were observed only between the headlength (F==14.02; P<00.05), number of anal rays (F=19.9; P<0.05) and of gill raker counts (F=142.0, 160.94; P<0.05). The differences observed in the meristic characters could be attributed to environmental and climatic differences of the three isolated sites and therefore phenotypic rather than genetic. This study is valuable for the selection of quality strains of fish species for aquaculture production


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In recent times, some specialists have begun to study the subject of food selection of fish in an organized way, thus highlighting its importance. In the present work, the author intends to evaluate the impact of predation on the eupelagic zooplanktonic biocenosis of Lake Maggiore, producing, in this way, as far as possible, a basis for a better understanding of the population dynamics of the species of zooplankton directly involved. Another aspect which has been studied is that related to the mechanism of selective capture set in action by the predator. To this end the study tries to bear in mind that the subject should be interpreted as a function of numerous factors acting contemporaneously, that is as the interaction of characters peculiar to the predator and to the prey. The species studied, locally called ”bondella”, belongs to the family Salmonidae, subfamily Coregoninae and was introduced into Lake Maggiore in 1950.


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Comparative studies of the structure and regeneration of tissues in different vertebrates make it possible to get ideas from the evolution and regeneration potential of tissues. In this study are considered the reactive changes in the liver of larvae of the amphibian Rana temporaria to CC14 of different concentrations. Tadpoles of different sizes and different growth were placed once each day every day in a vessel with a determined solution of CC14 in water. The liver of tadpoles has a distinctive structure. It is distinguished by structure not only from the liver of higher vertebrates, but also from the liver of the adult frogs. The liver of the latter has an insignificant amount of fat and a whole series of other characters not typical of the liver of the tadpole. Placing the tadpoles in a solution of CCl4 with a concentration of 0.1% did not produce in the liver noticeable morphological changes. The author concludes that the absence of degenerative changes in the liver tadpoles, in spite of a high percentage of death of the experimental animals, tells of the well-known resistance of their liver to the influence of CC14.


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Laboratory research was done in order to study the feeding of larval Cricotopus silvestris F. in relation to characters of structure of oral apparatus. Results of the experiments are summarised and the oral apparatus morhologically described.