99 resultados para brown-out


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Comparative studies of the structure and regeneration of tissues in different vertebrates make it possible to get ideas from the evolution and regeneration potential of tissues. In this study are considered the reactive changes in the liver of larvae of the amphibian Rana temporaria to CC14 of different concentrations. Tadpoles of different sizes and different growth were placed once each day every day in a vessel with a determined solution of CC14 in water. The liver of tadpoles has a distinctive structure. It is distinguished by structure not only from the liver of higher vertebrates, but also from the liver of the adult frogs. The liver of the latter has an insignificant amount of fat and a whole series of other characters not typical of the liver of the tadpole. Placing the tadpoles in a solution of CCl4 with a concentration of 0.1% did not produce in the liver noticeable morphological changes. The author concludes that the absence of degenerative changes in the liver tadpoles, in spite of a high percentage of death of the experimental animals, tells of the well-known resistance of their liver to the influence of CC14.


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Ihale is a large landing site lying approximately 65 km. from Mwanza along the main Mwanza-Musoma highway. Ihale Beach was selected as a potential candidate for the 3-beaches study because of its proximity to Mwanza, and hence suitability for frequent monitoring; and because it is served by a road accessible during the rainy seasons. As with the first training Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) on Kiumba Beach on Kenya's Rusinga Island, the objectives with this PRA were as follows: (a) To identify and understand Ihale's community-based organizations and institutions which have a role in the lake's fishery. (b) To consider the key issues which arise from this study for the involvement of communities and community-based organizations and/or institutions such as those at Ihale Beach, in the co-management of Lake Victoria's fishery.


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This document contains the findings of the second Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) carried out under the LVFRP. Its principal objectives were to develop base-line information on a Ugandan beach for the 3-beaches survey of the LVFRP.


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This document contains the findings of the third Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) carried out on Obenge Beach in Kenya, from the 23rd to the 26th of June 2000, under the LVFRP. Its principal objectives were to develop base-line information on a Kenyan beach for the 3-beaches survey of the LVFRP.


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This document contains the findings of the fourth Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) carried out under the LVFRP. Its principal objectives were to develop base-line information on a Ugandan beach for the 3-beaches survey of the LVFRP.


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This paper comprises part of the so-called "3-beaches Survey" of the LVFRP. In Tanzania, this study has developed to examine two landing sites (Mwasonge and Ihale), and to chart the progress of the newly established Beach Management Units (BMU) at each beach, comparing one BMU against the other. The over-arching objective of this survey was to develop an understanding of the context in which Mwasonge's fishery exists. The study does so by examining the community's history, culture and beliefs, various other socio-cultural factors, their resources, society and economy, wealth and the community's perceptions of wealth. Importantly, the survey examines the community's institutions and its perceptions of fishing rules and changes within the fishery. All of these facets of community life are examined with the use of participatory Rural Appraisal tools, and the images that the study generated are reproduced herein.


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During 1978 and 1979, electrofishing surveys were made in Teesdale - both to provide background information for ecological work on the streams, and to provide data so that the influence of discharge regime on the fish population densities could be examined. The discharge regimes of the different streams were compared using the Base Flow Index (BFI) as developed by the Institute of Hydrology. (PDF contains 30 pages)


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A study has been undertaken on several streams in Teesdale (UK)in order to examine survival rates of intragravel stages of brown trout and the factors influencing survival. Although all the becks contained brown trout spawning areas, some were utilised by more spawning trout than others. The best spawning sites as judged by this criterion were Thorsgill and Great Eggleshope becks where the research effort was therefore concentrated. There were two different spawning areas in Eggleshope, namely Great Eggleshope beck itself and Great Eggleshope spring fed tributary (Esft), data from these two areas are analysed separately in most parts of the text.


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Brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Teesdale lay their eggs in the streambed gravels in the Autumn, here the eggs slowly develop to emerge as young fry in the Spring. Whilst the eggs are in the gravel they are vulnerable to displacement by high water velocities. Eggs removed in this way are not thought to remain viable since they are very susceptible to death through physical shock - especially in the earlier stages of development. Streams in Teesdale are known to be amongst the most flashy in England and thus are good sites in which to study egg washout. Three field sites were used for the study of egg washout in Teesdale - Great Eggleshope, Thorsgill and Carl becks. This report describes preliminary studies of a varied nature into this subject from which an attempt is made to assess the importance of egg washout to the survival of brown trout in Teesdale.


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Scholars recently derived simple models from published data for the prediction from water temperature of hatching times for the eggs of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). A similar model to predict eyeing time for salmon eggs was obtained and used in this study, largely by analogy, to develop equations which might be used to obtain very approximate estimates of eyeing and swim-up times for salmon and brown trout. As the models were based on data for constant temperatures and some of them also had a very inadequate data base, it was desirable that they should be tested, as far as possible, against field and hatchery observations. The present report is a brief summary based on such data as have been obtained to date. None of the data sets were ideal for the purpose and the various inadequacies are discussed later in this report.


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At high stream discharges salmonid eggs can he displaced from the gravel and may drift downstream. It has been suggested that developing salmonid eggs may be killed by ”physical shock”, especially during the period before ”eyeing”. Similarly, a progress report by the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission (1966) states that salmonid eggs are most sensitive during the period between fertilisation and blastopore closure. However, it would seem unlikely that this sensitivity actually begins at the time of fertilisation because, in nature, a period, perhaps measured in hours, must occur during which the newly-fertilised eggs are exposed to physical shock during the deposition of gravel over them as a result of the cutting activity of the female fish. The present report describes simple channel experiments designed to answer the two questions: 1. After release of eggs from the gravel, does the process of drifting downstream, which implies some physical shock through movement and impact, decrease the survival of salmonid eggs? 2. Is the survival rate-influenced by the stage of development of the eggs?


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An article discussing the factors affecting the rate of growth of brown trout, detailing the research udnertaken at Wray Castle, designed to clarify the influencing factors in different waters and investigate what would be required to increase their size. The article considers factors such as alkalinity, total hardness, the presence of coarse fish in the waterbodies and competition for food. Previous work undertaken on brown trout in Ireland by other authors is reviewed. A figure showing average growth rate of brown trout in five lakes, as determined from their scales (Lough Derg, Windermere, Loch Leven, Ullswater, Haweswater).


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It is generally accepted by fish culturists that salmonid eggs are sensitive to mechanical shock and that the sensitivity varies with the stage of development of the eggs. In general, the period of greatest sensitivity is thought to occur between fertilization and ”eyeing”. However, it is reasonable to expect that, during a period (perhaps of several hours) following fertilization, sensitivity will be low because in nature during this period the eggs may be subject to some mechanical shock caused by the parent fish covering them with gravel. In 1983-4 and 1984-5 experiments were performed on brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) eggs to examine the effect of a standard mechanical shock (c. 2,500 eggs in 1983-4 and c. 8,400 eggs in 1984-5) at various stages of development upon survival to hatching and time of hatching.The results of these experiments are reported in this study.


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A number of authors have described the manner in which young salmonids, soon after emergence from the gravel, set up and defend territories. This leads to mortality or downstream displacement of the individuals which are unable to acquire territories and is widely accepted as the main method of population regulation amongst young salmonids. In some field experiments the fish were constrained in screened reaches and the option of downstream dispersal for the surplus fry was thus excluded. In order to explore some aspects of downstream dispersal more closely under conditions which gave more control than is obtained in a natural stream, four experimental channels were set up at Grassholme reservoir in Teesdale. The report describes the results of investigations on the timing and rate of downstream movement of young brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) out of experimental channels, with special reference to the effect of water velocity on the rate of ”emigration”.


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Along with consumption shrimp, brown shrimp fisheries also land some shrimp too small for human consumption which are sieved out on land and have to be degenerated (“crushed shrimp”). This share is recorded in German official statistics besides a third fraction called “industrial shrimp”. In view of the MSC certification processes, sustainable fishing and the fishermen’s voluntary obligation to - in future - limit the shares of “crushed shrimp”, landings data from 2010 have been analysed. Depending on seasons the goal of less than 20% of “crushed shrimp” in German landings was not met in several months in 2010, especially in August, when more than 40% of the landings contained more than the proposed amount. The processing procedures aboard the vessels are shortly discussed and the proposal is made to rather increase net selectivity than use wider sieves for the cooked fraction before landing. Cooking and processing small and later rejected shrimp is an uneconomic action. Reducing the share of “crushed shrimp” serves the idea of sustainable use of shrimp stocks as well as of sound economics.