72 resultados para Volunteers in Service to America.
This article is an attempt to devise a method of using certain species of Corixidae as a basis for the assessment of general water quality in lakes. An empirical graphical representation of the distribution of populations or communities of Corixidae in relation to conductivity, based mainly on English and Welsh lakes, is used as a predictive monitoring model to establish the "expected" normal community at a given conductivity, representing the total ionic concentration of the water body. A test sample from another lake of known conductivity is then compared with "expected" community. The "goodness of fit" is examined visually or by calculation of indices of similarity based on the relative proportions of the constituent species of each community. A computer programme has been devised for this purpose.
In species of Cladocera not forming ephippia, the latent eggs have a sheath formed by glands of the reproductive canals. Representatives of the families Daphniidae and Moinidae Goulden, 1968, in connection with the formation of their complex-structured ephippia, lost these glands. It was investigated whether there are such glands in species the latent eggs of which are enclosed in primitive ephippia. For this, with the help of histological methods, 55 females of Acroperus elongatus (Sars) (Chydoridea) and 88 females of Lathonura rectirostris (O. F. Muller), (Macrothricidae) were collected near Leningrad, were studied.
Catchability and activity of Perca fluviatilis in relation to temperature is examined. The number of fish caught and water temperature during the 3 summer months was used the assess the numbers of hours of activity of perch. Parallel to the research on activity, large-scale marking was carried out to establish the periods of growth during the year.
Laboratory research was done in order to study the feeding of larval Cricotopus silvestris F. in relation to characters of structure of oral apparatus. Results of the experiments are summarised and the oral apparatus morhologically described.
Alligator mississippiensis (American Alligators) demonstrated low hatchrate success and increased adult mortality on Lake Griffin, FL, between 1998 and 2003. Dying Lake Griffin alligators with symptoms of poor motor coordination were reported to show specific neurological impairment and brain lesions. Similar lesions were documented in salmonines that consumed clupeids with high thiaminase levels. Therefore, we investigated the diet of Lake Griffin alligators and compared it with alligator diets from two lakes that exhibited relatively low levels of unexplained alligator mortality to see if consumption of Dorosoma cepedianum (gizzard shad) could be correlated with patterns of mortality. Shad in both lakes Griffin and Apopka had high levels of thiaminase and Lake Apopka alligators were consuming greater amounts of shad relative to Lake Griffin without showing mortality rates similar to Lake Griffin alligators. Therefore, a relationship between shad consumption alone and alligator mortality is not supported.
This report presents the first attempt at a national assessment of an Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) for dissolved oxygen (DO) in estuaries with the objective of allowing the passage of migratory salmonids. Under the Control of Pollution Act, Water Authorities and River Purification Boards have powers to control discharges to estuaries and need to define an EQS for the calculation of consent conditions. The object of any such standards is to permit the existence of good quality salmonid fisheries with only very occasional restrictions to the passage of fish. The report gives brief summaries of the DO regime in estuaries, the oxygen requirements of salmonids, and of tentative standards proposed by various authorities. These standards are then compared with DO and fishery data from UK estuaries, provided by the appropriate regulatory authorities. It concludes that a minimum annual lower 95-percentile of 5.0 mg/1 will meet the objective in most estuaries, and that a lower value of 3.0 mg/1 will permit the establishment of a more restricted fishery. However, more stringent standards may be needed in estuaries containing high concentrations of toxic pollutants. containing high concentrations of toxic pollutants.
The temperature of water in a river system affects fish in various ways; it has an influence on feeding habits, movement and metabolism. All fish vary in their ability to tolerate fluctuations in temperature, but those that live in a reasonably stable environment are more sensitive to major changes (tropical fish) than are salmon which can tolerate abrupt changes. The body temperature of the majority of fish differs from that of the surrounding water by only 0.5 to 1.0 degrees, and changes in temperature can, in many cases, be a signalling factor for some process, for example spawning, migration or feeding. It has been found, after monitoring the activity in 2,623 salmon in the River Lune, that they live in a water temperature of 0-17 degrees. Whilst salmon ova can develop in a temperature range of 0-12 degrees, spawning takes place within a much closer range, and these tolerances will be found in the Report. This report offers data and analysis of fish movement correlated to water temperature for the years 1964/65.
The problem of the Lancashire River Authority is one of deciding the river flow which will meet the requirements of the water engineer in his endeavour to secure water for the public and industry, demands of fish populations, and the needs of anglers. This report analyses salmon catch data from anglers in the River Lune (north west England) and relates it to flow range. The years 1956-1967 are covered.
This report covers the upstream movement of 1,719 salmon in the River Leven during the year 1965. An analysis of river levels taken at hourly intervals from April to November 1965 correlated to fish movement at the exact river level when fish moved is provided. The report concludes that major quantities of water from the Rivers Lune and Leven can be made available for domestic and industrial supply without harming the fisheries.
This paper highlights the social and economic importance of coarse and stillwater trout fisheries and explains the UK Environment Agency's aim, its policies and processes, and its powers for managing and regulating these fisheries, concluding with reasoned proposals for change.
This paper gives the results of the Environment Agency's research into the canal close season to the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Review Group. It presents the findings of the research, explains why the research was undertaken and how it relates to the Agency's duties. The background for this report includes that angling representative bodies have long argued that the existing situation in which somecanals have a close season and others do not, is unsatisfactory.
Sediments are an essential component of rivers and of their biological functioning. In addition to their influence on river geomorphology (maintenance of river forms and habitats such as pools and sand bars), sediments also include nutrients, detritus and organic debris of various sizes which interact with the river’s different life forms, including fish. The interaction between sediments and aquatic organisms, directly or indirectly through the effects of sediments on physical habitats, unquestionably influences the biodiversity and productivity of a river. The current report reviews the interactions between sediments and fish in tropical rivers and in the Mekong, and focuses more specifically on a reduction of sediment loads following dam const
Commercial bottom trawls often have sweeps to herd fish into the net. Elevation of the sweeps off the seaf loor may reduce seafloor disturbance, but also reduce herding effectiveness. In both field and laboratory experiments, we examined the behavior of flatfish in response to sweeps. We tested the hypotheses that 1) sweeps are more effective at herding flatfish during the day than at night, when fish are unable to see approaching gear, and that 2) elevation of sweeps off the seafloor reduces herding during the day, but not at night. In sea trials, day catches were greater than night catches for four out of six flatfish species examined. The elevation of sweeps 10 cm significantly decreased catches during the day, but not at night. Laboratory experiments revealed northern rock sole (Lepidopsetta polyxystra) and Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) were more likely to be herded by the sweep in the light, whereas in the dark they tended to pass under or over the sweep. In the light, elevation of the sweep reduced herding, and more fish passed under the sweep. In contrast, in the dark, sweep elevation had little effect upon the number of fish that exhibited herding behavior. The results of both field and laboratory experiments were consistent with the premise that vision is the principle sensory input that controls fish behavior and orientation to trawl gear, and gear performance will differ between conditions where flatfish can see, in contrast to where they cannot see, the approaching gear.
We examined whether the relationship between climate and salmon production was linked through the effect of climate on the growth of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) at sea. Smolt length and juvenile, immature, and maturing growth rates were estimated from increments on scales of adult sockeye salmon that returned to the Karluk River and Lake system on Kodiak Island, Alaska, over 77 years, 1924–2000. Survival was higher during the warm climate regimes and lower during the cool regime. Growth was not correlated with survival, as estimated from the residuals of the Ricker stock-recruitment model. Juvenile growth was correlated with an atmospheric forcing index and immature growth was correlated with the amount of coastal precipitation, but the magnitude of winter and spring coastal downwelling in the Gulf of Alaska and the Pacific Northwest atmospheric patterns that influence the directional bifurcation of the Pacific Current were not related to the growth of Karluk sockeye salmon. However, indices of sea surface temperature, coastal precipitation, and atmospheric circulation in the eastern North Pacific were correlated with the survival of Karluk sockeye salmon. Winter and spring precipitation and atmospheric circulation are possible processes linking survival to climate variation in Karluk sockeye salmon.
We tested the hypothesis that larger juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Bristol Bay, Alaska, have higher marine-stage survival rates than smaller juvenile salmon. We used scales from returning adults (33 years of data) and trawl samples of juveniles (n= 3572) collected along the eastern Bering Sea shelf during August through September 2000−02. The size of juvenile sockeye salmon mirrored indices of their marine-stage survival rate (e.g., smaller fish had lower indices of marine-stage survival rate). However, there was no relationship between the size of sockeye salmon after their first year at sea, as estimated from archived scales, and brood-year survival size was relatively uniform over the time series, possibly indicating size-selective mortality on smaller individuals during their marine residence. Variation in size, relative abundance, and marine-stage survival rate of juvenile sockeye salmon is likely related to ocean conditions affecting their early marine migratory pathways along the eastern Bering Sea shelf.