52 resultados para Test station


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In this document the monthly T-S diagrams and the regression lines of the temperature and salinity two weeks mean values have been drawn for 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 meters of depth. The annual variations of the dynamic height anomaly are represented for every coastal station from 1966 to 1980.


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Beach surface temperature is recorded every morning between 7h30 and 8h00 at each coastal station. On figure 2, 3, 4 and 5 it has been plotted daily variation and mean variation computed on 7, 15 and 30 days basis of sea surface temperature. However it seems that variations of dynamic height anomaly are reflecting more accurately the stages of the coastal upwelling than the sea surface temperature.


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In this report, accurate data from coastal stations and from the Vridi hydrological station were gathered. The used experiments took place from 1989 to 1991.


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Along the Ivorian seaboard we have seven (7) stations where sea water temperature is measured every morning between 7:30 and 8:00. The hydrologic station of Vridi located at point A (5°05N, 4°05W) is generally exploited twice a week. In this report we are going to deal with data collected in 1984 and 1985. The irregularity of the dynamic height at point A enables us to identify water masses that go over the continental plateau.


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In this report were gathered accurate data from coastal stations and from a hydrological station. The used experiments took place from 1986 to 1988.


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On tables 1 to 12, daily beach surface temperatures are presented. These temperatures are also ploted on figures 2 to 5 in daily values and in 7, 15, 30 days means. Salinity variations are less important than these of temperature (Fig. 6, 7). It follows that during upwelling period, variations of dynamic height anomaly are closely correlated with temperature (Fig. 6 and 8).


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Graphs of variations of zooplankton biomasses expressed as ash-free dry weight (i.e. organic matter) are presented for the 1969-1979 period. The graph of the average year shows: an enrichment season from mid-July till mid-November in which the biomass is 2.3 times higher than the rest of the year and characterized by a slight decrease of the biomass in late August or early September. The warm season is divided into a period of moderate biomass from November till February, a period of moderate biomass from November till February and a period of steady decline of the biomass till the start of the upwelling at the end of June.


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Rather than using more or less ideal conditions for setting experimental controls, the use of conditions similar to those likely to be encountered by farmers should produce research results which are realistically achievable on the farm. ICLARM has developed an approach to farmer-led experimentation which utilizes a spreadsheet to collate and analyze data collected from participating farmers. The simulation of actual management practices utilized by farmers produced results in replicated on-station trials which were within 11% of net yields on-farm. In addition to giving researchers a tool for comparing farm and station management practices, giving farmers a realistic indication of what yields will be if a technology is adopted should help overcome the problems of disillusionment often encountered when farm results fall below those expected by researchers on the basis of experiment station studies.


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Testing was conducted of a computer-assisted system for matching humpback whale tail flukes photographs. Trials with a 12,000-photographs database found no differences in match success between matching by computer and matching by comparing smaller catalogs ranging in size from 200 to 400 photographs. Tests with a 24,000-photographs database showed that, on average, the first match was found after examining about 130 photographs whether the photograph quality was excellent, good, or poor. Match success did not appear to be strongly related to whether the tail flukes had especially distinctive markings or pigment patterns (recognition quality). An advantage of computer-assisted matching is the ability to compare new photographs to the entire North Pacific collection, where no bias is introduced based on expectation of resightings within or between specific areas, or based on expectation of behavioral role (e.g. matching “known” females to “known” females).


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Organisms were collected on test panels, six inch lengths of dressed two by four inch pine, suspended in the water in a vertical position as described by Turner (1947). The panels were usually located at some convenient structure such as a dock-piling or sea-wall. Except where otherwise indicated by the data, the samples were collected from each station once a month between May 1950 and May 1953. During the three year period, seven hundred and nineteen panels were submerged in Chesapeake Bay. Approximately 14,000 organisms were encountered on these panels of which 20% or approximately 3,000 organisms could be identified from the dried pallets. Preliminary notes on the extent of fouling were made in the field after which the samples were removed to the laboratory for further study.