51 resultados para Stein, Karl, Freiherr vom und zum, 1757-1831.


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Based on the results from egg and larvae surveys, mackerel and horse mackerel are thought to form three more or less distinct stocks each in the North Sea and in the waters west of the British Isles. These are firstly the southern stocks in the southern part of the English Channel, Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay, secondly the North Sea and finally the western stocks of both species, loeated between the Shetlands and southern Norway. It is argued here that in view of the high mobility and the extended seasonal migrations of both species a c1ear separation of the stocks can hardly be maintained. In this context the results of the 1995 mackerel and horse mackerel egg survey to the southern spawning location is presented.


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An account of the occurrenee of tainting in fish and seafood with special consideration of spring spawning herring from the Baltic Sea (estuary of the river Oder) is given. About 26 % of the herring samples examined by sensory methods showed tainting. In general the intensity of taint was weak or moderate and weaker as observed years ago. Also in fishery products (pickled herring, deep fried herring in marinade) processed from tainted herrings the same or a similar sensory intensity of taint as in the raw material was observed. The source of taint is not dear. A pollution with halogenphenols from the sea water could be possible. In further investigations we will monitor the further development and try to identify the tainting compounds.


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Der vorliegende Artikel aktualisiert frühere Informationen zum gleichen Thema (NEUDECKER, 1989a). Alle verwendeten Daten stammen entweder vom Statistischen Bundesamt in Wiesbaden, das sämtliche deutsche Einfuhren registriert, die von den Zolldienststellen erfaßt werden, oder von den deutschen Austernproduzenten selbst.


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