29 resultados para Standing crop


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Zooplankton standing crop and proximate principals were estimated for 8 coastal and 13 oceanic stations of the northern Arabian Sea during March 1991. Biomass did not show any significant difference (p < 0.05) between coastal and oceanic waters. Protein was the principal biochemical component among proximate principals with an average value of 29.6% in coastal and 34.2% in the oceanic zone, suggesting that protein form a major metabolic reserve. Other components such as lipids and carbohydrate seem to be low in tropical zooplankton. The organic carbon and caloric density did not show significant correlation. Average caloric density was 2.5 k.cal super(-1). The average standing stock was 9.25 mg m super(-3) and 5.90 mg m super(-3) for coastal and oceanic water, respectively. Coastal region is more productive than oceanic region in terms of standing crop, as expected.


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This paper records the results of investigations of plankton, benthic fauna and fish fauna carried out between 1957 and 1963. The standing crop of net plankton in the lake was found to be 249.6 Kg/ha. This plankton is not being fully utilized by the fish fauna in the lake. Stocking the lake with a plankton feeder like Chanos chanos (Forskal) is recommended. The figure of 24.37 Kg/ha obtained for the standing crop of bottom fauna in the lake was comparatively low. This indicates that the bottom fauna is being fully utilized by the fish. The introduction and establishment of Tilapia mossambica (Peters) had not wiped out a single indigenous species of fish from the lake that produces about 2,000 lbs. of fish per acre per year. This can be increased by the introduction of a plankton feeder (Chanos chanos), and by further exploitation of existing stock.


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The bed Shakla, comprising an average area of 75.0 ha is located in the northeastern region (Brahmanbaria district) of Bangladesh. The study was carried out to assess the ecological aspects of bed ecosystem. Surface run-off and increase inflow of rain water from the upper stretch during monsoon cause inundation and resumption of connection between beel and parent rivers. The range of dissolved oxygen (DO) content ( 4.5-8.9 mg/L) was found congenial for aquatic life. pH was in the alkaline range (7.3-8.5) and free C02 was reletavely high. Lower values of total hardness and total alkalinity indicated less nutrients in the beel water. A wide variation (1.4-27.2 x 103 ceHs/L) in the standing crop of total plankton was recorded during study period of which phytoplankton alone contributed about 90%. Phytoplankton diversity in the beel represented by three groups viz. Chlorophyceae, Myxophyceae and Bacillariophyceae in order of abundance. A total of 52 fish species belonging to 36 genera, 20 families and 1 species of prawn were identified so far from the beel. About l3 types of fishing method were found in operation. Seine nets (moshari berja, ghono berjal) and gill net (current jal) were identified as detrimental gear killing juveniles of different species during post spawning period. Kua fishing was also found harmful due to dewatering nature. A total of 11 species belonging to 11 genera and 10 families of aquatic weeds were identified from the beet The eggs of Macrobrachium Jamarrei were identified into the Najas najas vegetation during April-September.


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Investigation on the seasonal distribution and abundance of various major taxa of phyto and zooplankton and the corresponding physico-chemical characteristics were carried out in four selected stations between the latitude 22°35.494N N-23°23.987 N and longitude 90°35.793 E- 90°49.061 E of the Meghna river system, Bangladesh. Drop count method was followed for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of both phyto- and zooplankton. A total of 41 phytoplankton genera belonging to 17 families and 13 zooplankton genera belonging to 11 families were recorded. Zooplankton growth cycle was noticeably less (3.0%) than the phytoplankton abundance almost throughout the study period. Quantity of plankton registered to increase chronologically from the upper to lower stretches of the river. During summer investigation the load of phytoplankton was recorded maximum (11,300-51,850 No/1). Ratio-wise quantitative difference between zoo- and phytoplankton in composition of the total standing crop fluctuated between 1.0:5.5 and 1:1037. Among the phytoplanktonic groups, Chlorophyceae was found to be dominating (95.0%) in all sampling stations. Protococcus, a single genus of Chlorophyceae played a unique role during summer, contributing the highest density of about 74.0%. The pattern of qualitative and quantitative difference of plankton standing crop in different sampling sites can be attributed to the existing physico-chemical characteristics, mainly water temperature, pH and hardness.


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Growth, survival and food conversion ratio (FCR) of Cyprinus carpio in cages at different stocking density were studied in Kaptai lake. Fingerlings of common carp (12.47 ± 4.29 g) were stocked at 25/m2 , 50/m2 and 75/m2 each with replication in six floating net cages each of Sm x Sm x 4m and reared for 240 days. The growth rate was inversely related to the stocking density with the mean weights of 325.5 ± 11.74 g, 268.99± 8.44 g and 167.0 ± 11.66 g at low, medium and high densities, respectively. At harvest, standing crop biomass averaged 7 .82, 12.83 and 11.58 kg with the survival of 98.9%, 97.6% and 94.4% and food conversion ratios of 4.51, 3.82 and 4.21 for the above three densities, respectively. Weight gain and production at density 25 fish/m 2 were significantly different (p< 0.01) from other two densities. Water quality was not affected in the cages having different stocking densities.


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This study looks at the distribution and magnitude of acidification and eutrophication in south-east England where there are no natural lakes but a large number of shallow artificial ponds. The study area is defined as the region lying within a 100 km radius of central London but excluding the area within the M25 motorway. Water samples were taken from 120 sites between mid-January and the end of February 1990, with a subsequent monthly survey of a subset of 31 of these waters. Twelve chemical variables were measured in the laboratory using standard techniques. PH values for the full dataset ranged from 3.2 to 8.4, although the majority of sites had pH values in the range 7.0 to 8.5; only five sites had a pH of less than 6.0. The five low pH sites expectedly had low alkalinities and are the only sites with values below 0.1 meq per litre. Concentrations of calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, sulphate and nitrate had normal distributions. The majority of sites had total phosphorus concentrations in the range 25 to 200 mu g per litre, although 10 sites had concentrations above 400 mu g per litre. The low number of acid sites suggests that surface water acidity is not a widespread regional problem in south-east England. However the survey shows that a large number of standing waters in the region have high total phosphorus and nitrate concentrations, and 89% may be considered moderately to considerably eutrophic.


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Under the EC Water Framework Directive (WFD), each Member State is required to devise a comprehensive national monitoring programme for surface waters, incorporating hydromorphological, physico-chemical and biological elements. This paper describes one aspect of the biota - the macrophyte flora - to classify standing waters and to monitor their water quality. The evolution of this method is described and suggestions for its future development are made.


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The use of antibiotics and other chemicals in controlling shrimp pathogens become ineffective as the strains grow more resistant to these chemicals. Moreover, the bacterial pathogen (Vibrio harveyi) produced biofilm coating that protects it from dying and disinfection procedures that are followed during pond preparation. Biological control is being considered as an alternative means of preventing shrimp disease outbreak. The main principle behind biological control is to enhance the growth of beneficial microorganisms which serve as antagonists or target pathogens. The paper discusses shrimp and tilapia crop rotation as a form of effective biological control, a technique which is already being practiced in Indonesia and the Philippines.


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Distribution of zooplankton along two transects at Karwar and Ratnagiri, west coast of India, was studied. The standing stock of zooplankton was relatively high in the neritic zone with the highest value [358 ml/100 m super(3)] in the area off Ratnagiri due to the aggregation of fish larvae and hydromedusae. Maximum zooplankton production in these areas was noticed with the low temperature and low dissolved oxygen during postmonsoon season. At Karwar the highest biomass [188 ml/100 m super(3)] was observed from the nearshore station due to swarms of the cladoceran Penilia avirostris and the pteropod Cresis acicula when the salinity was low. The fluctuations in numerical abundance and percentage composition of all the major planktonic groups are discussed. The fishery of these areas is compared with the zooplankton standing stock.


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This study examines the relative profitability of rice-fish culture and rice mono-crop production at Gouripur thana of Mymensingh district. The results of the study show that the rice-fish farming was economically more rewarding than the rice mono-crop farming, although both the farming activities were found profitable over cash as well as full costs. In addition to extra earnings from fish, the rice-fish farming produced significantly a higher yield of rice requiring very minimum extra cost for fish. Rice-fish farming also reduced variability in yield of and return from rice.


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Tripura is a densely populated small state with meagre water resources. 47.51% of the population is constituted by socio-economically backward, illiterate, orthodox, tribal and scheduled castes. Some of them are nomad and a majority of the rest of the population is refugees from Bangladesh, but almost 100% is fish eater. Settlement of tribes in villages, provision of nutritious food and employment therefore calls for proper utilization of every resource they have. The State is poor in water resources but recently has created 21,636.23 ha of new water area. Tripura is rich in pig population, besides poultry birds. Paddy is the main crop cultivated in arable lands. An integration of livestock raising and land based agriculture with pisciculture practices around mini barrages will help in solving the problems to a great extent. The paper is an attempt to outline the prospects of integration of aquaculture with animal husbandry and land based crop culture in Tripura State.


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The paper examines the factor intensity and economic returns of alternate shrimp-crop and shrimp-salt farming in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. Data were collected from 30 shrimp-crop and 30 shrimp-salt farmers, 30 shrimp farmers and 30 rice farmers from three selected coastal districts of Bangladesh. Cobb-Douglas production function model was used to determine the effect of various factors on alternate shrimp-crop farming. The chosen variables were stocking of juveniles, paddy seed, labour, fertilizers, feed and farm size of respective type of farming. The results indicated that the production function exhibited increasing remrns to scale for alternate shrimp-rice, alternate shrimp-salt and year round shrimp farming while it indicated decreasing returns for year round rice farming. Economic analysis of same system of farming indicated that higher amount of input use produced higher level of yield, gross return and net return for each type of production system.


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Standing stock of three principal demersal fishes of the inshore waters off Mangalore was assessed. The assessment was based on fortnightly samplings conducted in an area extending over ca 850 km². The data gathered was computed employing Alverson's methods. The standing stock of Nemipterus japonicus, Saurida tumbil and Grammoplites scaber indicates that this area supports good quantities of these fishes and if properly exploited, will sustain a profitable demersal fishery.